Feature Highlights of The AMD Catalyst 13.8 Beta2 Driver for Windows:
Saints Row 4: Performance improves up to 25% at 1920x1280 with Ultra settings enabled Splinter Cell Blacklist: Performance improves up to 9% at 2560x1600 with Ultra settings enabled Final Fantasy XIV: Improves single GPU and CrossFire performance Van Helsing: Fixes image quality issues when enabling Anti-Aliasing through the AMD Catalyst Control Center Far Cry 3 / Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon: Resolve corruption when enabling Anti-Aliasing through the Catalyst Control Center RIPD: Improves single GPU performance Minimum: Improves CrossFire performance Castlevania Lords of Shadow: Improves CrossFire performance CrossFire: Frame Pacing feature – includes improved performance in World of Warcraft, Sniper Elite, Watch Dogs, and Tomb Raider Doom 3 BFG: Corruption issues have been resolved
Known Issues of The AMD Catalyst 13.8 Beta2 Driver for Windows:
CrossFire configurations (when used in combination with Overdrive) can result in the secondary GPU usage running at 99% Enabling CrossFire can result in the PCI-e bus speed for the secondary GPU being reported as x1 Bioshock Infinite: New DLC can cause system hangs with Frame Pacing enabled – disable frame pacing for this title to resolve
`Those who want respect - give respect.` - Anthony J. Soprano
Jel se pojavio 13.5 WHQL. Izaci ce Maxwell on ce jos biti aktuelan. On vam selektivno daje drivere za po 3 igrice. Onda kada hoces neku staru ti moras da trazid driver koji je u to vreme bio aktuelan. Ili imas tikove u igri. Dodjite bre u NVIDIA tabor. Kraljevstvo EVGA hardwara. Sta vas tu tajvanci muce. Sapphire i ostala druzina polutana. Pola AMD pola NVIDIA. Lepo na NVIDIA pa neka EVGA ili ko nema pare neki referentni PNY da vidite sta je gaming.
Feature Highlights of The AMD Catalyst 13.8 Beta Driver for Windows: ◾Support for AMD CrossFire™ Frame Pacing ◦Frame Pacing ensures that frames rendered across multiple GPUs in a CrossFire configuration will be displayed at an even and regular pace. ◦Enabled through the AMD Catalyst Control Center. Globally or on a per application basis. ◦Frame Pacing is enabled by default. ◦Supported for DirectX 10 and DirectX 11 applications, and resolutions up to and including 2560x1600 (single display).
◾OpenGL 4.3 support – full support for the OpenGL 4.3 feature set
◾Performance improvements found in AMD Catalyst 13.8 Beta for Windows: ◦Metro: Last Light – improves performance up to 7% on the AMD Radeon™ HD 7000 Series
◾OpenGL support for User Profiles and Catalyst Application Profiles: ◦Users can now create per application 3D setting profiles for OpenGL applications. ◦OpenGL applications are now supported through Catalyst Application Profile updates (for single GPU and AMD CrossFire configurations).
◾AMD Enduro Technology enhancement - Catalyst Control Center will now show which applications are active on the Performance GPU, and the Power-Saving GPU
◾Resolved issues: ◦Resolved crash when enabling AMD CrossFireX™ on some AMD 970 platforms ◦Improved stability for AMD Radeon HD 7790 ◦Resolved intermittent mouse cursor corruption when rapidly moving the cursor across window borders
-Ugh, but now, both my fans are spinning constantly, the gpu one doesn`t seem to turn off. - - - - - - - -So this doesn`t implement frame-pacing on dx9 and OpenGL? -Nope, not yet - - - - - - - - - - -Anyone have a problem about AODDriver4.2.0? After the install it gave me this error - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Just installed these drivers after uninstalling the previous 13.8 beta, and got this message... -same problem here and can not solve the issue. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -go to hell amd, 2nd time with no windows 8.1 support i am going nvidia soon, i am tired with weak companies and such bad support - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-For some reason the Amd drag n drop decoder failed to install. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Why the hell is stupid .NET 4.5 forced to install (Current version not installed it says even though it is) even if you already have it and you don`t need it. It only ruins the existing install so Windows will redownload the .NET 4.5 updates all over again. Someone at AMD doen`t have a clue how to make one bloody installer right...
EDIT: Great, now i have to let the installer unpack the files, cancel the installation, go to the extraction folder, delete `DotNet45` folder by hand and re-run setup.exe. Now the installer doesn`t have .NET 4.5 to install anymore. Fail AMD, fail...
-So that silly .NET Framework is not fucked up every single time you install beta drivers. And someone at AMD better fix this crap soon... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -It`s funny: when 13.8b1 came out, FC3 played beautifully. Then I reinstalled 13.4 to test something, and after then going back to 13.8, seemed that some occasional stuttering came back. Strange. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nothing strange there: AMD`s drivers&hardware are electronic waste. Dodajem ja.
Ja ne znam samo sto za vreme serije 580 i 6970 niko nije prokomentarisao da je nvidia stock kuler tako gotivan i tih prema AMD i da je vise nego duplo tisi i podnosljiviji jel samo vazduh cujes kako struji na 5000RPM udara o resetke i to proizvodi samo ssssssssssssssssss nikakav zvuk motora. Trebalo je to vise pojasniti ljudima. Ja sam znao da je tisa NVIDIA ali nisam znao da je ovoliko. Ovakvi su za moj pojam bili nereferentni kuleri. Ovo je suluda razlika.
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