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Pristup Internetu
Hajde da ih testiramo!!!
pasduh Hajde da ih testiramo!!! 29.01.2009. 21:10 T15022

status: user
broj poruka: 451
Moji podaci testiranja za beotel.
Bas me zanima situacija kod drugih jer sve vise se prica o traffic shaping-u.


Results for your host (xx.xxx.xx.xx -xx.xxx.xx.xx):
Is BitTorrent traffic on a well-known BitTorrent port (6883) throttled?

* The BitTorrent upload (seeding) worked. Our tool was successful in uploading data using the BitTorrent protocol.

* There`s no indication that your ISP rate limits your BitTorrent uploads. In our tests a TCP upload achieved minimal 104 Kbps while a BitTorrent upload achieved maximal 105 Kbps. You can find details here.

* The BitTorrent download worked. Our tool was successful in downloading data using the BitTorrent protocol.

* There`s no indication that your ISP rate limits your BitTorrent downloads. In our tests a TCP download achieved minimal 747 Kbps while a BitTorrent download achieved maximal 749 Kbps. You can find details here.

Is BitTorrent traffic on a non-standard BitTorrent port (10011) throttled?

* The BitTorrent upload (seeding) worked. Our tool was successful in uploading data using the BitTorrent protocol.

* There`s no indication that your ISP rate limits your BitTorrent uploads. In our tests a TCP download achieved minimal 105 Kbps while a BitTorrent download achieved maximal 105 Kbps. You can find details here.

* The BitTorrent download worked. Our tool was successful in downloading data using the BitTorrent protocol.

* There`s no indication that your ISP rate limits your BitTorrent downloads. In our tests a TCP download achieved minimal 745 Kbps while a BitTorrent download achieved maximal 753 Kbps. You can find details here.

Is TCP traffic on a well-known BitTorrent port (6883) throttled?

* There`s no indication that your ISP rate limits all downloads at port 6883. In our test, a TCP download on a BitTorrent port achieved at least 747 Kbps while a TCP download on a non-BitTorrent port achieved at least 745 Kbps. You can find details here.

* There`s no indication that your ISP rate limits all uploads at port 6883. In our test, a TCP upload on a BitTorrent port achieved at least 104 Kbps while a TCP upload on a non-BitTorrent port achieved at least 105 Kbps. You can find details here.
one way or another
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