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GeForce 310.70 Drivers
mixer93 GeForce 310.70 Drivers 05.12.2012. 10:42 T50569

status: user
broj poruka: 4187

Ko igra Far Cry3...
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Dexter013 @mixer93 05.12.2012. 11:11 #459210

status: user
broj poruka: 17093
To cenim mani beta sranja.

Cim dodjem kuci probam AC3 i FC3 da vidim ima li stvarnog boost-a.

Cpu:AMD Phenom II x6 1055 T @3.36 Ghz
GPU:GTX 670 Gigabyte Windforce
Ram:10 Gb KingstonHyperX@1600MHz
MBO:AM3+ Asus M5A97
PSU:Chieftec 650w a85
Mis: Mx518
Dell 22

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Coa87 re... 05.12.2012. 11:17 #459211

status: user
broj poruka: 372
Koliko sam ja video, i ovo su beta drajveri...


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Dexter013 @coa 05.12.2012. 11:21 #459212

status: user
broj poruka: 17093
Zajebalo me ovo:

The new GeForce 310.70 drivers are now available to download.
The culmination of our recent beta releases.

Zvanicni stabilni poslednju su 306.97

Cpu:AMD Phenom II x6 1055 T @3.36 Ghz
GPU:GTX 670 Gigabyte Windforce
Ram:10 Gb KingstonHyperX@1600MHz
MBO:AM3+ Asus M5A97
PSU:Chieftec 650w a85
Mis: Mx518
Dell 22

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mixer93 Jesu beta... 05.12.2012. 11:30 #459214

status: user
broj poruka: 4187
Da nisu, pisalo bi WHQL. Sta fali oprobati u igrama?

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Dexter013 @mixer 05.12.2012. 11:33 #459217

status: user
broj poruka: 17093
Priznajem, moja greska, samo sam prvu recenicu procitao.
I jebali te beta drajveri

Cpu:AMD Phenom II x6 1055 T @3.36 Ghz
GPU:GTX 670 Gigabyte Windforce
Ram:10 Gb KingstonHyperX@1600MHz
MBO:AM3+ Asus M5A97
PSU:Chieftec 650w a85
Mis: Mx518
Dell 22

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mixer93 Re: @mixer 05.12.2012. 11:36 #459219

status: user
broj poruka: 4187
Pa napisao sam ispod linka, ko igra Far Cry 3... Sad cu i sam da probam, bas me zanima koliki boost se dobija sa generacijom 5xx.
I AMD je izbacio beta drajvere zasad...

:: Priznajem, moja greska, samo sam prvu recenicu procitao
:: I jebali te beta drajveri
:: Cpu:AMD Phenom II x6 1055 T @3.36 Gh
:: GPU:GTX 670 Gigabyte Windforc
:: Ram:10 Gb KingstonHyperX@1600MH
:: MBO:AM3+ Asus M5A9
:: Case:CoolerMasterElite43
:: PSU:Chieftec 650w a8
:: CpuCooler:TitanVanes
:: Mis: Mx51
:: Dell 22
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time82 mene su uhvatili 05.12.2012. 11:39 #459221

status: user
broj poruka: 138
na to sto ima onaj znak za recommended pa sam pomislio da nisu beta :) nema veze testiracemo.

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mixer93 Re: 05.12.2012. 11:41 #459222

status: user
broj poruka: 4187
Doduse, ne samo FC3, tu su i ostale igre, kako i ove novije, tako i starije.

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Dexter013 @mixer 05.12.2012. 11:47 #459223

status: user
broj poruka: 17093
Imao sam ranije losa iskustva sa beta drajverima i za ATI i za nvidiju...
Nisu dzabe beta, da su 100% stabilni i dobri ne bi bili beta nego fulll.

Cpu:AMD Phenom II x6 1055 T @3.36 Ghz
GPU:GTX 670 Gigabyte Windforce
Ram:10 Gb KingstonHyperX@1600MHz
MBO:AM3+ Asus M5A97
PSU:Chieftec 650w a85
Mis: Mx518
Dell 22

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mixer93 Re: @mixer 05.12.2012. 11:48 #459224

status: user
broj poruka: 4187
Ma sta kazes... :D Pa ja ni ne ocekujem da rade 100% kako treba, nego samo u igrama da vidim kako rade drajveri. Zato su i izbacili drajvere, za igre, ne za nesto drugo.

