`Lets make it simple. Ddr 3 are ram they use on the pc. The Ddr 3 they used on the Gpus are the slower ram that was used before Gddr5. Forget about the speed that it run posted with Gpus or the bus. All you need to know is that they use Samsung Gddr5 ram which has a effective clock of 1GHZ which equals 4GHZ. All the gpu manufacturers does they down clock the ram where the Brands like Msi, gigabytes ,sapphire etc etc will then just OC it higher making you think the card is overclocked a great deal. But in reality its still running under its stock of 1GHZ. That`s it`
Moze GDDR3 karta da ima ultra bezobrazno brz chip od 5 GHz (2025.-ta recimo) ali ce i dalje da je kolje spora memorija i spora memorijska magistrala.
Ukratko, bolje i matori vrabac sa GDDR5 nego mladi golub sa GDDR3.
Boj ne bije F-22 Raptor već boj bije S-500 u junaka
Odavno nisam merodavan za gaming. Ali se sećam da je 1GB DDR5 u praksi značio efektivno kao 2GB DDR3. S obzirom da ovde imaš 2GB makar i spore memorije, išao bih na noviji čip.
Jedan od onih što neće prodavati hardver, već pljeskavice.
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