R9 390X ce koristiti Dual Link Interposer(?) da nakrca 1 GPU sa 8GB HBM memorije
R9 390X ce koristiti Dual Link Interposer(?) da nakrca 1 GPU sa 8GB HBM memorije
26.04.2015. 14:36
status: user broj poruka: 417
Dolazice sa 8GB memorije, to sam razumeo, a ovo ostalo bas i ne razumem, ali ko hoce da procita: AMD will be employing a technology by SK Hynic called a “Dual Link Interposer” which will allow memory capacities upwards of 4GB without the use of 2nd Generation HBM. When 2nd Generation HBM memory arrives from SK Hynix, the report states AMD will be able to shift seamlessly to the new standard.
Problem arises from the fact that the 1st Generation HBM memory is limited by design to just 4GB worth of capacity. While 2nd Generation memory can support up to 8GB of capacity, its production time line is too far for AMD to be able to use it in its Radeon 300 series designs. And AMD is well aware of the fact that 4GB of memory is no longer enough for a flagship product, therefore the only solution is dual link interposing. With a Dual Link Interposing design, SK Hynix will be able to stack 4x (Dual 1GB HBM modules) via an Interposer (2.5D stacking). The design will have very high performance at low clock speeds and will also be very power efficient as compared to GDDR5.
Re: R9 390X ce koristiti Dual Link Interposer(?) da nakrca 1 GPU sa 8GB HBM memorije
26.04.2015. 18:12
status: user broj poruka: 573
a zamisli kad se neko odvazi i napravi quad link sa 16GB R9 390X :D DAUM=TRAUM=CRVENO=BIK
:: Dolazice sa 8GB memorije, to sam razumeo, a ovo ostalo bas i ne razumem, ali ko hoce da procita :: AMD will be employing a technology by SK Hynic called a “Dual Link Interposer” which will allow memory capacities upwards of 4GB without the use of 2nd Generation HBM. When 2nd Generation HBM memory arrives from SK Hynix, the report states AMD will be able to shift seamlessly to the new standard. :: :: Problem arises from the fact that the 1st Generation HBM memory is limited by design to just 4GB worth of capacity. While 2nd Generation memory can support up to 8GB of capacity, its production time line is too far for AMD to be able to use it in its Radeon 300 series designs. And AMD is well aware of the fact that 4GB of memory is no longer enough for a flagship product, therefore the only solution is dual link interposing. With a Dual Link Interposing design, SK Hynix will be able to stack 4x (Dual 1GB HBM modules) via an Interposer (2.5D stacking). The design will have very high performance at low clock speeds and will also be very power efficient as compared to GDDR5 :: :: http://wccftech.com/amd-radeon-r9-390x-fiji-xt-8-hi-8gb-hbm/
Re: Re: R9 390X ce koristiti Dual Link Interposer(?) da nakrca 1 GPU sa 8GB HBM memorije
26.04.2015. 18:38
status: user broj poruka: 417
Ne verujem da bi to imalo smisla sa R9 390x GPUom. Mozda sa nekim duplo ili troduplo jacim. 8GB je sasvim dovoljno za 4K i bice dovoljno u dogledno vreme.
:: a zamisli kad se neko odvazi i napravi quad link sa 16GB R9 390X : :: DAUM=TRAUM=CRVENO=BI
A modern high end graphics card tends to be quite big. It usually needs two slots for the cooler and is between 280 and 300 mm in the length.
The Radeon R9 290X height varies between 114mm and 142mm and our sources are telling us that the Fiji XT card will end up much shorter than the 280 to 300 mm Radeon 290X.
The reason behind this is quite simple. The GPU sits on a piece of silicon called the interposer and is surrounded by the HBM1 memory chips. Traditionally, a high end card such as a Radeon R9 290X has eight to sixteen GDDR5 chips on the front and the back of the card, and Fiji XT will have to rely on four chips per GPU.
This enables engineers to make much smaller PCB and much more compact graphics card. Our industry sources are claiming that the card will be as big as an average mainstream card, but we don’t have any exact figures at this time.
Da, to je zahvaljujuci ram stackingu, ili 3d ramu koji su razvili Samsung i Hynix, takodje i zbog toga sto ce koristiti HBM koji su razvili AMD i Hynix.
Super sto su najavili, ali ko ce biti prvi? :P
Takodje bice dosta manji gpu die, zbog 14nm procesa.
AMD potvrdeo dolazi nam karta sa HBM nesto novo iz AMD-a Ono sto se zna a to je da je ovo prva karta sa HBM i da je to nesto sto ce AMD prvi da implementira na svoje karte... nadam se da ce u narednim danima nesto vise da se szana o tome da li ce dolaziti sa 4 ili 8GB i da li ce biti vodeno ili air cooler.
HBM 2 dolazi sa R4xx seijom i Greenland Gpu-om. DAUM=TRAUM=CRVENO=BIK
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