``You have just been in contact with Logitech for your reference number 100831-004836. In order to validate your product exchange, we require a further proof of purchase to be sent to us.
May we ask you to respond to this email and to attach a digital image taken of the bottom of the mouse, where the M/N number, PID number and the P/N number should be clearly readable. The size of the attachment should not exceed 1Mb in size.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.
Kind Regards,
Juha Nieminen Logitech Europe S.A. Customer Care - Europe, Middle East and Africa
Please note. while waiting for your response, we put all support requests to a waiting status. If we do not hear back from you within 2 weeks, we assume that your request is solved and change its status accordingly. A survey will then be automatically sent asking for your feedback. If you received a message saying your support request is solved, you can still write back to us by responding to the last e-mail and update your support request.``
nije fora kad sam pokupio g110 onaj me pito samo za fotku tastature... a ovaj majku mu .... pita i za brojeve itd/..zz de je daum :)) on bi mogo da napravi neke fotke xd
Dobra fora, toxic je zajebavao njih, sad oni zajebavaju njega.
Sledeći mail od gospodina Supe Nemaimena: May we ask you to respond to this email by letter and to attach a photocopy of your bottom, where the shape and size of your greedy asshole should be clearly visible. The size of your asshole should not exceed the size of photocopy device for safety reasons.
Les certitudes rendent les hommes aveugles et fous. Elles peuvent dévorer leur coeur et les changer en bête.
:: Dobra fora, toxic je zajebavao njih, sad oni zajebavaju njega. :: :: Sledeći mail od gospodina Supe Nemaimena :: May we ask you to respond to this email by letter and to attach a photocopy of your bottom, where the shape and size of your greedy asshole should be clearly visible :: The size of your asshole should not exceed the size of photocopy device for safety reasons :: :: Les certitudes rendent les hommes aveugles et fous :: Elles peuvent dévorer leur coeur et les changer en bête. :: :: i5 750 - TRUE Black - P7P55D - 2x1GB Samsung - HD4850 - Silverstone ST50F-230 - JugoDrvo `8 :: :: :: Nema ničega na dnu miša čisto onako.... ni jednog jedinog broja ili bilo čega.. ::
TO SAM IM I JA ODGOVORIO xd....GLEDO NEKE fotke (u je,..caps) na netu i vidim...nema nista .... izgleda zajebavaju...ima da padne neka tuzba :))0 kolko ja vidim...ne stwarno kakaw je to nacin :)
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