GeForce 313.95 Beta Drivers: Optimized For The Crysis 3 Open Beta, Assassin’s Creed 3 & Far Cry 3
GeForce 313.95 Beta Drivers: Optimized For The Crysis 3 Open Beta, Assassin’s Creed 3 & Far Cry 3
28.01.2013. 17:31
status: user broj poruka: 18472
Eto sta su ti profesionalci..Crysis 3 Bete jos nema tj nije ni pocela driver vec spreman za testiranje Posle neko kaze a sto bas nVidia?Za naprednije korisnike zbog mnogo razloga i razlika.. Takodje za SLI profile ,svaka im cast,ekspresno..
Ima nekolicina korisnika koji ne vole bete,iz mog iskustva sa betama sam ranije uvek imao bolje performanse,doduse beta i jeste prerelease tako da u whql samo dobijes upotpunjen driver..
Intel 3930K@4.8 Ghz/Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Corsair Dominator GT 32GB/MSI GTX680 Lightning/Samsung 830 256GB/Creative Titanium HD/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Dell 2709w/CM Stacker 832 i ostala cuda
Fino, fino, samo jos da ove tabele isprave. Ispade 660ti brza od 670.
Who Dares Wins! AMD Phenom II X4 955@4.0GHz + CM 412 Slim / Asus M4A785TD-V EVO / MSI GTX 660Ti PE OC / WD Black WD6401AALS + WD My Passport 1TB/ Kingston 2x2GB 1333MHz / CM Storm Stryker
Kod AMD-a cekas po pola godine da optimizuju driver za neku igru da bi igrao kao covek ,ovi izbacuju pre vremena vec optimizovan Dakle,bas kad treba da uzitak bude pravi
Intel 3930K@4.8 Ghz/Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Corsair Dominator GT 32GB/MSI GTX680 Lightning/Samsung 830 256GB/Creative Titanium HD/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Dell 2709w/CM Stacker 832 i ostala cuda
Da nije neko kojim slucajem imao problem sa jezikom instalacije pa da mu je umesto kontrolne tablle odnosno control panel stojalo kontrolna plošća kao i sve ostalo na slovenackom. Šta god da sam uradio control panel je uvek bio kontrolna plošća.
nvidia is really making people head twist with these announcements. First they are forcing the 690 down our throats to play this game at ultra then are saying that the 660 ti is no longer good enough to play this game on the pc. No Motion Blur or Lens flare!!! u gotta be f`ing kidding me. Suddenly the 500 series is also dead and getting retarded results in geforce experience beta....
They deleted my post because i said Far cry 3 auto detects higher settings than what Geforce Experience detected. I`m using 660 ti.
Also tested the witcher 2 with my 560 ti with geforce experience. It now optimizes the game with a much lower settings with a 560 ti although it runs identical on both the 560 and 660 ti with the settings it detects for the 660 ti (maxed).. STOP THE SHADY PRACTICE NVIDIA!! 16 •Reply•Share ›
Pop Bogdan pc gamer01 • a day ago Totaly agree, tho from the game sys requierments, GTX 560 will run the game quite nice on high spec. Its been a year since i bought the 560 GTX, i`m not finished enjoying it so they better optimise the game 7 •Reply•Share ›
kerath Pop Bogdan • a day ago − I would not listen to any thing they say it`s a lie lol. I got the new nvidia experience and it tells me every game has to be on low though it can only find my intergraded card.... Also I have played the alpha for this game and I use an Core I 5 laptop 3rd gen, 8 gigs of ram, 500gig hd and game installed to 60 gig ssd, also an Nvidia 630m 2gigs, this game ran almost every thing on medium with lens flare and motion blur, with the resolution ad 1600x900 the game runs around 30-40 fps for me so I don`t know what nvidia is trying to pull.
The way its meant to be played, sta drugo reci... Bf3 i dalje puca ljudima sa zelenim kartama, ali jok bolje stancaj drajvere da bi imao neki fps vise u benchmarcima umesto da stabilizuju ta sranja....
