Crytek se udružio sa AMD-om da implementiraju Mantle u Cryengine 3
Crytek se udružio sa AMD-om da implementiraju Mantle u Cryengine 3
13.04.2014. 15:14
status: user broj poruka: 1886
Ova vest je bila pre oko 3 nedelje, ja sam je propustio, slučajno danas vidim:
`Crytek Adopts AMD`s Mantle API for CRYENGINE`
By Kevin ParrishMarch 20, 2014 10:02 AM
AMD announced on Wednesday that Crytek is adding native Mantle graphics API support to the developer`s latest gaming engine, CRYENGINE. Crytek now joins a number of other developers and publishers using this `closer to the metal` API including Electronic Arts (Battlefield 4), Square Enix (THIEF), Roberts Space Industries (Star Citizen), Oxide (Nitros engine) and Rebellion Developments (Sniper Elite 3).
`AMD is delighted to bring Mantle support to the enormous audience of gamers and game developers reached by Crytek`s CRYENGINE,` said Ritche Corpus, director of ISV gaming and alliances, AMD. `Together, AMD and Crytek are forging a path for the graphics industry that better utilizes gamers` advanced AMD GPUs through `closer-to-the-metal` API design.`
For the uninitiated, Mantle is the `harmony` of three essential ingredients: a thin driver within the AMD Catalyst software suite that lets applications speak directly to AMD`s Graphics Core Next (GCN) architecture. a GPU or APU based on the GCN. and an application or game engine that is written to utilize the Mantle SDK.
`Mantle reduces the CPU`s workload by giving developers a way to talk to the GPU directly with much less translation,` the company`s website explains. `With less work for the CPU to do, programmers can squeeze much more performance from a system, delivering the greatest benefits in gaming systems where the CPU can be the bottleneck.`
...a da nije zbog vecinskog vlasnistva na trzistu? Mozda zbog konzola? ...stvarno ne znam!
...I sense you young padawan...
AMD Phenom II 955 BE MSI 970A-G46 AMD 7970 4x 4GB DDR3 1.6GHz 2x 320GB SATA II RAID0 1x 750GB SATA II 1x 3TB SATA III SB Live 5.1 Digital Corsair 750TX
Gre`ota bi bilo da se ne implementira, u svakom slučaju. CryEngine 3 je mekan i gladak kao puter u odnosu na druge engine, na primer, u odnosu na smrdljivi Call Of Duty engine koji i dan-danas, posle gomile patcheva, ima masivne probleme sa frejm-dropovima...
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:: Pitam se zasto.. :: :: ...a da nije zbog vecinskog vlasnistva na trzistu? Mozda zbog konzola? ...stvarno ne znam :: :: Pozz..
Masa ljudi ce moci i sa sporijim onfiguracijama da igra zahtevnije naslove... Inace, suska se da ce AMD da napusti CPU razvoje, i posveti se samo APU-ovima. Da bi to bilo maksimalno upotrebljivo, Mantle mora da zazivi i omasovi se...
Zašto grafitnom olovkom ne mogu ponovo da otključavam množioce procesora ??
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