Nvidia Did Not Invent The (Modern) GPU – ITC Court Rules In Samsung’s Favor, All Three Patents Tossed
`Pre nekog vremena, Nvidija je podnela tuzbu protiv Samsunga da je, navodno, Nvidija izumela moderni GPU i da Samsung koristi njihov patent bez dozvole. Samsung je, naravno, odgovorio kontra-tuzbom. U momentu koji je izuzetno znacajan, izgleda da je Medjunarodna trgovinska komisija proglasila da Samsung nije povredio patente Nvidije koji se ticu pronalaska modernog GPU-a.`
Nvidija je prvobitno bila podnela dve tuzbe, protiv Samsunga i Qualcom-a:
`Nvidia had primarily filed two lawsuits against Samsung and Qualcom. The first one was filed at the International Trade Commission in September 2014, while as the second was filed in the federal court of Wilmington, Delaware. The first lawsuit was meant to stop the import of Samsung products while as the second suit was meant for damages. Back in the day Nvidia had won the race after 2D graphic cards and was able to bring the first modern (3D) graphics processing chip with close-to-modern capabilities to the market in 1999.
Where a ‘Modern 3D GPU’ is defined as a single-chip processor with integrated transform, lighting, triangle setup/clipping, and rendering engines that are capable of processing a minimum of 10 million polygons per second. The chip was the first chip with four pipelines and the semblance of modern 3D graphics support with DirectX 7. However, it is also worth noting that DirectX 5 and 6 based cards existed at the time under the Riva branding but did not have proper ‘3D’ support.
One might be tempted to think that the Judge in question had have a bias of some sort or due to some factor, but that is when simple historical precedence would state otherwise. It would be very unlikely because the very same judge also presided over the Markman hearing some months ago and awarded Nvidia 6 out of 7 definitions for their case – which was a pretty big win at the time.`
wuaauu, sad mi je lakse, a ja bas tipovo na `vidiju. Ko zna mozda nam se posreci pa cene 970-tica padnu eksponencijalno - al cemo se slatko izigrati! U ta, taaaa :)...
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
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