treba mi mala usluga....treba mi slika sa misem tj. g500 i ovim brojem na parcetu papira 100831-004836 ...u istoj slici(rucno napisano)... da bi dobio g500 za dzabe...
`Thank your for your e-mail. Thank your for the picture, but please forgive me, we still require a picture of the product, which has the handwritten note with the reference number 100831-004836 in the same picture, next to the product in questioon, the G500. When we have received that picture, we will contact you about the replacement.
Please feel free to contact us if you find any further enquiries or difficulties. You can also visit our website at:
Thank you for choosing Logitech.
Kind regards,
Juha Nieminen Logitech Europe S.A. Customer Care - Europe, Middle East and Africa`
prvo da ti se zahvalim i lako ih je zeznuti.... :)
ide bajka...
ja:my product has problems. the thumb buttons stopped working,but everything else is fine.I TRIED ON 2 COMPUTERS ITS NOT WORKING!!! ON MY LAPTOP MAC AND MY WINDOWS PC !!! HELP
on:Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Logitech`s Customer Care. I understand you are having problems with your G500 Gaming Mouse. I will be happy to help you to resolve this issue any way I can.
First, I would like you to confirm that you have the latest Logitech SetPoint software installed. Latest version is 6.15.25 If your version is anything else, please uninstall old version and download the latest software from this link:
Once installed, please restart your computer. (this is IMPORTANT) - Once restarted, open SetPoint via `Start` menu -> Programs -> Logitech -> `Mouse and Keyboard Settings` select `My Mouse` tab, and try to re-program the thumb buttons.
I hope this information has been helpful, and your mouse works now. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to visit our web site at or reply to this e-mail.
Kind Regards,
Juha Nieminen Logitech Europe S.A. Customer Care - Europe, Middle East and Africa
Please note. while waiting for your response, we put all support requests to a waiting status. If we do not hear back from you within 2 weeks, we assume that your request is solved and change its status accordingly. A survey will then be automatically sent asking for your feedback. If you received a message saying your support request is solved, you can still write back to us by responding to the last e-mail and update your support request.
ja:yes yes duude... i tried all stuff reinstalled drivers and everything ...but i still see no positive results... i even got to my friend and tryed but it wasn`t working neither....what can i do...? does logitech replace factory fail items or so??i think its a factory fault... 99% i am FRUSTRATED at the moment, regards
on:Dear Customer,
In regards to issue with your Logitech® G500 Gaming Mouse, I am glad to inform you, that based on the information gathered we have decided to replace your faulty product. In order to send your replacement, we would like you to confirm the following details:
1.) Your full name 2.) Your full address for a delivery 3.) Your contact telephone number 4.) M/N number of the product 5.) PID number of the product 6.) P/N number of the product 7.) Date of purchase 8.) Name of the dealer 9.) A copy of the receipt in digital format, or if unable to locate one, a photograph of the product in digital format, with a handwritten note containing the reference number for this enquiry ( ) in the same picture with the product. IMPORTANT NOTE: All Amazon,, Ebuyer, and all other digital online receipt order numbers will be verified with the retailers. 10.) Your computers Operating System and it`s version (32-bit / 64-bit)
When we have received all of the requested information, the new product will be shipped and your expected delivery time is between 5 to 8 working days.
In the next couple of days you will receive an automatic e-mail with the tracking ID of the replacement product I have processed for you and a short survey surrounding the service you have received from us. Please take a moment to complete this as your feedback is important to us.
Please feel free to contact us if you find any further enquiries or difficulties. You can also visit our website at:
Juha Nieminen Logitech Europe SA European Customer Support
ja:k lets take it slow my english is bad sorry . 1)moje ime 2) country:serbia city:xxx postal code:xxx Adress:xxx 3) i don`t talk english i barely write it anyways i am really busy at the time and probably will be unreachable most of the time my number is xxxxxxxxxx 4) M-U0010 5) LZ1012xxx 6) PN 910-0012 7) i really don`t know it was a present for my birthday i suppose its 2010 (the product was boxed and new when i got it) 8) i don`t know.... its shipped from the united states i guess 9)i will get to it i don`t fully understand it though but i understood to send a picture of the product.(i will attach it sorry for the quality) 10) windows7 32bit
thank you for your efforts... just one more thing i don`t understand `In the next couple of days you will receive an automatic e-mail with the tracking ID of the replacement product I have processed for you and a short survey surrounding the service you have received from us. Please take a moment to complete this as your feedback is important to us.` do i just fill out the survey or so? do i have to pay shippment costs or something?and do you send it to my home adress.. or to the post office and i pick it up? because i won`t be home most of the time and i can`t wait for the postman to arrive(i am home from 3:30 pm to 9 pm local time(+1gmt))...thanks again
on:Dear customer,
Thank your for your e-mail. Thank your for the picture, but please forgive me, we still require a picture of the product, which has the handwritten note with the reference number 100831-004836 in the same picture, next to the product in questioon, the G500. When we have received that picture, we will contact you about the replacement.
Please feel free to contact us if you find any further enquiries or difficulties. You can also visit our website at:
Thank you for choosing Logitech.
