`An illegal file-sharing website has been taken off line after a cyber attack by a mystery hacker. The Pirate Bay, which enables people to download files, music and films without paying, was suddenly bombarded with internet traffic which overwhelmed its servers. The so-called Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attack left the site largely inaccessible for the last 24 hours, with only intermittent service in the UK. The Pirate Bay took to its Facebook page to confirm the attack, saying that it did not know who was behind it, although it ‘had its suspicions’.`
pa shvatas valjda da mozda radi za vladu... @PhatPhuck, nadam se da ce proraditi jer masu najkorisnijih stvari skidam odatle...
:: :: Šalu na stranu, baš je našao/našli/našla... šta će da obara. Maltene je učinio uslugu vladama i njihovoj borbi protiv užasne piraterije :: :: Probaj da se ne nasmeje :: :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p32OC97aNq :: ::
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