Kao sto naslov kaze kako da namestim 5 jacinu umesto 2.4 Imam SBB modem koji nudi oba e sad ja bi stavio 5 Koristim Totolink stick sa antenom i za sad samo mi daje 2.4 Pomagajte :)
Medjutim iz nekog razloga video je samo 2.4 nesto sam menjao kanale na ruteru ,vadio pa opet nabadao ruter i sad radi ko lud. Zaista nemam predstavu zasto nije hteo iz prve al ajde. Sto se tice podesavanja rutera samo sam stavio na automatik za 5G i to je to. Samo bih bio zahvalan ako neko moze da objasni setovanje da znam za buduce hvala jos jednom
:: da bi `pojačao` signal na 5 kupi usb stick koji radi na 5 GHz. :: :: Pozdrav :: :: Vlad :: ::
Promena kanala cesto pomaze. Evo jednog resenja slicnog problema:
24.12.2016. 01:24
status: user broj poruka: 10997
(podebljao sam deo teksta koji se tice podesavanja)
If your network adapter supports 5 ghz but will only connect to the 2.4 band. Try this: open adapter properties -> select configure -> select advanced -> look for a property called `disable bands` -> disable the 802.11 b/g band.
By doing this you allow your adapter to only `see` the 5 ghz band. You will have to manually go in and change the setting back in order to connect to a 2.4 ghz band again.
If you search on the net for ways to force 5 ghz, all you get is a bunch of people telling you to name your 2.4 and 5 ghz ssids differently, which is not always an option.
If your adapters advanced options do not allow you to disable the b/g bands then you will need to do something else
WiFi adapters will usually connect to a 2.4 band because 2.4 has greater range/signal strength. Many hotels have 2.4 and 5 ghz but they name every access point the exact same thing because they are a hotel, and hotels have to make things as simple as possible for the slower folks. So you end up with 30 access points, all in range and all the same ssid. Your adapter will show you ONE when you search for a connection. One third of the 2.4 ghz access points are on channel 1, a third are on 6 and a third are on 11 (why bother using the other channels I guess) The 5 ghz will have some on the low end 36/40, 44/48 and some on the high end 149/153m, 157/161. If your close to a 5 ghz access point then use it, if the 5 ghz bands have a low signal then use 2.4. You can find free wireless networking tools online that are easy to use. They are actually free and they will show you every wireless access point in range of your adapter whether they have the same name or if they are not broadcasting their ssid. If you don`t see any 5 ghz bands then there are none or you don`t have an adapter capable of connecting to them.
Re: Promena kanala cesto pomaze. Evo jednog resenja slicnog problema:
24.12.2016. 01:41
status: user broj poruka: 3730
Dubok naklon hvala puno
:: :: (podebljao sam deo teksta koji se tice podesavanja :: :: If your network adapter supports 5 ghz but will only connect to the 2.4 band. Try this: open adapter properties -> select configure -> select advanced -> look for a property called `disable bands` -> disable the 802.11 b/g band :: :: By doing this you allow your adapter to only `see` the 5 ghz band. You will have to manually go in and change the setting back in order to connect to a 2.4 ghz band again. :: :: If you search on the net for ways to force 5 ghz, all you get is a bunch of people telling you to name your 2.4 and 5 ghz ssids differently, which is not always an option. :: :: If your adapters advanced options do not allow you to disable the b/g bands then you will need to do something else :: :: WiFi adapters will usually connect to a 2.4 band because 2.4 has greater range/signal strength. Many hotels have 2.4 and 5 ghz but they name every access point the exact same thing because they are a hotel, and hotels have to make things as simple as possible for the slower folks. So you end up with 30 access points, all in range and all the same ssid. Your adapter will show you ONE when you search for a connection. One third of the 2.4 ghz access points are on channel 1, a third are on 6 and a third are on 11 (why bother using the other channels I guess) The 5 ghz will have some on the low end 36/40, 44/48 and some on the high end 149/153m, 157/161. If your close to a 5 ghz access point then use it, if the 5 ghz bands have a low signal then use 2.4. You can find free wireless networking tools online that are easy to use. They are actually free and they will show you every wireless access point in range of your adapter whether they have the same name or if they are not broadcasting their ssid. If you don`t see any 5 ghz bands then there are none or you don`t have an adapter capable of connecting to them. :: :: ::
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