`with companies throwing around things like “full DirectX 12″ support – it gets even more complicated. Nvidia has been marketing the GM200 as the first GPU with full DirectX 12 support, while AMD has been offering Resource Binding at Tier level 3. Intel has remained mostly silent on the subject but their GPUs have featured Raster Order Views at Feature Level 11_1 for a long time. So who exactly has the mythical maximum possible DirectX 12 support down to the last digit? The correct, technical answer is: no one.`
`Pa, ko to ima tu mitsku maksimalnu mogucu podrsku za DirectX 12, do poslednje cifre? Tacan, tehnicki odgovor je - NIKO je nema.` (ni Nvidia, ni AMD, ni Intel)
`So here is the thing. Maxwell 2.0 (GM200) has the hardware characteristics necessary to get the 12_1 stamp, so it does. However, AMD’s GCN actually has Resource Binding Tier 3 for a very long time now, not to mention Typed UAV Format Tier 2 and Asynchronous shaders for parallel functions. Similarly, Intel has supported Raster Order Views since Haswell iGPUs and has been rocking it on Feature Level 11_1. To put this into perspective Nvidia’s architectures supports ROV only after the GM200 Maxwell. You can clearly see that no hardware vendor has the undisputed best GPU hardware specification around. Every IHV has a weakness or missing specification in some form or the other.`
`So summarizing, all IHVs fully and completely support the DirectX 12 API. No hardware vendor can claim 100% support of all specifications and the differences are usually negligible in nature. That said, if one is deciding by features observable by the end user and gaming experience, the slight advantage and edge goes to Nvidia with its Feature Level 12_1 support. Keep in mind however, that developers usually code for the lowest common denominator, which means Nvidia’s edge depends entirely on how many devs use it.`
`Da sumiramo: Svi proizvodjaci, i Intel, i Nvidija i AMD u potpunosti i kompletno podrzavaju Direct X 12. Ali niko od njih ne moze da tvrdi da 100% podrzava sve specifikacije, a razlike su - zanemarljive. (`negligible`)`
Malu prednost ima Nvidija (naglasak je na - `malu`), ali na kraju sve zavisi od developera - a oni obicno razvijaju igre - pisu programski kod za `najmanji zajednicki sadrzalac`, dakle tako da koristi one sposobnosti koje imaju svi proizvodjaci, a ne samo jedan.
Jedva se pomalo pomalja nešto nalik Dx12 drajverima, poslednji Nvidia drajveri pominju Dx12 a Realtekovi 2.79 takođe. Pošto nema nijedan SW da to iskoristi, čak ni objavljeni test i benchmark ne postoje, teško da će to da zaživi punom parom bar još godinu dana. Samo zato što je neki HW `compatible` iil ` Dx12 ready`, neznači da će mo to primetiti uskoro. I Win 10 u kome jedino tako nešto može da zaživi još nie spreman, pa niko nezna šta će se tačno dogoditi. Pretpostavljem da će i proizvođači igara koji računaju na Dx12 prilično sačekati da vide koliko će 10ka da uspe pa tek onda da se bacaju na remontovanje igara na Dx12.
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