:: Komentari korisnika :: :: nvidia is really making people head twist with these announcements. First they are forcing the 690 down our throats to play this game at ultra then are saying that the 660 ti is no longer good enough to play this game on the pc. No Motion Blur or Lens flare!!! u gotta be f`ing kidding me. Suddenly the 500 series is also dead and getting retarded results in geforce experience beta... :: :: They deleted my post because i said Far cry 3 auto detects higher settings than what Geforce Experience detected. I`m using 660 ti :: :: Also tested the witcher 2 with my 560 ti with geforce experience. It now optimizes the game with a much lower settings with a 560 ti although it runs identical on both the 560 and 660 ti with the settings it detects for the 660 ti (maxed).. STOP THE SHADY PRACTICE NVIDIA! :: 16 •Reply•Share :: :: Pop Bogdan pc gamer01 • a day ag :: Totaly agree, tho from the game sys requierments, GTX 560 will run the game quite nice on high spec. Its been a year since i bought the 560 GTX, i`m not finished enjoying it so they better optimise the gam :: 7 •Reply•Share :: :: kerath Pop Bogdan • a day ago :: I would not listen to any thing they say it`s a lie lol. I got the new nvidia experience and it tells me every game has to be on low though it can only find my intergraded card.... Also I have played the alpha for this game and I use an Core I 5 laptop 3rd gen, 8 gigs of ram, 500gig hd and game installed to 60 gig ssd, also an Nvidia 630m 2gigs, this game ran almost every thing on medium with lens flare and motion blur, with the resolution ad 1600x900 the game runs around 30-40 fps for me so I don`t know what nvidia is trying to pull :: :: :: :: :: Skyfire: ...frekfencija.. ::
@Miskonius: puca, puca...ali sta? Puca nam prsluk! BF3 kao i BILO koja igra
29.01.2013. 13:07
status: user broj poruka: 10999
STABILNIJE radi na NV kartama nego na dekinim surogatima. BF3 se, konkretno, potpuno stabilno i VEOMA efikasno vrti na mom kompu (SB2600K+GTX470) - o tome sam izvestio jos pre onoliko meseci...
@Ognjenko: ima nesto sto je zajednicko za tebe i Homera - slepilo (imati dekin surogat od karte znaci biti slep za gejming).
Pa svako je mogao da se predstavi kako hoce i da napise sta hoce.. Koliko idiota ima na netu pogotovu AMD zaludjenika koji na sve strane pljuju po nVidia-i misle nesto ce po tom pitanju postici!
Sta li je pisac uopste hteo da kaze? Onaj nadasve glupavi post uopste ne dokazuje nista pogotovu ne ono sto sam ja istakao u ovoj temi a to je sledece i zakljucak testera : poenta :
2012 was a good year for NVIDIA in terms of new video card releases, and driver support. The GeForce GTX 600 series started off strong, and ended strong for the year. It seemed more often than not NVIDIA got its driver optimizations for games right the first time. This is something that buyers should take into consideration for any graphics card series. It is important to look back at the history, and support for new games as they are released. Most of you reading this are like us, we pre-order games, and start playing our brand new shiny game immediately when it unlocks in Steam. It is at that moment, at that time, that we must have proper driver support and optimizations for these games on our video cards. We play these games as soon as they are launched, and day 1 game support is of most importance. We want drivers that optimize performance, and provide SLI support immediately. NVIDIA has a good track record for 2012 of providing this.
AMD botovi,malo se uzobiljite..Konverzaciju vodimo na osnovu cinjenica a ne rekla kazala!
