AMD Catalyst 13.8 Beta Driver Fixes CrossFire Frame Pacing By Niels Broekhuijsen August 6, 2013 12:00 PM - Source: Tom`s Hardware US
AMD has released its new Catalyst 13.8 beta graphics drivers, the main highlight of which is the fix for the frame-latency problems experienced on older drivers.
Earlier we had already informed you that AMD was working on a new set of drivers that would fix the problems that many systems with CrossFire setups experienced, and as promised, AMD has released these drivers. The driver, which is still in the beta phase, goes by the name Catalyst 13.8 beta. The problems in question were those related to frame latency, otherwise referred to as `micro-stutter.` Below is the list of new features and resolved issues.
Feature Highlights of the AMD Catalyst 13.8 Beta Driver for Windows:
Support for AMD CrossFire Frame Pacing Frame Pacing ensures that frames rendered across multiple GPUs in a CrossFire configuration will be displayed at an even and regular pace. Enabled through the AMD Catalyst Control Center. globally or on a per application basis. Frame Pacing is enabled by default. Supported for DirectX 10 and DirectX 11 applications, and resolutions up to and including 2560x1600 (single display). OpenGL 4.3 support – full support for the OpenGL 4.3 feature set Performance improvements found in AMD Catalyst 13.8 Beta for Windows Metro: Last Light – improves performance up to 7 percent on the AMD Radeon HD 7000 Series. OpenGL support for User Profiles and Catalyst Application Profiles Users can now create per application 3D setting profiles for OpenGL applications. OpenGL applications are now supported through Catalyst Application Profile updates (for single GPU and AMD CrossFire configurations). AMD Enduro Technology enhancement - Catalyst Control Center will now show which applications are active on the Performance GPU, and the Power-Saving GPU
Resolved issues:
Resolved crash when enabling AMD CrossFireX on some AMD 970 platforms Improved stability for AMD Radeon HD 7790 Resolved intermittent mouse cursor corruption when rapidly moving the cursor across window borders
::,23776.htm :: :: AMD Catalyst 13.8 Beta Driver Fixes CrossFire Frame Pacing :: By Niels Broekhuijse :: August 6, 2013 12:00 PM - Source: Tom`s Hardware U :: :: AMD has released its new Catalyst 13.8 beta graphics drivers, the main highlight of which is the fix for the frame-latency problems experienced on older drivers :: :: Earlier we had already informed you that AMD was working on a new set of drivers that would fix the problems that many systems with CrossFire setups experienced, and as promised, AMD has released these drivers. The driver, which is still in the beta phase, goes by the name Catalyst 13.8 beta. The problems in question were those related to frame latency, otherwise referred to as `micro-stutter.` Below is the list of new features and resolved issues :: :: Feature Highlights of the AMD Catalyst 13.8 Beta Driver for Windows :: :: Support for AMD CrossFire Frame Pacin :: Frame Pacing ensures that frames rendered across multiple GPUs in a CrossFire configuration will be displayed at an even and regular pace :: Enabled through the AMD Catalyst Control Center. globally or on a per application basis :: Frame Pacing is enabled by default :: Supported for DirectX 10 and DirectX 11 applications, and resolutions up to and including 2560x1600 (single display) :: OpenGL 4.3 support – full support for the OpenGL 4.3 feature se :: Performance improvements found in AMD Catalyst 13.8 Beta for Window :: Metro: Last Light – improves performance up to 7 percent on the AMD Radeon HD 7000 Series. :: OpenGL support for User Profiles and Catalyst Application Profile :: Users can now create per application 3D setting profiles for OpenGL applications :: OpenGL applications are now supported through Catalyst Application Profile updates (for single GPU and AMD CrossFire configurations) :: AMD Enduro Technology enhancement - Catalyst Control Center will now show which applications are active on the Performance GPU, and the Power-Saving GP :: :: Resolved issues :: :: Resolved crash when enabling AMD CrossFireX on some AMD 970 platform :: Improved stability for AMD Radeon HD 779 :: Resolved intermittent mouse cursor corruption when rapidly moving the cursor across window border :: :: Download: :: :: `Those who want respect - give respect.` - Anthony J. Soprano
Guruu ne verujem ništa... Koristi Skyrim za test multicore procesora?? WTF?
07.08.2013. 09:38
status: user broj poruka: 1886
A i mala deca znaju da Skrim i Far Cry favorizuju Intel i dual core procesore... I da Skyrim nije sposoban da iskoristi više od 2 jezgra. Pusti Gurua, to jest, `Hiberta`... To je poznati, pristrasni Nvidia fanboj...
