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AMD radi na beta drajveru za Witcher 3 i Project CARS, i nudi fix za Witcher 3
Milos1975 AMD radi na beta drajveru za Witcher 3 i Project CARS, i nudi fix za Witcher 3 22.05.2015. 12:32 T61322

status: user
broj poruka: 417
AMD is working on Catalyst beta drivers for `The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt` and `Project CARS`

U clanku ima i kratko uputstvo za resavanje problema sa Nvidia Hairworksom u Witcheru 3.

AMD graphics card owners that have tried playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt or Project Cars are likely already aware of the fact that both titles run like crap on Radeon hardware. There’s a ton of controversy surrounding what did or didn’t happen as it relates to Project Cars but regardless of what or who is to blame, AMD is thankfully aware that there’s an issue and believe it can be remedied with an updated driver.

AMD recently posted a message on its website saying it is committed to improving performance for both of the aforementioned games. To that end, AMD is creating Catalyst 15.5 beta to optimize performance for the games. The company said it will continue to work closely with their respective developers to improve quality and performance.

The new beta drivers will be posted online as soon as they are ready.
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Daum ... 23.05.2015. 12:42 #594682

status: user
broj poruka: 12796
Kad ne ide igra dobro na AMD hardveru uvek je zavera neka u pitanju... i tako već 10 godina barem unazad.

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Milos1975 Da si procitao ovo, 23.05.2015. 12:55 #594685

status: user
broj poruka: 417
ne bi to napisao: `extremetech.com shed light on some genuinely unsettling details with regards to the GameWorks program and how it can and has actually been used to undermine competition and obfuscate control from game developers. A number of prominent game developers went on to publicly criticize Nvidia’s GameWorks program describing it as a “BlackBox” with some developers going as far as to call it “unusable”.`


Znam, znam... I Extremetech je u krevetu sa AMDom :))) Svi samo pravdaju AMD, otkad je izbacio one karte sa 3.5g memorije i lazirao specifikacije... U pitanju je jedenje g*vana od strane nvidije isto kao sa G-Syncom: Nvidija: `Znate, to je lepo, ali mora papreno da se plati!` AMD: `Ne mora. Evo FreeSync.`

`This is in contrast to AMD’s Gaming Evolved Program which the company claims puts no restrictions on developers to optimize game code for any of their competitors. In fact AMD actively worked to optimize its TressFX technology for Nvidia hardware to the point where it performed equally well on both. TressFX is a physics hair simulation technology from AMD that’s comparable to Nvidia’s HairWorks, which produce hair and fur effects . However unlike HairWorks it performs equally well on both AMD and Nvidia hardware partly because the source code is publicly available and has been optimized for Nvidia as mentioned above and partly because code base is quite efficient to begin with.
In contrast to GameWorks code which Nvidia only provides to its co-marketing game developer partners, AMD makes the source code to all visual effects in its library available publicly and to everyone for free, including Nvidia.`

Nvidija blokirala AMD da optimizuje drajvere za Gameworks:

:: Kad ne ide igra dobro na AMD hardveru uvek je zavera neka u pitanju... i tako već 10 godina barem unazad
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