Kind regards,
Juha Nieminen Logitech Europe S.A. Customer Care - Europe, Middle East and Africa
Please note. while waiting for your response, we put all support requests to a waiting status. If we do not hear back from you within 2 weeks, we assume that your request is solved and change its status accordingly. A survey will then be automatically sent asking for your feedback. If you received a message saying your support request is solved, you can still write back to us by responding to the last e-mail and update your support request.
serijski broj nema lakse od toga...skonto sam kako :)
znaci prvo ide LZ jer svi logitech proizvodi krecu sa LZ.. posle ide godina ja sam pisao 10 znaci LZ10 posle ide nedelja recimo 15 nedelja LZ1015 onda ide jedan broj(naprimer 6(biras koji oces)) i dva slova (proizvoljno) ae recimo DS znaci bice 6DS voala,... LZ10156DS
Sto je smesno u toj prici...crkavace i onima koji ga i nemaju,a zeleli bi da ga imaju.
Na kraju statistika kaze:U Srbiju isporuceno 5000 miseva,a pokvareno/reklamirano 10 000.:)Bruka!
(c) 1982 Sinclair research Ltd
:: Mislim da će uskoro u Srbiji crći veeeliki broj logitech miševa... mora da su podzemne vode u pitanju :: :: Les certitudes rendent les hommes aveugles et fous :: Elles peuvent dévorer leur coeur et les changer en bête. :: :: i5 750 - TRUE Black - P7P55D - 2x1GB Samsung - HD4850 - Silverstone ST50F-230 - JugoDrvo `8 :: ::
Ja se nadam da se nisi zajebao pošto sam sad pogledao kutiju za G500 i serijski izgleda ovako G500-xxx-xxxx i sve su brojevi... __________________ Scourge of PCBerza
:: Sto je smesno u toj prici...crkavace i onima koji ga i nemaju,a zeleli bi da ga imaju :: :: Na kraju statistika kaze:U Srbiju isporuceno 5000 miseva,a pokvareno/reklamirano 10 000.:)Bruka ::
Mogao si barem da ga isključiš kada si ga slikao. A jel valja taj G500 nečemu,vidim da crkavaju Daum,probaj i ti sa tvojim serijskim,da utvrdimo da li su baš tolike ovce
Ako ti ovo uspe onda su stvarno ovce za sisanje ovi iz Logitech-a. Hm, imam neki Genius mis pa se nesto razmisljam.... :)
:: prvo da ti se zahvalim i lako ih je zeznuti.... : :: :: ide bajka.. :: :: ja:my product has problems. the thumb buttons stopped working,but everything else is fine.I TRIED ON 2 COMPUTERS ITS NOT WORKING!!! ON MY LAPTOP MAC AND MY WINDOWS PC !!! HEL :: :: on:Dear Customer :: :: Thank you for contacting Logitech`s Customer Care :: I understand you are having problems with your G500 Gaming Mouse :: I will be happy to help you to resolve this issue any way I can :: :: First, I would like you to confirm that you have the latest Logitech SetPoint software installed :: Latest version is 6.15.2 :: If your version is anything else, please uninstall old version and download the latest software from this link :: :: :: Once installed, please restart your computer. (this is IMPORTANT :: - Once restarted, open SetPoint via `Start` menu -> Programs -> Logitech -> `Mouse and Keyboard Settings :: select `My Mouse` tab, and try to re-program the thumb buttons :: :: I hope this information has been helpful, and your mouse works now :: If you have any additional questions, please feel free to visit our web site at or reply to this e-mail :: :: :: :: Kind Regards :: :: Juha Niemine :: Logitech Europe S.A :: Customer Care - Europe, Middle East and Afric :: :: Please note. while waiting for your response, we put all support requests to a waiting status. If we do not hear back from you within 2 weeks, we assume that your request is solved and change its status accordingly. A survey will then be automatically sent asking for your feedback. If you received a message saying your support request is solved, you can still write back to us by responding to the last e-mail and update your support request. :: :: ja:yes yes duude... i tried all stuff reinstalled drivers and everything ...but i still see no positive results... i even got to my friend and tryed but it wasn`t working neither....what can i do...? does logitech replace factory fail items or so??i think its a factory fault... 99% i am FRUSTRATED at the moment :: regards :: :: on:Dear Customer :: :: In regards to issue with your Logitech® G500 Gaming Mouse, I am glad to inform you, that based on the information gathered we have decided to replace your faulty product. In order to send your replacement, we would like you to confirm the following details :: :: 1.) Your full nam :: 2.) Your full address for a deliver :: 3.) Your contact telephone numbe :: 4.) M/N number of the produc :: 5.) PID number of the produc :: 6.) P/N number of the produc :: 7.) Date of purchas :: 8.) Name of the deale :: 9.) A copy of the receipt in digital format, or if unable to locate one, a photograph of the product in digital format, with a handwritten note containing the reference number for this enquiry ( ) in the same picture with the product :: IMPORTANT NOTE: All Amazon,, Ebuyer, and all other digital online receipt order numbers will be verified with the retailers :: 10.) Your computers Operating System and it`s version (32-bit / 64-bit :: :: :: When we have received all of the requested information, the new product will be shipped and your expected delivery time is between 5 to 8 working days :: :: In the next couple of days you will receive an automatic e-mail with the tracking ID of the replacement product I have processed for you and a short survey surrounding the service you have received from us :: Please take a moment to complete this as your feedback is important to us :: :: Please feel free to contact us if you find any further enquiries or difficulties :: You can also visit our website at: :: :: Thank you for choosing Logitech :: :: :: ::
nisam ja imo nego drug ... nije nista posebno radio igrao counter i sluso muziko... i one odjednom crkle posle 2 on pokupio nove,bolje isto logitech ... vidim jos rade
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