I minimum 2K rezolucija. Nekako su ranije forošoperi voleli Dell Ultrasharp ali danas imas podjednako dobre izbore kod jeftinijih proizvodjaca. Ja preferiram LG, ne moras bas ovaj kao moj iz potpisa, dovoljno je da je 2K i IPS.
Za fotografiju najbolji su IPS paneli ,opste poznato.VA je neka sredina izmedju TN i IPS panela.
:: Poštovanje :: Zar nisu najbolji VA paneli zbog najboljeg kontrasta i verodostojnosti boja :: :: Asus h81m-v :: Intel i7 4770 (liquid metal :: 2x8(16gb) hyperX @ 160 :: Asus gtx 1060 6g :: Chieftec 600W Smar :: Bitfenix Merc Alph :: ::
` Neither TN nor IPS get to the range of VA though. Entry-level VA panels start with a contrast ratio of 2000:1 from those that I’ve tested, with the best easily exceeding 4500:1, although 3000:1 is a typical figure for most monitors. TVs make extensive use of VA panels and there contrast ratios can be even higher. It’s not unusual to see over 6000:1. So if you want deep blacks and high contrast ratios, you’ll need to go with something VA. `
:: Mislio sam zbog ovoga https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.techspot.com/amp/article/1788-display-tech-compared :: :: ` Neither TN nor IPS get to the range of VA though. Entry-level VA panels start with a contrast ratio of 2000:1 from those that I’ve tested, with the best easily exceeding 4500:1, although 3000:1 is a typical figure for most monitors. TVs make extensive use of VA panels and there contrast ratios can be even higher. It’s not unusual to see over 6000:1. So if you want deep blacks and high contrast ratios, you’ll need to go with something VA. :: ::
Kako je to ručak nebitan? xD Ne znam, za rezoluciju se slažem, a refresh rate sam pre svega naveo da bi sačuvao malo oči, s obzirom da će ti trebati ako misliš da se ozbiljno posvetis dizajnu...
The things you own end up owning you.
:: Refresh rate ti je nebitan za slike i fotoshop, najbitnije ti je ips panel i barem 2k rezolucija :: Ne bacaj nepotrebno pare :: :: Cpu:Ryzen3600 4ghz+CM v8GTS :: GPU:RTX 2070 Gigabyt :: Ram:16 Gb :: SSD:Crucial 500gb+HDD500g :: MBO:Asus b350 :: Case:MASTERCASE H50 :: PSU:Corsair 850 :: Keyboard: NatecRX2 :: Mouse:Logitech Hyperio :: Screen:ViewSonic 32 :: ::
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