Many people have different styles of overclocking. Some like to move at 2-3Mhz FSB at a time, other like to jump up to a goal and see if they can make it stable. However, the best way to go about overclock your system is to first research. ⢠Go into your BIOS and become familiar with it. Know each setting and what it does. Know what different voltages settings adjust, how they affect stability, and what other settings will do to help your performance. This can be down the easy way by asking and researching, or done the hard way by trial and error. ⢠Look around for other people with the same or similar systems. Get an idea of what they have accomplished. Then create a goal. ⢠Once you have a goal create a chart of different memory speeds, NBCCs, and FSB values leading up to your goal. Once you have an idea of what your system is capable of and what your goal is, it is time to start overclocking. If you have discovered through your research that certain settings should always be set a different way to ensure stability and performance, go ahead and do that. Examples of such settings would be disabling Intel SpeedStep, and setting your BIOS to manual (Jumper Free) control.
You can now take two methods to overclocking: ⢠Leave all your voltages at stock settings. Set your memory to a 1:1 ratio with stock timings. Gradually increase your FSB by anywhere between 5Mhz and 25Mhz at a time, each time booting into windows and running a test such as Orthos or SuperPi. You can run Orthos for 15 to 30 minutes or run a 32 million digit SuperPi test. If your system passes these tests without a problem you can continue increase your FSB. Once your system either will not pass the test or fails to boot it is time to increase your voltages. Depending on your settings, you will increase different voltages. If your memory is still not yet running near its stock rated setting you are safe with that. Try increasing your CPU voltage or your NB voltage. Continue this process of increasing FSB and voltage as necessary until you reach your goal. Always be mindful of what your NBCC is. You need to know what strap you are in, and where you are in your current strap. If you hit a âwallâ where it seems like no level of voltage will make you system stable, try increasing your FSB by 20 or 30Mhz, or to the next known NB strap. At some point you may find that you are having errors in terms of Windows booting because of hard drive corruption or you may find video card instability. This is your cue to increase your SB (Southbridge) voltage and lock your PCI to 33.33Mhz and your PCIe to 100Mhz. This will help ensure stability. If you continue to have stability issues you can increase your PCIe frequency even further. However, I would not run more than 110Mhz. Always leave your PCI frequency at 33.33Mhz. ⢠The second method is to increase all your voltages to high levels. This would include setting your NB and SB to maximum values and probably increasing your memory voltage. Then you set your FSB right to your goal speed. Once you have done this, you also run Orthos or SuperPi. If your system is stable on Orthos for 15 to 30 minutes or passes a 32 million digit Super Pi test you can lower your CPU, memory, NB, and SB voltages. Continue to do this until your system does not pass the tests. Once you reach the point where your system does not pass, go up to the last known point of stability. Now that you have found a series of voltages and FSB that are within your goal level you want to begin long term testing of the system. Run a 12 to 24 hour Orthos test. If the system passes this test, you can try to increase your memory ratio or tighten the timings. After any adjustment run another 6-24 hour Orthos test.
Kad sam raspolozen ja za recimo dva dana koliko bi trajalo to silno testiranje i pokusaji OC-a zaradin 200â¬, ma zabole me da testiram i OC nedelju dana da bi mi procesor radio na 3.2 umesto na 2.7-2.9 jer je razlika u ceni daleko manja nego sto ja mogu da napravim para za utroseno vreme za testiranje stabilnosti OC-og racunara.
Mislite o tome !?!?!?!?!?!
Laku noc Srbijo ma gde i ma kolika bila !!!
P.S. Nista od ovoga ne vazi ako nista ne radis, ako si zaludan i imas visak slobodnog vremena koje ce roditelji da finansiraju. Ovo drugo = PARAZIT !!!
Overclocking je hobi... Ãinjenica: Ne mora da se sedi pored Prime-a 95 dok on radi 6 sati.
P.S. Koliko para si mogao da zaradiš dok si otkucao 775 postova na forumu tamo neke PCBerze, ili dok si radio bilo šta drugo što smatraš bilo kakvom vrstom zabave ili razonode, a u isto vreme ne donosi materijalnu korist.
Covece promasio si poentu, pravljenje para nije hobi nego egzistencija. A pitanje je koji je vremenski period za tih 775 postova, poseteno receno ima ljudi koji su imali 100 postova kad sam ja imao 650 oni sad imaju 2x vise od mene. i uzgred verovatno mi je trebalo manje od nedelju dana kad se sve sakupi tako da je ostalo vremena bar za 100E koliko je razlika od intel krsa do intel proceosra.
Uostalom i oni sto klokuju se oglasavaju na forumu pa smo tu egal...
Sto kaze moj kolega `dok sam mu ja kupovao patike onda su sve ispod 100E bile divca, a sad kako ih on kupuje od svoje plate dobre su i one od 3000 ALI DINARA...` ovo je bilo apropo hobija
Laku noc Srbijo ma gde i ma kolika bila !!!
:: Overclocking je hobi.. :: Ãinjenica: Ne mora da se sedi pored Prime-a 95 dok on radi 6 sati :: :: P.S. Koliko para si mogao da zaradiš dok si otkucao 775 postova na forumu tamo neke PCBerze, ili dok si radio bilo šta drugo što smatraš bilo kakvom vrstom zabave ili razonode, a u isto vreme ne donosi materijalnu korist :: :: No disrespect!
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