Ljudi, je l zna neko za neki tool kojim mogu da izripujem audio fajlove sa image-a, takvim kakvi jesu, tj. u flac formatu? Probao Power i Magic ISO, ali oni imaju samo decoder za mp3 i cak ne prepoznaju format!, a kad mount-ujem image, virtual ga ne vidi! :O Da li je jedina opcija da ga narezem, pa onda ripujem? Thx .)
ako ti nije tesko da procitas i ispratis uputstva XD Hi Folks!
I have a lot of SACD ripped to iso files which I play using foobar on my Pc .If I understand correctly foobar reads the iso file and converts the dsd to a pcm stream.I have ordered a fiio x5(which i,m waiting for) ,which can also play dsd using software on x5 to read and convert to pcm.
Neither foobar or the x5 can play dsd natively ,for that you need a dsd dac or something like the schiit loki which I don,t have.
Some of my sacd iso files contain both the stereo and the (5.1 tracks which i,m not interested in) some have stereo and mono tracks.
As 128gig microsd cards are really pricey just now I,ll be using 2x 64gig cards in my x5 for now.
If I start filling my cards with iso files I,m going to run out of space very quickly ,some of the files are over 4gig which would also mean formatting my cards to NTSC instead of fat 32 and I,m pretty sure the x5 wouldn`t react to well to an iso with a 5.1 track.
I was intending to use foobar to rip all my iso files to flac 176khz by this method
1) Set ASIO driver to PCM 2) PCM Volume to 0db 3) PCM samplerate to 176400 (or 88.2 if you want to sacrifice some resolution) 4) DSD2PCM Mode( Direct (Double-Precision 30Khz LPF) 5) Preferable area (none) - make sure to select Stereo Tracks to decode later (see below)
Now drag and drop the ISO image to the foobar playlist:
1) All the tracks will magically appear 2) select the tracks you want to convert with you mouse (if multichannel...you need to convert to stereo using other converters first) 3) Right click and select Convert to .... 4) Convert to FLAC level 5 (Default) 5) Set destination folder for output. 6) let `r RIP.... will be done in a few minutes.
I don,t know if this is the best method or a lossless or lossy conversion to flac but after listening to the original iso and converted flac files I cant hear any difference in sound quality.
If anyone with some experience in sacd ripping to flac could tell me if I,m doing this right I,d really appreciate some help.
is there any advantage to leaving the iso untouched and letting foobar or the x5 to decode to pcm ?converting allows me to select individual tracks and put them on my x5 instead of full iso and will remove unwanted 5.1 and mono tracks.This also has the advantage of freeing up a lot of space on my pc .I also have a backup of all my music on a 2TB external drive ,but I just want some advice before I start ripping to flac and deleting my iso files off my pc.
Так как никто не виноват, то накажем по жребию. Anthony Pettis p4p king
Ako dobro kapiram, ti imas Audio CD? Ono klasika za kucnu mini liniju ili auto....itd.
Skines Easy CD-DA konverter iz `lokalnih prodavnica`. On je ujedno ripper, a u istom mozes da biras brdo formata, kao i da setujes kvalitet svakog formata. Primer za FLAC: Izaberes FLAC, a ispod njega bit (Auto / 24bit / 16 bit / 8 bit), stereo ili mono (Auto / Stereo / Mono) i na kraju biras freq (48, 44....KHz). I ispod svega imas comression level: Default / Best / Fast
Pre toga, Daemon Tools da mountujes ISO.
_____________________________ P8P67 Pro v.3.1/i7 2600K/16GB RAM/MSI Lightning 770/SSD HyperX 120 3K/ 1TB/3TB SATA/X-Fi xtremeGamer Fatality Pro/CM 690 II Advanced/Toughpower 775W/LG 32LD750/X360 WiFi gamepad/Zalman MFC1 Plus/CM TX3 EVO
@quna, ne moze da se mount-uje, to je problem, ne vidi ga Virtual! :O @Ostali, hvala na savetima, veceras cu probati i Foobar i WMP, nadam se da ce nesto uspeti... Fora je u tome sto taj iso fajl uopste ne moze da se mount-uje!!! U pitanju je SACD-R...
1. Uzmi ti prvo IsoBuster pa vidi sta ima od `track`-ova raspolozivo (cita i one `skrivene`). Ako se ne varam moze da ti prebaci audio-tracks u wave, a odatle
2. `dBpoweramp Music Converter Power Pack 14` ili ako ima noviji prebaci u FLAC (flac je valjda nista vise do kompresovani wave, tako da ne verujem da imas nekih gubitaka ovom konverzijom)
3. ako ti zatreba mp3 (biraj mp3 lame, joint-stereo, VBR, svi klizaci do maximuma bit-ratea, qulity-very high i sta vec ima u ponudi) ______________________________________ Fiat justitia ruat caelum http://www.dodaj.rs/f/38/3Z/1cB9qWjw/3/mail.jpg
Ako ne može da se mountuje onda ne možeš ništa sa WMP, a to što ne može da se mountuje to onda mora da je neki čudan image file nema nikakve veze sa time što je SACD-R, koja je extenzija file-a, jesi probao da u programu u kojem mountuješ staviš na all files umesto supported types?
Black Wolf
:: @quna, ne moze da se mount-uje, to je problem, ne vidi ga Virtual! : :: @Ostali, hvala na savetima, veceras cu probati i Foobar i WMP, nadam se da ce nesto uspeti... Fora je u tome sto taj iso fajl uopste ne moze da se mount-uje!!! U pitanju je SACD-R...
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