ATI: Prvi sa DirectX 9 akceleratorom (i teselacijom - još od Radeona 8500)
`Developed by a team that had originally formed the core of ArtX, the ATI R300 GPU delivered spectacularly and arrived very promptly. It was the first to bring DirectX 9.0 support, and by extension, the first architecture to support shader model 2.0, vertex shader 2.0, and pixel shader 2.0. Other notable achievements: it was the second GPU series to support AGP 8x - SiS’s Xabre 80/200/400 line was first - and implementing the first flip-chip GPU package.`
Nvidija: Prva sa DirectX 10 akc. (8800GTX) `The 8800 series, codenamed G80, was launched on 8 November 2006 with the release of the GeForce 8800 GTX and GTS.` (ATI je kasnio sve do maja 2007.)
AMD/ATI: Prvi sa DirectX 10 zaokruženim standardom (10.1) (Radeon HD 3870) `The only available Direct3D 10.1 hardware as of June 2008 were the Radeon HD 3000 series and Radeon HD 4000 series from ATI. in 2009, they were joined by Chrome 430/440GT GPUs from S3 Graphics and select lower-end models in GeForce 200 series from Nvidia. In 2011, Intel chipsets started supporting Direct3D 10.1 with the introduction of Intel HD Graphics 2000 (GMA HD).`
`Direct3D 10.1 sets a few more image quality standards for graphics vendors, and gives developers more control over image quality. Features include finer control over anti-aliasing (both multisampling and supersampling with per sample shading and application control over sample position) and more flexibilities to some of the existing features (cubemap arrays and independent blending modes). Direct3D 10.1 level hardware must support the following features:
Mandatory 32-bit floating point filtering. Mandatory support for 4x anti-aliasing Shader model 4.1`
`Tessellation was earlier considered for Direct3D 10, but was later abandoned. GPUs such as Radeon R600 feature a tessellation engine that can be used with Direct3D 9/10/10.1 and OpenGL, but it`s not compatible with Direct3D 11 (according to Microsoft).`
AMD/ATI: Prvi sa DirectX 11 (Radeon HD 5xxx serija) AMD/ATI: Prvi sa DirectX 11.1 standardom (Radeon 7xxx serija - Decembar 2011. - nvidia kasnila do maja 2012.)
`Those who want respect - give respect.` - Anthony J. Soprano
`The term GPU was popularized by Nvidia in 1999, who marketed the GeForce 256 as `the world`s first `GPU`, or Graphics Processing Unit, a single-chip processor with integrated transform, lighting, triangle setup/clipping, and rendering engines that are capable of processing a minimum of 10 million polygons per second`
Nvidija je prva `marketovala` termin GPU za svoj prvi Hardware Transform & Lighting - capable čip, GeForce GTS 256... Ako tako definišemo `GPU`, u smislu `život počinje od hardware transform & lightinga`, onda da - to jeste prvi GPU.
`Those who want respect - give respect.` - Anthony J. Soprano
:: Jednu bitnu stavku si zaboravio: First GPU ever - Nvidia GeForce 256 :: __________________ :: Scourge of PCBerza ::
3DFx je dobro zasrao stvar, dobro se sećam svega i žalim. Ujebao ih je unutrašnji menadžment firme i gubili su mnogo vremena na gluposti umesto na R&D. Na kraju kad se GeForce 256 pojavio jednostavno su uhvaćeni spuštenih gaća, zadnji pokušaj sa Voodoo 5500 i 6000 je jednostavno bio ispod proseka u poredjenju sa Nvidiom i nisu imali vremena za bilo šta novo. __________________ Scourge of PCBerza
5500 i 6000 su bili strasne karte i jace od gforce ali ih je sjebalo to sto nisu svoj kapital ulagali u kompanije koje prave igrice tako da je njihovo `glajdovanje` bilo neupotrebljivo kao d3d.
Najveci skok u performansama ikad kod grafickih kartica je bio kad je ATI izbacio 8500 seriju. Toliko su oduvali konkurenciju da to nije bilo normalno. Nikad toliki skok nece da se ponovi.
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