NVIDIA`s G100 Coming in March, GeForce 9800 Series
According to current plans, NVIDIA plans to introduce its GeForce 9 series high-end part codenamed G100 around March 2008. We don`t know many details, but we do know that the chipset should end up faster than two G92 dual PCB card which is scheduled for launch in late January. It will be on time to launch with G96, which is a mainstream part. The new NVIDIA chip will be a facelift of a G80 architecture but it won`t be the same. It will have the support for DirectX 10.1 and Shader Model 4.1. The only other big difference compared to G80 generation is the new VP3 that should take care of video and HD content. We still don’t know the technology behind the chip but we heavily suspect 65nm chip. The D8E, NVIDIA`s dual G92 card will be ready for late January. The card with two PCB`s and two power connectors will be an internal SLI concept and, naturally, you will be able to put two of these together. This is sort of a passage card, which will get NVIDIA by for a few months before it is ready to announce its G100 chip. The only problem with this card is that you will need a good SLI driver to get a decent performance from two chipsets. We are still not sure if NVIDIA plans to introduce the card in January or whether it will wait a bit longer, but it is obvious that it will be too late for for the holiday shopping spree.
And NVIDIA`s G100 chip might get the GeForce 9800 name. We know its way to early for the final decision but still we got it from good sources that are supposed to know these things so much in advance. It will be rather interesting in Q1 and Q2 as both ATI and NVIDIA are supposed to launch two new high-end parts each. In Q1 probably in January NVIDIA is about to launch the D8E, dual G92 card and ATI will reply with already demonstrated R680 card and later probably in Q2 ATI will follow up with the R700 to fight the G100. We haven`t seen any new high-end cards since April and that is way to long for this market. Nvidia’s new G100 chip might get the Geforce 9800 name. We know it`s way too early for the final decision, but still, we got this from good sources that are supposed to know these things so much in advance.
It will be rather interesting in Q1 and Q2 as both ATI and Nvidia are supposed to launch two new high end parts each. In Q1 probably in January Nvidia is about to launch D8E, dual G92 card and ATI will reply with the already demonstrated R680 card. Later, probably in Q2, ATI will follow up with R700 to fight the G100.
We haven`t seen any new high end cards since April, and that is way too long for this market.
ma fenomenalno, samo nisam nesto raspolozen da dam 400-500e za novi GTX, valjda mi nije dan ko zna .)...ma bre imas sad toliko dorih grafickih za 200e da ti pamet stane, ne mozes uvek uzimati najnovije, 8800 gt i neki brz procesor i memorija i imas zver u narednom periodu
E u K.... !! Pa nije valjda duza od 8800GTX-a ! Ovaj mi staje sa 2mm preostalog prostora zbog ovih cuda za HDD, ako budem moro da menjam kuciste zbog graficke stvarno.....
U IT industriji, stvari se dešavaju u talasima. Npr. sa grafuljama, izlaze nove i nove, sve bolje i bolje, sa ludačkim cenama, ali, nemate iskreno šta da poćerate na tom... i tako one izlaze u pravilnim, davno planiranim, intervalima. A, tako i igre. Samo, sporije. Hoću da kažem, Cryses je sada izišao, i svi kriziraju sa fps-ovima i komandantom markom, jer ništa nije dostatno. Šta ako i ovaj non ati9800 već jokvidija 9800 ne bude u stanju da to uradi? Zbog drugih igara, nema tih para.
Ova slika je jako loše montirana ili predstavlja dobar pokušaj sprdačine, nema druge! Ako sam dobro izbrojao ima 9 molex konektora i 10 ventilatora ali ono što je najviše otkriva je PCIx konektor postavljen skroz desno umesto do leve ivice. Po tome ispada da bi virila iz kućišta pola metra, a još i način kako je postavljen DVI, smešno! Lep pokušaj ali bezuspešno.
:: U IT industriji, stvari se dešavaju u talasima. Npr. sa grafuljama, izlaze nove i nove, sve bolje i bolje, sa ludačkim cenama, ali, nemate iskreno šta da poćerate na tom... i tako one izlaze u pravilnim, davno planiranim, intervalima. A, tako i igre. Samo, sporije. Hoću da kažem, Cryses je sada izišao, i svi kriziraju sa fps-ovima i komandantom markom, jer ništa nije dostatno. Šta ako i ovaj non ati9800 već jokvidija 9800 ne bude u stanju da to uradi :: Zbog drugih igara, nema tih para :: :: Next - Next - Next - Accept - Ok ...? Eh? Jbt!!! :: ::
Slika je definitivno montaza,to se vidi iz aviona ali 9800 GTX izlazi te izlazi to se ne moze osporiti!P.S.Ja ga definitivno uzimam ako ne bude preko 500 Eur!
@Pisko@,9800 GTX kad izadje ima da gazi Crysis samo tako u to budi 100% siguran.Za ovu kartu najavljuju da ce biti tacno duplo jaca od 8800 GTX!Obzirom da znam koliko sam tacno FPS-a u mojoj rezoluciji imao sa full detaljima za 9800 GTX ovo ce da bude maciji kasalj!Ova kartta ce biti jaca od dve 8800 GTS u SLi,tako bar kazu na nekim forumima..tj. prica se da je procurilo od Nvidie!
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