`Za sada radi samo na Toshiba laptopovima, ali vi ipak isprobajte, pa javite da li i kako radi.` `Izgleda da je BF4 Mantil pače opet odložen (za februar), ali AMD nema mnogo veze sa tim. EA kontroliše izlazak pačeta.`
Wednesday, 29 January 2014 08:13 AMD 13.35 Mantle driver leaked Written by Fuad Abazovic Edited by Sinan Sakić
Ahead of schedule It turns out that the Battlefield 4 Mantle patch has been pushed again, and AMD has little to do with it. This is an EA internal issue, as EA controls the release of the patch but AMD got us on our toes since it said that Mantle patch should speed up Battlefield 4 on AMD hardware by up to 45 percent.
We heard even a number higher than that, but 45 percent is what AMD`s legal department was comfortable with, and that`s the figure graphics CTO Raja Koduri was allowed to disclose. Now Toshiba has jumped the gun leaking the AMD Catalyst 13.35 beta driver that comes with Mantle API support as well as TrueAudio support and it is a 316 MB download. The bad thing for most of you who cannot wait to give it a try that this download likely works only on Toshiba notebooks and nothing else but make sure to give it a try and let us know if it works for your AMD enabled system in desktop or notebook form.
The real driver is nearing release, we just need to see the Battlefield 4 Mantle patch and then we will give it a try and of course let you know If the systems such as Kaveri A8 7600 can get much more than 28 FPS at 1920x1080 medium settings, a score that we have been seeing for the last few days on Kaveri.
`Za sada radi samo na Toshiba laptopovima, ali vi ipak
30.01.2014. 11:39
status: user broj poruka: 10999
isprobajte (nemate sta da izgubite - svaki pregoreli Dekin surogat je dobitak za vas), pa javite da li i kako radi.` Ha, ha, ha - To ne da Shiba, nego rastura (karte na paramparcad). LOL - ``Toshiba edition``! Radi samo na Toshiba lapovima, i to iskljucivo na onima u ljubicastoj boji, tkz. GayTop series... Javite, ako vam lap prezivi. Ako ne, javite preko mobilnog....
AMD A10-7700K APU plus Radeon R9 290X GPU BF4 sa mantle na 1080p 4xaa daje povecanje perfomansi 41%. Intel Core i7-4960X plus R9 290X daje povecanje perfomansi 9.2 %.Mantle je efektivan kada je CPU usko grlo.
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