Intel 3930K@4.8 Ghz/Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Corsair Dominator GT 32GB/MSI GTX680 Lightning/Samsung 830 256GB/Creative Titanium HD/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Dell 2709w/CM Stacker 832 i ostala cuda
jes` da ima besnilo ali su mu od starosti otpali zubi pa moze samo da laje... I on i njegov buzdovanski psihopatski pobratim...
to sto si odgledao interaktivni film aka BF3 SP i sto ti nije pukla igra uopste te ne cini relavantnim da komentarises moje navode. Bio si dzek da das soma evra za cpu, Mb i taj reso koji koji je sposoban da pusti nesto u HD a ovamo si stipsa da kupis igru (cujem sad kosta pisljivih nekoliko stotina dinara) ciji je MP hardverski najzahtevniji i najzabavniji od svih na trzistu? Bf3 puca zbog nvidijinih drajvera bukvalno otkad je izasao, nvidija visse od godinu dana ne moze da resi taj problem! M`s`m o cemu mi pricamo? Te bajkice pricaj nekom drugom...
@Ognjeni ti si kriv za sve,stari perveznjaku.. Potpalio si vatru i probudio si AMD demone da sad sire negativnost u temi! Za bezobrazluk otpada onaj dogovor o teritoriji..Od sad idem redom
Intel 3930K@4.8 Ghz/Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Corsair Dominator GT 32GB/MSI GTX680 Lightning/Samsung 830 256GB/Creative Titanium HD/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Dell 2709w/CM Stacker 832 i ostala cuda
hehe jbg nisam ja kriv sto se neki pale bzv :) . Samo da znas da sporazum o teritoriji vazi i vice versa, tako da vidim li da fale ovcice eto me na tvoju teritoriju :)
I7 2600 + TX3 + P67 C43 16gb Ripler 1600 cl6 Asus 7970 DirectCU II TOP Samsung 840 pro 256 +Samsung F4 raid 0 Xonar D2 + Creative Inspire T6100 Raven RV01 + Arkangel 850w LG 277L-BN
Verovao ili ne ja razumem ove fan devojcice , nije im lako..Em im je hardver krs,em driver support below zero ,em ni performansama nemogu da se dice..Boli,jako boli pogotovi kad se vezes za hardver pa ga dozivljavas na licnoj osnovi kao svog drugara,kao svog brata :)))) Zato i dodju uvek da troluju u nV temi,ne mogu da podnesu ni jedan uspeh njima omrazenog brenda!nVidia&Intel napreduju,AMD propada..
Neki su odavno vec mrtvi (u glavi),samo to jos ne znaju
Nosicemo se moj prijatelju,nosicemo P.S.Kad god sam te zvao bio si zauzet..Vidim te na mojoj teritoriji letece ovce na sve strane
Intel 3930K@4.8 Ghz/Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Corsair Dominator GT 32GB/MSI GTX680 Lightning/Samsung 830 256GB/Creative Titanium HD/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Dell 2709w/CM Stacker 832 i ostala cuda
Tu ne postoji VS niti je ikad postojalo.. Vampiri ,demoni i ostale prikaze iz podzemlja koje sluze Crvenom masteru se sami pozovu u temu i pocnu da troluju i sire negativnost..Zasto?Pa to sam objasnio malo vise gore.. Ja to docekam kao vid zabave,dok se oni nerviraju i loze meni sve smesnije a znam da ih pogadja
U krajnjem slucaju ,tema nije imala uopste takav karakter ,jedino sto sam ja dodao cinjenicu da AMD nije azuran po pitanju optimizacije i to je sve..Znam da boli..Sta da radim,jace je od mene ,uvek sam bio za istinu
Intel 3930K@4.8 Ghz/Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Corsair Dominator GT 32GB/MSI GTX680 Lightning/Samsung 830 256GB/Creative Titanium HD/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Dell 2709w/CM Stacker 832 i ostala cuda
Moj stav znas. Ne treba se nervirati zbog gluposti, a upravo ovakva prepucavanja i jesu glupost na nivou deteta od 5 godina, samo opusteno. :)) @Milos22 hahaha, dobra! :D br>
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