:: Imao sam ranije losa iskustva sa beta drajverima i za ATI i za nvidiju..
:: Nisu dzabe beta, da su 100% stabilni i dobri ne bi bili beta nego fulll
:: Cpu:AMD Phenom II x6 1055 T @3.36 Gh
:: GPU:GTX 670 Gigabyte Windforc
:: Ram:10 Gb KingstonHyperX@1600MH
:: MBO:AM3+ Asus M5A9
:: Case:CoolerMasterElite43
:: PSU:Chieftec 650w a8
:: CpuCooler:TitanVanes
:: Mis: Mx51
:: Dell 22
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Daum ... 05.12.2012. 12:21 #459232

status: user
broj poruka: 12796
Zar ovo nije onaj beta driver sa kojim crashuje Battlefield 3?
Scourge of PCBerza

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SkyFire ... 05.12.2012. 13:00 #459242

status: user
broj poruka: 18472
Driver je fantastican i jeste WHQL.
Boost ima u skoro svakoj igri,minimalni fps je skocio,average skocio,fps je uravnotezen bez padova,oscilacija..
Ja sam prezadooljan i sve mi se cini da prave sve kvalitetnije drivere..
Dosta ljudi je izrazilo zadovoljstvo..

FarCry 3 radi dosta bolje..

Intel 3930K@4.8 Ghz/Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Corsair Dominator GT 32GB/MSI GTX680 Lightning/Samsung 830 256GB/Creative Titanium HD/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Dell 2709w/CM Stacker 832 i ostala cuda

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mixer93 Re: ... 05.12.2012. 13:16 #459253

status: user
broj poruka: 4187
Ovo zadnje potpisujem, primetio sam malo bolji fps na ultra settings npr.

:: Driver je fantastican i jeste WHQL
:: Boost ima u skoro svakoj igri,minimalni fps je skocio,average skocio,fps je uravnotezen bez padova,oscilacija.
:: Ja sam prezadooljan i sve mi se cini da prave sve kvalitetnije drivere.
:: Dosta ljudi je izrazilo zadovoljstvo.
:: FarCry 3 radi dosta bolje.
:: Intel 3930K@4.8 Ghz/Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Corsair Dominator GT 32GB/MSI GTX680 Lightning/Samsung 830 256GB/Creative Titanium HD/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Dell 2709w/CM Stacker 832 i ostala cuda
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Milunka Pa nije samo Far Cry 3 05.12.2012. 13:21 #459257

