`the latest 364.72 Game Ready drivers may damage your PC and/or windows installation, driver plagued with issues. Reports of issues from many disgruntled Nvidia users on the GeForce forums as well as on reddit & various other forums have been pouring in for the past couple of days after Nvidia released its Game Ready 364.72 driver.`
Molim botove da pre nego sto me napadnu obrate paznju da sam upotrebio rec `navodno` (jer ne mogu da potvrdim iz licnog iskustva`, a i da procitaju clanak - jer se radi o svedocenjima samih vlasnika Nvidije, a ne o glasinama koje sire vlasnici AMD-a. Hvala.
`One Nvidia GeForce user reports on the Nvidia subreddit :
[PSA] WARNING: AVOID 364.72 (march 28) LIKE THE PLAGUE – it’s bricking cards left and right – and rollbacks are not working.
I’m not being hyperbolic here – there are hundreds of posts on reddit and the nvidia forums of people saying the latest driver update is bricking hardware. i’ve now seen multiple pics of people’s screens after the update, and it looks just like what happened to me.
I am NOT a hater on nvidia – i’ve got a shield and I literally use it every day – gamestreaming is almost the only way i consume gaming content now, but right now nvidia has seriously shit the bed on this one.
Hold out for the next driver.
EDIT: YES, MOST USERS WILL PROBABLY NOT HAVE PROBLEMS. It wouldn’t have gotten out of beta if it was a majority issue right? but do you want to risk your system being in that 1%?
Drivers should not brick hardware – at the worst, a rollback should resolve things. if this is happening to any number of systems, something is wrong.
EDIT 2: It looks like the entire 364* series of drivers is borked. I would just stay away from all of them. Also, RIP inbox :(`
Auuu...sta sad da radim? Da li da verujem u svoju srecnu zvezdu i nastavim
06.04.2016. 15:15
status: user broj poruka: 10999
sa koriscenjem ovog drajvera (sa kojim mi karta perfektno radi vec nekoliko nedelja) dok se ne pojavi sledeci WHQL ili da brrrrrrzo deinstalisem i vratim se na prethodni?
Neka, neka ostane, pa i vreme je za kupovinu nove karte... U medjuvremenu, mozda i Deka najzad proizvede neku kartu koja ne pripada grupi ``koorton edition`` (KE) pa predjem u crvendace (buaaaaahaha)...
He, he, mozda se NV sprema za novi Pascal, pa kao ono, hajde malo da sabotiramo ove Maxvell kartice, da bi ljudi presli na nove, ....ta Nvidia, pokvarena i `zla` korporacija.... Ma kakvi, samo lepo pocistiti stare drajvere i onda frash instal novih i sve radi i sljaka kao podmazano......
:: Radi se o drajveru verzije 364.72: navodno moze da osteti vas PC ili Windows instalaciju - javljaju razocarani korisnici Nvidije na GeForce forumima :: :: Napomena da ovo nije prvi drajver u zadnje vreme `optuzen` za takvo nesto. Slicnih optuzbi bilo je i za :: http://wccftech.com/nvidia-users-beware-latest-drivers-damage-pc :: :: `the latest 364.72 Game Ready drivers may damage your PC and/or windows installation, driver plagued with issues. Reports of issues from many disgruntled Nvidia users on the GeForce forums as well as on reddit & various other forums have been pouring in for the past couple of days after Nvidia released its Game Ready 364.72 driver. :: :: http://wccftech.com/nvidias-latest-game-ready-driver-allegedly-killing-gpus-plagued-issues :: :: Molim botove da pre nego sto me napadnu obrate paznju da sam upotrebio rec `navodno` (jer ne mogu da potvrdim iz licnog iskustva`, a i da procitaju clanak - jer se radi o svedocenjima samih vlasnika Nvidije, a ne o glasinama koje sire vlasnici AMD-a. Hvala :: :: `One Nvidia GeForce user reports on the Nvidia subreddit :: :: [PSA] WARNING: AVOID 364.72 (march 28) LIKE THE PLAGUE – it’s bricking cards left and right – and rollbacks are not working :: :: I’m not being hyperbolic here – there are hundreds of posts on reddit and the nvidia forums of people saying the latest driver update is bricking hardware. i’ve now seen multiple pics of people’s screens after the update, and it looks just like what happened to me :: :: I am NOT a hater on nvidia – i’ve got a shield and I literally use it every day – gamestreaming is almost the only way i consume gaming content now, but right now nvidia has seriously shit the bed on this one :: :: Hold out for the next driver :: :: EDIT: YES, MOST USERS WILL PROBABLY NOT HAVE PROBLEMS. It wouldn’t have gotten out of beta if it was a majority issue right? but do you want to risk your system being in that 1% :: :: Drivers should not brick hardware – at the worst, a rollback should resolve things. if this is happening to any number of systems, something is wrong :: :: EDIT 2: It looks like the entire 364* series of drivers is borked. I would just stay away from all of them. Also, RIP inbox :(`
Da me u poslednje vreme zezaju vozaci za nVidia... Ja to spominjem ovde na forumu unazad 7÷8 meseci... IdeaPAD Y500 sa GT 750M je u pitanju i nekako mi ne radi kao nekad...
