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`AMD Rade R9 290X najbolje prodavana high-end grafika u mnogo godina unazad`
PhatPhuck `AMD Rade R9 290X najbolje prodavana high-end grafika u mnogo godina unazad` 18.01.2014. 18:22 T56365

status: user
broj poruka: 1886
`Radeon R9 290X grafičke i dalje uz listu čekanja.`
`AMD ne može da proizvede dovoljno da podmiri potražnju.`
`Kada jednom pogodite odnos cena/performanse, tržište reaguje pozitivno - a kada je reakcija previše pozitivna - ovakvo nešto se desi.` (nestašica)

`Demand higher than expected
Since the Hawaii launch, the Radeon R9 290X has been a hot topic – literally. The card runs at 95 degrees Celsius, performs on par or better similar or better than competing cards from Nvidia and at the same time it costs less. Many people chose the Radeon R9 290X over Nvidia GTX 780 and Geforce GTX 780 TI cards, but for the most part, the new Hawaii cards are hard to get.

Our contacts are telling us that these cards are selling out quickly and that AMD cannot make enough of them to meet demand. Just recently we started to see custom cooled cards from Sapphire and XFX and we are sure that many others will follow. In addition, cheaper R9 290 custom cards are on the way.

The problem is hard to fix as the 9 card is more attractive than the top Nvidia card, which is priced significantly higher and starts at 9. Oveclocked cards with custom cooling sell for 0 or more.

Our sources are telling us that cards are selling better than AMD and partners originally expected. Independent sources who like to remain anonymous for obvious reasons do claim that the hot Radeon R9 290X was the best selling high-end graphics card that they saw in many years.

Once you get the price and performance right, the market reacts positively and when the response is too positive, this is what happens.`

Izvor: http://www.fudzilla.com/home/item/33675-radeon-r290x-cards-on-allocation
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Gonjavac :) 18.01.2014. 19:05 #537592

status: user
broj poruka: 573

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Vodos Ko je smestio AMD - zeki RODZERU ? 18.01.2014. 19:51 #537597

status: user
broj poruka: 864
Ili sto bi rekao Torta - AMD deki...

Dakle, ko je shebao od inzinjera rashladni sistem na retail karticama te se Hawaii toliko grejao ?
Da je hladjenje bilo od samog pocetka kao sto je danas, stvari bi verovatno stajale jos bolje po amd.

Zašto grafitnom olovkom ne mogu ponovo da otključavam množioce procesora ??

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Antilohije ljudi moji, pa je li ovo moguce? 18.01.2014. 20:09 #537599

status: user
broj poruka: 688

Pukose i Intel i nevidija...

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Blueberry Re: `AMD Rade R9 290X najbolje prodavana high-end grafika u mnogo godina unazad` 18.01.2014. 20:32 #537603

status: user
broj poruka: 1272
Zbog ovih fanatika:


:: `Radeon R9 290X grafičke i dalje uz listu čekanja.
:: `AMD ne može da proizvede dovoljno da podmiri potražnju.
:: `Kada jednom pogodite odnos cena/performanse, tržište reaguje pozitivno - a kada je reakcija previše pozitivna - ovakvo nešto se desi.` (nestašica
:: `Demand higher than expected
:: Since the Hawaii launch, the Radeon R9 290X has been a hot topic – literally. The card runs at 95 degrees Celsius, performs on par or better similar or better than competing cards from Nvidia and at the same time it costs less. Many people chose the Radeon R9 290X over Nvidia GTX 780 and Geforce GTX 780 TI cards, but for the most part, the new Hawaii cards are hard to get
:: Our contacts are telling us that these cards are selling out quickly and that AMD cannot make enough of them to meet demand. Just recently we started to see custom cooled cards from Sapphire and XFX and we are sure that many others will follow. In addition, cheaper R9 290 custom cards are on the way
:: The problem is hard to fix as the 9 card is more attractive than the top Nvidia card, which is priced significantly higher and starts at 9. Oveclocked cards with custom cooling sell for 0 or more
:: Our sources are telling us that cards are selling better than AMD and partners originally expected. Independent sources who like to remain anonymous for obvious reasons do claim that the hot Radeon R9 290X was the best selling high-end graphics card that they saw in many years.
:: Once you get the price and performance right, the market reacts positively and when the response is too positive, this is what happens.`
:: Izvor: http://www.fudzilla.com/home/item/33675-radeon-r290x-cards-on-allocation
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lordaca94 Debeli 18.01.2014. 23:32 #537617

status: user
broj poruka: 274
Sto bezis, debeli! Javi se!

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imarkovic Re: Debeli 19.01.2014. 00:08 #537620

status: user
broj poruka: 19012
Pobego ko djavo od krsta:)

:: Sto bezis, debeli! Javi se
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xenox Eeee 19.01.2014. 00:23 #537622

status: user
broj poruka: 1404
Da NeVIDIA more da radi mining ni njih ne bi bilo dovoljno... Bar nesto preteklo za postene gamere :)

Gigabyte Z77M-D3H, i5 3570k
3x8GB ddr3 1333, SanDisk SSD 64GB, Win XP
Frontier DIVA

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tortojed Sto je babi milo, to se Deki snilo.... 20.01.2014. 20:09 #537902

status: user
broj poruka: 10999
Fudzila - jaran sere k`o godzila

``Independent sources who like to remain anonymous for obvious reason``
Obvious reasons? Naravno - neko ce sutra da ih tuzi za sirenje dezinformacija...

``Once you get the price and performance right``, you can bet you are NOT dekina ``firma`` (pa ti odmah bude lakse)...

Obratite paznju na post iznad ovoga (da saznate ko su zapravo ti `nezavisni izvori`)...
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