Evo ti sa respektabilnog i NEPRISRASNOG HardwareCanucks:
After what seems like endless waiting and more than a few rumors about its impending release, AMD’s Frame Pacing driver has finally arrived and it works extremely well.`
`delivered a notable difference for onscreen frame delivery without negatively impacting other aspects of gameplay.`
`Looking outside of our little statistical FCAT bubble, the difference between disabling and enabling frame pacing was dramatic. Nearly every game we tried was drastically smoother...`
`The actual framerate performance of this driver will –at least when frame pacing is enabled- likely be a hotly debated subject. In some instances, framerates actually drop by a good amount but that was something AMD actively planned for. This situation does raise a very good question though: what makes a graphics card `fast`? With frame times and onscreen fluidity taken into consideration, it`s obviously not enough to have a GPU that can pump out ridiculous framerates without giving any thought to the actual gaming experience. `
`We should also mention that frame pacing is still a work in progress and it isn’t ready for anything beyond the beta stage just yet. Optimizations are still being worked on and performance should gradually increase. No, that isn`t likely to be something you want to hear right now, after waiting for these drivers for months on end but this is all we`ve got for now.`
`AMD’s new driver is an impressive step forward but we can’t help feeling that it took AMD ages to get to this point. While review sites have been actively reporting and recording AMD’s problems with frame times for the past year or so, the root causes have been around for far longer. Remember, NVIDIA stepped in and fixed their issues without any fanfare years ago.
Even though frame pacing does represent a large improvement for Crossfire solutions, we just can’t bring ourselves to laud it as a technological achievement. Late is certainly better than never but with the 13.8 beta drivers, AMD is simply fixing something which shouldn’t have been broken for so long in the first place.`
Da li su rešili taj problem na single kartama? Onomad mi mi je 5750 kopala oči, dok nisam kupio 550ti. Ne trolujem. Možda neko ko redovno koristi AMD grafičke to ne primećuje, ali 5750 se baš loše pokazala kod mene (uprkos odličnim performansama) između 450 i 550ti.
:: Da li su rešili taj problem na single kartama? Onomad mi mi je 5750 kopala oči, dok nisam kupio 550ti. Ne trolujem. Možda neko ko redovno koristi AMD grafičke to ne primećuje, ali 5750 se baš loše pokazala kod mene (uprkos odličnim performansama) između 450 i 550ti.
Sramota je da 2 godine ne mogu ds ublaze problem da to tek sad kada je serija spremna odavno za penziju oni tek sad uspevaju da zakrpe malo. Inace problem je samo malo ublazen I dalje je sirom neta dosta prituzbi. Inace stvar je u tome da drajver ima direktnu interakciju sa hardverom I krajnji rezultat je takav rad. Ovo se proteze godinama unazad , I single gpu karte to imaju a kamo li multi gpu sistemi. To je fakticki karakteristika samog brenda I taj fenomen ce uvek biti primetan. P.S.Neko pomenu trzaje, seckanje, to nije microsttutering vec glitch!
Superior Technology Intel 3930K@4.8 Ghz/Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Corsair Dominator GT 32GB/MSI GTX680 Lightning/Samsung 830 256GB/Creative Titanium HD/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Dell 2709w/CM Stacker 832 i ostala cuda
:: Bilo je i vreme da nesto urade po tom pitanju... :: ::
Sramota je da 2 godine ne mogu ds ublaze problem da to tek sad kada je serija spremna odavno za penziju oni tek sad uspevaju da zakrpe malo. Inace problem je samo malo ublazen I dalje je sirom neta dosta prituzbi. Inace stvar je u tome da drajver ima direktnu interakciju sa hardverom I krajnji rezultat je takav rad. Ovo se proteze godinama unazad , I single gpu karte to imaju a kamo li multi gpu sistemi. To je fakticki karakteristika samog brenda I taj fenomen ce uvek biti primetan. P.S.Neko pomenu trzaje, seckanje, to nije microsttutering vec glitch!
Superior Technology Intel 3930K@4.8 Ghz/Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Corsair Dominator GT 32GB/MSI GTX680 Lightning/Samsung 830 256GB/Creative Titanium HD/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Dell 2709w/CM Stacker 832 i ostala cuda
:: Bilo je i vreme da nesto urade po tom pitanju... :: ::
Ok. Nisam dovoljno precizirao. Radi se o situacijama gde karta `renda` 55 + FPS, a izgleda kao da renda 22-23 FPS. Nisam fanboy i sviđa mi se AMD zbog cena, uglavnom, ali imaju te neke bubice koje bih stvarno voleo da se ispeglaju. Nego i nVidia počela da zeza, 550ti se čudno ponaša sa poslednjim drajverima (nemam reči u rečniku da opišem) moram ih downgrade-ovati. Verovatno nisam ni merodavan da komentarišem na ovu temu, ali samo prenosim ono što sam primetio.
:: :: Nije ni cudo, 5750 je slabija od 450gt :: :: :: Da li su rešili taj problem na single kartama? Onomad mi mi je 5750 kopala oči, dok nisam kupio 550ti. Ne trolujem. Možda neko ko redovno koristi AMD grafičke to ne primećuje, ali 5750 se baš loše pokazala kod mene (uprkos odličnim performansama) između 450 i 550ti.
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