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`Grafika HOLIVUD. (CG) kvaliteta dolazi na PC sa Mantle-om i CryEngine-om` - Cevat Yerli (CryTek)
PhatPhuck `Grafika HOLIVUD. (CG) kvaliteta dolazi na PC sa Mantle-om i CryEngine-om` - Cevat Yerli (CryTek) 21.04.2014. 18:02 T57475

status: user
broj poruka: 1886
GDC 2014: Crytek adopts AMD`s Mantle

` Published on Apr 17, 2014
We`re thrilled about Crytek`s adoption of our Mantle API. See what Cevat Yerli (CEO and President of Crytek) had to say during the announcement at GDC 2014 and the achievements he is aiming for with the implementation of Mantle in CryENGINE. `


“And with Mantle we think that we can achieve our vision that we had shared with in another keynote where we shared the vision that around 2013-2014 we believe that real-time graphics will hit CG quality. And to truly achieve that we think that we need to have much lower level access on the given hardware from the PC and consoles.”

Yerli concluded that with Mantle support, CRYENGINE will be the first engine that will offer CG quality visuals. Moreover, Crytek will be revealing soon the results of this collaboration between Mantle and CRYENGINE (perhaps a new tech demo? You know, the Ruby tech demo that was showcased behind closed doors).`

`Those who want respect - give respect.` - Anthony J. Soprano
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Gonjavac AMD 21.04.2014. 18:15 #550580

status: user
broj poruka: 573


:: GDC 2014: Crytek adopts AMD`s Mantle
:: ` Published on Apr 17, 201
:: We`re thrilled about Crytek`s adoption of our Mantle API. See what Cevat Yerli (CEO and President of Crytek) had to say during the announcement at GDC 2014 and the achievements he is aiming for with the implementation of Mantle in CryENGINE. `
:: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNutMUU3TO
:: “And with Mantle we think that we can achieve our vision that we had shared with in another keynote where we shared the vision that around 2013-2014 we believe that real-time graphics will hit CG quality. And to truly achieve that we think that we need to have much lower level access on the given hardware from the PC and consoles.
:: Yerli concluded that with Mantle support, CRYENGINE will be the first engine that will offer CG quality visuals. Moreover, Crytek will be revealing soon the results of this collaboration between Mantle and CRYENGINE (perhaps a new tech demo? You know, the Ruby tech demo that was showcased behind closed doors).`
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obradmi To znaci Crysis i Far cry sa mantle 22.04.2014. 09:29 #550624

status: user
broj poruka: 7723
Svaka cast AMD-u na kraju ce svi naslovi moci da se igraju sa low power AM1 soketom.
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EVGA011 ... 22.04.2014. 16:23 #550671

status: user
broj poruka: 578
AMD ce zamajavati svoje kupce tako sto ce oni ili biti inferiorni ili cekati mesecima da im optimizuju 2-3 igre za Mantle. Nikada to nece doci do tog nivoa kao NVIDIA DX12.
Naredne 3 god vise ce se provesti u pricanju ko ce sve da podrzi nego sto ce stvarno odmah uz DX11 izaci i Mantle verzija svih igara. 10 bez pa jedna sa podrskom.

i7-3770K(4.5)+ CORSAIR H100-EVGA Z77FTW-CORSAIR Dominator Platinum 1866(2x4GB)- EVGA GTX780Ti K|NGP|N Classified(EVGA GTX580 PhysX)-Sound Blaster Z-Force GT 120-CORSAIR Obsidian 650D-EVGA NEX1500 Classified- Logitech G510/G700- Samsung P2450H

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