Pre neki dan sam postavio pitanje ima li neko ideju kako da rešim problem hdd-a kojeg bios ne prepoznaje a ispravan je (mislim na hdd). Poslušao sam Bax-a, pogledao preporučeni link, učinio sve što sam mogao, rasturio ceo laptop u sitne komade, skidao bateriju CMOS-a, na kraju update-ovao BIOS i ništa nisam uradio. Naime, posle svih peripetija BIOS i dalje ne vidi HDD ali kad pokrenem Live verziju XP-a, instalaciju XP, Linux ili bilo šta drugo što se pokreće sa cd-a oni vide HDD. Šta mi preporučujete dalje? Ovo još nisam doživeo! Što se tiče instalacije XP-a, uredno formatira hdd, prekopira fajlove ali kad treba da nastavi dalje ne može jer ne vidi hdd.
Tu se nešto zbiva što se nikako ne slaže. U životu još nisam bio u situaciji da mi BIOS ne vidi HDD, ali ga ga OS ili Live XX OS preporznaje.
Oči mi ispadoše od čitanja al našao sam ovo: (nadam se da nemaš problema sa EN jezikom)
hi guys, i was stumbling with the same error,
i changed my hard drive on my toshiba tecra s1, and then i was getting the pxe-e61 ,media test failing.
i was shure that the dirve was not bad, becuase i was using it in another laptop.
the strange thing was that the drive wasn’t recognised in the bios ( showing no hd) but booting from win xp cd and trying to install os, the hd was regualary shown in the windows partition creation utility.
with the idediag utility of a dos disk i could relaize that the drive was setted as a slave, even if the pin out of the hard drive was in master mode.
so i tought it was a problem involving the cable select mode. in fact, finding out the toshiba drive pin out i setted in like cable select, and grounded the pin 28 ( as reported in the toshiba hd pin out diagram) and the drive finaly worked as master.
after that the pxe-e61 was gone ad was possible to install os.
so guys, check with a dos program if your hard drive is really setted as master, in case of none, adjust the pin of your hd according with the manufacturer pin out.
Pokrenuo sam ide diag utility iz DOS-a i HDD je prepoznat kao primary master Toshiba MK2018GAP (M1.42A), znači nije isti problem kao kod onog lika ali i dalje BIOS ne vidi HDD!? Knoppix regularno radi i vidi sve fajlove na HDD-u kojei su se prekopirali za instalaciju XP-a. Imaš li još neku ideju?
Izgleda sa BIOS proverava boot sektore i boot particiju i ne dozvoljava da HDD bude izabran kao Boot device ukoliko smatra da nešto od boot komponenata nije u redu.
`it is not only in the media boot order but also in some other BIOS setting that this problem can be influenced. Which it is I don’t know but certainly giving restoration of default BIOS setting a try in your situation is worth of trying`
Jesi probao to load factory settings ?
I had the PXE-E61 msg. Here is what I did to fix: 1) Reset BIOS to default settings. 2) Unplug everything - RAM, CDROM, Hard Drive, power cord, and battery. 2) Reseat everything - RAM (I moved it to the 2nd slot), Hard Drive, CDROM drive, battery, and power cord.
Negde sam iskopao nešto o tome da postoji mogućnost da nateraš laptop da preskoči proveru HDD-a u BIOS i nastavi dalje ali je potrebno prčkanje po ploči da bi se to uradilo. Ajde prvo da probamo sve moguće.
Dalje 2:
If you see this error message on startup but after that your laptop boot into Windows, you’ll have to change the boot order in the BIOS setup menu and set the hard drive as the first bootable device. Apparently, the laptop is trying to boot from LAN before the hard drive. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ On je naučen u špijunsko-terorističkim centrima da sve pamti...
PXE has to do with booting from the network. Since you have the HD as the first boot device, this indicates the HD is either failing or some connector is lose.
Try this, go into BIOS Setup and disable Boot from Network (wording is different on every machine, may say Integrated NIC, Network, PXE-xxxxxxx).
I don`t think disabling this will resolve the problem though as the HD is the first boot device and should boot from there long before it tries to boot from the network.
Now if the CMOS battery is dead or dying as Murray S. mentioned, and the boot order is getting screwed up then replacing the battery and setting the boot order should resolve this. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ On je naučen u špijunsko-terorističkim centrima da sve pamti...
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