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AMD Improves DX12 Performance Up To 46% With Asynchronous Compute Engines
Milos1975 AMD Improves DX12 Performance Up To 46% With Asynchronous Compute Engines 06.04.2015. 10:14 T60964

status: user
broj poruka: 417
Mozda je ovo odgovor zasto je Mantle efikasniji od DirectX12.

Pa kaze: to enable this feature the GPU must be built from the ground up to support it. In AMD’s Graphics Core Next based GPUs this feature is enabled through the Asynchronous Compute Engines integrated into each GPU.

ACEs debuted with AMD’s first GCN based GPU code named Tahiti in late 2011. They were originally added to GPUs mainly to handle compute tasks because they could not be leveraged with graphics APIs of the time. Today however ACEs take on a more important role in graphics processing in addition to compute.

DX11 only supports basic multi-threading methods that can’t fully take advantage of the thousands of shader units inside modern GPUs. This meant that GPUs could never reach their full potential, until now.
Multithreaded graphics in DX11 does not allow for multiple tasks to be scheduled simultaneously without adding considerable complexity to the design. This meant that a great number of GPU resources would spend their time idling with no task to process because the command stream simply can’t keep up. This in turn meant that GPUs could never be fully utilized, leaving a deep well of untapped performance and potential that programmers could not reach.

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vladats ... 06.04.2015. 11:24 #589947

status: user
broj poruka: 4537

AMD metla ce se ugradjivati u Samsung usisivace.

Al ce se cisti brzo ....

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Milos1975 Re: ... 06.04.2015. 11:36 #589949

status: user
broj poruka: 417
Nece moci. Evropska Unija je ogranicila maksimalnu snagu usisivaca na 1600W. :)))))

:: AMD metla ce se ugradjivati u Samsung usisivace
:: Al ce se cisti brzo ...
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loled2015 kad izlazi... 07.04.2015. 05:33 #590021

status: user
broj poruka: 54

r9 390x?
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solaja777 Re: kad izlazi... 07.04.2015. 08:22 #590025

status: user
broj poruka: 3278
Cim EU dozvoli potrosnju od pola kilovata po amd komponenti .)

:: r9 390x?
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Milos1975 Re: Re: kad izlazi... 07.04.2015. 09:10 #590030

status: user
broj poruka: 417
Ma uopste mi nisi maznuo salu :)))

:: Cim EU dozvoli potrosnju od pola kilovata po amd komponenti .
:: ::
:: ::
:: ::
:: :: r9 390x?
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solaja777 AMD hight-end GPUs 07.04.2015. 09:37 #590031

status: user
broj poruka: 3278

`the electricity bill for the 290x alone can sustain a village in africa for a month`

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Milos1975 Re: AMD hight-end GPUs 07.04.2015. 09:40 #590032

status: user
broj poruka: 417
Pa jasta! Sta ce im struja, jel vidis koliko zla je ostatku sveta doneo tehnoloski razvoj?
(tako bi ti Boss Klempete odgovorio, da je AMD bot, samo sto nije )

:: `the electricity bill for the 290x alone can sustain a village in africa for a month
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