AMD might soon be updating their game bundle with two AAA titles as reported by The website came across a listing of a Radeon R9 290X graphics card on Newegg which had GTA V and DiRT Rally available as free gifts on the main page of the listing. This could indicate that AMD might soon have a new bundle as they have been pretty silent with their Never Settle bundles since some time now.
The update to the AMD game bundle comes just a week after NVIDIA delivered a massive update to their own GeForce bundle that allows buyers of GeForce GTX 980 and GeForce GTX 970 graphics cards to claim Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt and Batman: Arkham Knight for free. As expected, both of these AAA titles are highly anticipated titles built using NVIDIA’s Gameworks technology that use several NVIDIA exclusive effects such as Fur physics, PhysX, TXAA, etc. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt reviews released today to perfect scores by several gaming sites and will be available to gamers on 19th May, 2015. These two AAA titles gave PC gamers quite the incentive to update to a Maxwell based graphics card but AMD is back to sweeten the deal on their own graphics cards.
For a long time, it has been speculated that GTA V will be featured in a new game bundle by AMD at some point. Well, the time is now and while AMD hasn’t officially presented the game bundle as of yet, retailers such as Newegg have spilled the beans and are offering not one but two games on AMD’s performance oriented graphics cards such as the Radeon R9 290X. The bundle includes Grand Theft Auto V, valued at .99 US and the upcoming DiRT Rally, valued at .99 US that will increase the value on Radeon graphics cards. Grand Theft Auto V came to PC last month and was applauded for featuring high amount of configuration options and an optimized engine on the PC version which is also the best version of the game to play. While the game runs some what better on GeForce cards, Radeon users will now have the game available to them for free.
Both games are available on the high-end Radeon 200 series offerings while the entry level cards will get DiRT Rally as a part of the game bundle. It isn’t known whether this option will be restricted to Radeon 200 series cards or passed on to the Radeon 300 series cards which are coming in the next few weeks but will be quite weird if this bundle is restricted to just 200 series so the possibility of passing this on to 300 series cards is highly likely. Aside from that, we can see a bigger bundle update to the 300 series cards in the form of a bundled Star Wars: Battlefront copy since the game is using DICE’s Frostbite engine which is fully supported by AMD’s GCN core architecture. That much is speculation but those of you who are willing to upgrade to 200 series cards, now seems to be the best time to do so.
Probao, ne sviđa mi se, kao ni San Andreas. Trenutno igram Prodžekt Kars, pa nisam skidao Drt Reli. Nadam se samo da se stvarno radi o simulaciji, jer su stvarno preterali sa Kenom 6 Cigli, džimkanom i ostalim kerefekama. Hoću nešto kao što je Kolin Mekre Reli 2, a ne etape od minut i po.
i5 2500K/CM Hyper 212+/MSI Z68A-GD65 G3/HyperX Green 2×4GB 1600/Samsung 830 128GB/ASUS R9 280X DCU II TOP/Dell U2412M/Xonar DX/Altec ATP-3/CM 690 III W/SF Golden Green Pro 650W/CM Octane/A4Tech V7
Pa i bila je novo kupljena karta a mozda covek nije iskoristio svoj bundle... ili bese never settle... ili kako vec...
Citat: `Понекад просто не могу да поверујем да српска власт и `политички крем` који, ево већ деценијама, систематски уништава Свако добро у сопственој земљи, има било какве везе са својим прецима, тим храбрим, поносним, правдољубивим Ср
:: Smo uz novo kupljene grafičke :: :: Black Wolf :: :: :: Posedujem 290 ref. i kako mogu da ostvarim kod za igricu :: :: :: :: :: ::
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