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Google će ponovo biti pod istragom ZBOG KRAĐE PODATAKA
PhatPhuck Google će ponovo biti pod istragom ZBOG KRAĐE PODATAKA 13.06.2012. 23:49 T46218

status: user
broj poruka: 1886
Zbog masovne i bezobzirne usputne i NAMERNE `žetve`/krađe privatnih podataka stanovnika Britanije, dok su automobili `Google Street View` projekta išli ulicama Vel. Britanije i snimali sve živo - i slike privatnih kuća, i šta ljudi rade u svojim dvorištima, a i ujedno su WIRELESS ANTENE Google-ovih automobila usput `kupile` i privatne podatke ljudi, kao što su lozinke/log in podaci, bankarske transakcije, i sve ostalo što su mogli da `pokupe` svojim antenama...

Video reportaža: http://www.bloomberg.com/video/94556305-google-faces-new-street-view-probe-by-regulator.html


`When Google first sent its sinister fleet of vans to photograph every home in Britain for its Street View project, it provoked a palpable wave of alarm.
Householders objected to this flagrant invasion of privacy, and voiced their well-founded fears that burglars would use the website as a guide to lucrative and vulnerable targets.
Then it transpired not only were these ubiquitous vehicles taking pictures of buildings and gardens, but also ‘harvesting’ information from home computers and laptops as they swept by.
The apparent aim was secretly to construct profiles of people by snooping on their emails and internet preferences – a priceless commodity to advertisers.
When first challenged, Google flatly denied capturing any personal data. A few weeks later it admitted collecting fragments of information but said this was because of a ‘mistake’.

Now we discover the all-too creepy truth – that software designed by Google engineers to steal personal information was fitted to Street View vans specifically to capture emails and other data.
And what has the Information Commissioner done about this monstrous intrusion? Very little.
Incredibly, an investigation concluded in late 2010 that any collection of personal data by Google had been ‘inadvertent’.
But Google is one of the most powerful and calculating organisations in the world. It simply doesn’t do ‘inadvertent’.`


Revealed: Tories have held cosy meetings with Google every month since election
David Cameron (premijer Vel. Britanije) has met web giant three times. George Osborne (Ministar Finansija), four times
In total, 23 meetings between Tory ministers and Google since June 2010

OTKRIVENO: Najviši članovi Partije Torijevaca (vladajuća konzerv. partija u V. Britaniji), PREMIJER i MINISTAR FINANSIJA, redovno se sastajali sa predstavnicima Gugla SVAKOG MESECA otkad su izabrani na vlast

`Those who want respect - give respect.` - Anthony J. Soprano
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Milunka Dzabe se trudis.... 20.06.2012. 18:13 #426186

status: user
broj poruka: 1624
Ubuduce cemo ziveti u Matrixu, i tu nista nemoze da se promeni...

Dok jednog dana nas sve ne spasi nekakav Neo ... Tuzno ali u tom pravcu ide buducnost.

Moderno ropstvo je tu, od ere kompjutera, sirom sveta ljudi su uveliko robovi, Sva ziva licna dokumenta cipovana, na mnogim mestima nemozes da radis ako ti ne znaju FACEBOOK ! ? ! i to im je em dostupan, em mora da vodis racuna sta radis sa njim.

Uskoro cemo i mi svi nositi sa sobom cipove, pa cemo i po rodjenju verovatno imati ugradjene cipove,

i na kraju jedino vidim MATRIX . . . Ili onaj film Gde glumi Brus Vilis, kad ljudi nista ne rade , vec sede kuci , onda udju i sanduk , i odatle upravljaju svojim robotom - kopijom ....

asus p7p55d-e & intel i5 750 @ 4ghz/`Gainward` gtx470- referentna cista nvidia :-)/2x4gb exeleram black s. 1600 cl9/ssd patrior 60gb + samsung f4 2tb.Samsung F2380. audio- Pioneer A9, dayens Premium monitori, vufer JBL sub 135.

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