Ljudi pomozite, imam slusalice (bubice) iz naslova, nemam pojma sta se desilo sa njima, ali zvuk se jednostavno vise ne cuje, dakle nije da prekida pri pomeranju kabla, samo se ne cuje, nisam siguran dal je kabal.
U svakom slucaju, moram da ih popravim jer sam sentimentalno vezan za njih, ali nazalost, vise nisu u garanciji :(
1. Check to see if the cable jack has been completely pushed into the connector. 2. Try switching the cable jacks to the other ear to test whether the trouble is with the Sound Engine rather than the cable. 3. If you can confirm the cable or sound engine is not functioning correctly please contact us through the Customer Support.
Verovatno je otisao Sound Engine.
_____________________________ P8P67 Pro v.3.1/i7 2600K/16GB RAM/MSI Lightning 770/SSD HyperX 120 3K/ 1TB/3TB SATA/X-Fi xtremeGamer Fatality Pro/CM 690 II Advanced/Toughpower 775W/LG 32LD750/X360 WiFi gamepad/Zalman MFC1 Plus/CM TX3 EVO
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