Citat: `Молимо паметне да престану са попуштањем, ситуација је постала неподношљива!`
Re: I jos jedan Nvidijin drajver navodno `ubija GPU-ove`, `brick-uje karte`, `pun problema`
14.04.2016. 10:54
status: user broj poruka: 908
Havx ladno si u pravu testiram neku gtx 770 sa tim drajverima u furmarku kida na 90 C i pada BSOD zamenjena pasta bas zbog tih razloga opet isto....
Sreca sto sam presao na r9 390 na vreme...
Zanimljivo je i da ne dize RPM ventilatora prema temperaturi jedva 100 RPM vise na 80 C,e nvidia nvdia...
Ko misli da sam funboy moze prezentacija uzivo preko team vivera
:: Radi se o drajveru verzije 364.72: navodno moze da osteti vas PC ili Windows instalaciju - javljaju razocarani korisnici Nvidije na GeForce forumima :: :: Napomena da ovo nije prvi drajver u zadnje vreme `optuzen` za takvo nesto. Slicnih optuzbi bilo je i za :: http://wccftech.com/nvidia-users-beware-latest-drivers-damage-pc :: :: `the latest 364.72 Game Ready drivers may damage your PC and/or windows installation, driver plagued with issues. Reports of issues from many disgruntled Nvidia users on the GeForce forums as well as on reddit & various other forums have been pouring in for the past couple of days after Nvidia released its Game Ready 364.72 driver. :: :: http://wccftech.com/nvidias-latest-game-ready-driver-allegedly-killing-gpus-plagued-issues :: :: Molim botove da pre nego sto me napadnu obrate paznju da sam upotrebio rec `navodno` (jer ne mogu da potvrdim iz licnog iskustva`, a i da procitaju clanak - jer se radi o svedocenjima samih vlasnika Nvidije, a ne o glasinama koje sire vlasnici AMD-a. Hvala :: :: `One Nvidia GeForce user reports on the Nvidia subreddit :: :: [PSA] WARNING: AVOID 364.72 (march 28) LIKE THE PLAGUE – it’s bricking cards left and right – and rollbacks are not working :: :: I’m not being hyperbolic here – there are hundreds of posts on reddit and the nvidia forums of people saying the latest driver update is bricking hardware. i’ve now seen multiple pics of people’s screens after the update, and it looks just like what happened to me :: :: I am NOT a hater on nvidia – i’ve got a shield and I literally use it every day – gamestreaming is almost the only way i consume gaming content now, but right now nvidia has seriously shit the bed on this one :: :: Hold out for the next driver :: :: EDIT: YES, MOST USERS WILL PROBABLY NOT HAVE PROBLEMS. It wouldn’t have gotten out of beta if it was a majority issue right? but do you want to risk your system being in that 1% :: :: Drivers should not brick hardware – at the worst, a rollback should resolve things. if this is happening to any number of systems, something is wrong :: :: EDIT 2: It looks like the entire 364* series of drivers is borked. I would just stay away from all of them. Also, RIP inbox :(`
Kod mene na grafulji, kada restartujem komp, obavezno na prvoj, bilo kojoj igrici pukne drajver sa Driver stopped responding...bla..bla. A onda posle toga sve radi normalno bez pucanja. Isto, bilo koja igra. Ujedno, posto mi je komp nakacen na TV preko HDMi, na jednim starijim drajverima sam mogao da postavim YCbCr444 sa Dynamic color u Full modu. Sada su to iskljucili pa mi YCbCr444 samo radi u limited modu i boje su one `izbledele`. Cak su mi neke igre radile bolje na starijim drajverima nego na ovim zadnjim.
Stara izreka je, hardver samo moze biti dobar onoliko koliko i njegov sftver. Posto stvarno pocinju da buljase po pitanju drajvera i softvera i meni se cini da cu polako preci na AMD grafiku....vremenom. Na poslu imamo neki AMD cisto da tu bude, na par kompova. Cak i na ovom sa kojeg pisem. Sve sa Crimson Drajverima. I na njima mogu da biram RGB Full, RGB Limited, YCbCr422 i YCbCr444. Ovaj 444 uopste nije limited. Nego pun 0-255 Full.
Tako je to kada ti se osladi monopol, pa pocinjes da drkas potrosace previse.
Najzanimljivije je sto cak oba proizvodjaca mogu da uglave u svoj softver 3D stereoskopiju, kao opciju i to SBS/TTB, nego moras da platis dodatni softver ili softver nekog drugo proizvodjaca. E to je jajarenje. _____________________________ P8P67 Pro v.3.1/i7 2600K/16GB RAM/MSI Lightning 770/SSD HyperX 120 3K/ 1TB/3TB SATA/X-Fi xtremeGamer Fatality Pro/CM 690 II Advanced/Toughpower 775W/LG 32LD750/X360 WiFi gamepad/Zalman MFC1 Plus/CM TX3 EVO
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