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Na display portu crn ekran ili preskakanje slike sa NVidia Karticama
operator Na display portu crn ekran ili preskakanje slike sa NVidia Karticama 18.07.2023. 20:31 T69043

status: user
broj poruka: 4287
If you are experiencing black screen flickering O-R need to enable the latest DisplayPort 1.3/1.4 features for your graphics card, then the NVIDIA Graphics Firmware update Tool

If your system is connected to a DisplayPort 1.3/1.4 monitor, it might encounter issues such as blank screens during boot O-R hang-on boot. To avoid such problems, install the update provided by the NVIDIA Firmware update Tool. It will quickly identify if a firmware update is necessary and allow the user to update it if required.

We recommend creating a restore point and backing up your drivers beforehand just in case you run into an issue.

If you are facing issues like a blank screen O-R boot hanging with a DP 1.3 O-R 1.4 monitor, please try one of the following workarounds to run the tool:

Boot using DVI O-R HDMI
Boot using a different monitor
Change boot mode from UEFI to Legacy. O-R Legacy to UEFI.
Boot using an alternate graphics source (secondary O-R integrated graphics card)

NVIDIA Firmware update Tool Supports the Following Products:

TITAN X (Maxwell), TITAN X (Pascal), TITAN XP

GeForce 10 Series:
GeForce GT 1030, GeForce GTX 1050, GTX 1050Ti, GTX 1060, GTX 1070, GTX 1070Ti, GTX 1080, GTX 1080Ti

GeForce 900 Series:
GeForce GTX 950, GTX 950Ti, GTX 960, GTX 970, GTX 980, GTX 980Ti

GeForce 700 Series:
GeForce GTX 745, GTX 750, GTX 750Ti

Quadro Series:
Quadro Maxwell and Pascal products may be impacted. For support and additional details, contact OEM/Channel partner.
Pozitivna osobina da ljudi stalno preispituju svoja znanja i da u skladu sa tim funkcionišu je osobina velikih ljudi. Mali se i onako zadovolje osrednjošću.
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subzero88 MSI 1650 18.07.2023. 21:16 #679728

status: user
broj poruka: 179
Mene zeza moja Msi 1650 aero kartica na display portu, kada namestim da se monitor sam iskljucuje, iskljuci se ali posle svakih nekoliko sekundi se pali-gasi non-stop. Probao sam ovaj update tool ali ova moja serija nije podrzana.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Intel I3-10105F/Gigabyte H510M/16GB DDR4-2666/MSI Geforce 1650 4GB OC/Lenovo C32q-20

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