Ne treba ti vise programa, Skype radi sa po principu ko se ulogovao - program je njegov. Ti treba da iskljucis automatsko logovanje. Idi na `Sign out`, i onda dole u prozoru odčekiraj `Sign me in when Skype starts`. To ce zahtevati da se prvo uloguje svako onaj ko hoce da koristi program. Dva Skype-a ne mogu istovremeno.
Sramota je na višekorisničkom sistemu imati samo jedan nalog. Kreiraj još jedan nalog - korisnika na tom računaru, ili, još koliko vas ima da jašete na njemu, nije to bezveze napravljeno. Sugerišem i da ne budete obojica ili svi administratori, ali, na volju ti. Kad napraviš više naloga, skype će se ponašati - kao i ostali programi - kao da rade na potpuno drugoj mašini i može svako od vas da se loguje nezavisno, ima svoj mail-nalog itd. itd. itd. Ovo eskiviranje sa malo-ja-malo-ti je kao kad ideš kod kurave, kad-tad svi pokupe sifilis. Next - Next - Next - Accept - Ok ...? Eh? Jbt!!!
....ako je to hteo da pita, a ja promašio. Sa iste IP adrese, ne može imati u isto vreme aktivna dva naloga. Skype je peer-to-peer baziran program, i, to funkcioniše na osnovu jednoznačne IP adrese u toku jedne sesije. Next - Next - Next - Accept - Ok ...? Eh? Jbt!!!
On a Windows OS you can run another Skype instance at the same time if you start the second with another Windows user account. Example 1. Make sure you have another user account (login) for your Windows. 2. Right click the Skype icon and select `Run as...` 3. On the next screen click `The following user:` and select one different from the one you are currently logged in as on your computer. 4. Voila - another Skype opening which can be used independently from your first Skype instance. You can even make calls between them on the same computer
Additional tip from JP White.
To help automate the `run as` trick you can create a second desktop icon for Skype and modify its properties. Click the advanced button and check the box `run with different credentials`. After clicking on the modified icon it will ask you to sign in as another user. Changing the icon graphic also helps ensures you click on the correct icon.
If you have multiple USB headsets or USB Phones you should be able to setup both instances of Skype to use a different sound device
:: :: On a Windows OS you can run another Skype instance at the same time if you start the second with another Windows user account. Exampl :: 1. Make sure you have another user account (login) for your Windows :: 2. Right click the Skype icon and select `Run as... :: 3. On the next screen click `The following user:` and select one different from the one you are currently logged in as on your computer :: 4. Voila - another Skype opening which can be used independently from your first Skype instance. You can even make calls between them on the same compute :: :: :: :: Additional tip from JP White :: :: To help automate the `run as` trick you can create a second desktop icon for Skype and modify its properties. Click the advanced button and check the box `run with different credentials`. After clicking on the modified icon it will ask you to sign in as another user. Changing the icon graphic also helps ensures you click on the correct icon :: :: If you have multiple USB headsets or USB Phones you should be able to setup both instances of Skype to use a different sound devic
Hvala na pomoci !! Tvoj ADDITIONAL TIP mi je pravo resenje ! Probao sam i `goranvu` -ov savet, ni to nije lose.
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