status: user
broj poruka: 1624
Aliens vs. Predator: Performance increased by 3.4% at 1920x1080 when using max settings, tessellation, and Advanced Shadows.
Assassin’s Creed III (Pre-Release Build): Performance increased by 17.8% at 1920x1080 when using max settings and Normal Anti-Aliasing, by 7.1% at 2560x1600 using the same settings, and by 9.8% at 1920x1080 when using max settings and Very High Anti-Aliasing.
Batman: Arkham City: Performance increased by 7.6% at 1920x1080 when using Very High detail settings, Tessellation High, PhysX High and FXAA High. At 2560x1600, using 4xMSAA, performance increased by 5.2%.
Battlefield 3: Performance increased by 13% at 1920x1080 when using Ultra settings in a single-player Paris benchmark. at 2560x1600 an improvement of 7.9% was recorded. Using High settings, an improvement of 15.3% was registered at 1920x1080.
Borderlands 2: Performance increased by 5.3% at 2560x1600 when using max settings and PhysX High. At 1920x1080 performance increased by 3.3%.
Call of Duty: Black Ops II: Performance increased by 26% at 1920x1080 when using max settings and 8xMSAA. At 2560x1600 performance increased by 24.1%.
Civilization V: Performance increased by 23.7% at 2560x1600 in a late-game benchmark using max DirectX 11 settings.
DiRT 3: Performance increased by 4.3% at 1920x1080 when using Ultra DirectX 11 settings and 8xMSAA.
Dragon Age 2: Performance increased by 8.5% at 2560x1600 when using max settings.
Hard Reset: Performance increased by 3.6% at 1920x1080 when using Ultra settings and FXAA.
Just Cause 2: Performance increased by 3.2% at 1920x1080 when using max DirectX 10 settings and 8xMSAA.
Medal of Honor: Warfighter: Performance increased by 5.7% at 1920x1080 when using High settings.
Metro 2033: Performance increased by 4.6% at 1680x1050 when using max DirectX 11 settings, Depth of Field, and Advanced PhysX.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat: Performance increased by 4.7% at 2560x1600 when using Extreme settings. At 1920x1080 performance increased by 4.2%.
Shogun 2: Total War: Performance increased by 3.5% at 2560x1600 when using max DirectX 11 settings, and by 3.3% at 1920x1080.
Sniper Elite V2: Performance increased by 3.5% at 2560x1600 when using max settings, AA High, and 2.5x Supersampling. Without Supersampling, performance increased by 3.8%.
StarCraft II: Performance increased by 6.2% at 1920x1080 when using Ultra settings.
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena: Performance increased by 18% at 2560x1600 when using max settings.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Performance increased by 5% at 2560x1600 when using Ultra settings in an indoor scenario, and by 4.7% at 1920x1080.
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings: Performance increased by 3% at 1680x1050 when using max settings and anti-aliasing. At 1920x1080 performance increased by 2.8%.
Unigine Heaven 3.0: Performance increased by 3% at 1920x1080 when using max DirectX 11 settings and Extreme Tessellation. At lower settings and resolutions performance increased by up to 4%.
Assassin’s Creed III (Pre-Release Build): Performance increased by 5% at 1920x1080 when using max settings and Normal Anti-Aliasing.
Batman: Arkham City: Performance increased by 3.9% at 1920x1080 when using Very High detail settings, Tessellation High, and 4xMSAA.
Battlefield 3: Performance increased by 9.8% at 1920x1080 when using High settings in a single-player Paris benchmark. at 1680x1050 an improvement of 10.3% was recorded. Using Ultra settings, improvements of 8.1% and 7.7% were recorded at 1680x1050 and 1920x1080, respectively.
Call of Duty: Black Ops II: Performance increased by 23.8% at 1920x1080 when using max settings and 8xMSAA. At 2560x1600 performance increased by 23.3%.
DiRT 3: Performance increased by 3% at 1920x1080 when using Ultra DirectX 11 settings.
Dragon Age 2: Performance increased by 4.7% at 1920x1080 when using max settings and 8xMSAA.
Hard Reset: Performance increased by 4.5% at 1920x1080 when using Ultra settings.
Medal of Honor: Warfighter: Performance increased by 4.3% at 1920x1080 when using High settings.
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena: Performance increased by 8.7% at 2560x1600 when using max settings.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Performance increased by 7.4% at 1920x1080 when using High settings in an outdoor scenario. at 2560x1600 an improvement of 7.3% was recorded. Using Ultra settings, improvements of 4.8% and 4.5% were recorded at 1920x1080 and 2560x1600, respectively.

asus p7p55d-e & intel i5 750 @ 4ghz/`Gainward` gtx470- referentna cista nvidia :-)/2x4gb exeleram black s. 1600 cl9/ssd patrior 60gb + samsung f4 2tb.Samsung F2380. audio- Pioneer A9, dayens Premium monitori, vufer JBL sub 135.
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Milunka dakle poboljsanje do 37% u 21 igri ... 05.12.2012. 13:22 #459258

status: user
broj poruka: 1624
In October`s GeForce 310.33 beta driver we improved performance by up to 15% in nine games, and this time we’re improving performance by up to 37% in twenty-one games. Leading the charge in 310.70 is a 37% boost for Far Cry 3, followed by a 26% boost for Call of Duty: Black Ops II, an 18% boost for The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, a 17% boost for Assassin’s Creed III, and a 12% boost for Battlefield 3.

asus p7p55d-e & intel i5 750 @ 4ghz/`Gainward` gtx470- referentna cista nvidia :-)/2x4gb exeleram black s. 1600 cl9/ssd patrior 60gb + samsung f4 2tb.Samsung F2380. audio- Pioneer A9, dayens Premium monitori, vufer JBL sub 135.
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MaliAbner Re: dakle poboljsanje do 37% u 21 igri ... 06.12.2012. 10:42 #459597

status: user
broj poruka: 7769
UP TO !!!


Tomato Republic Of Serbia !!!

:: In October`s GeForce 310.33 beta driver we improved performance by up to 15% in nine games, and this time we’re improving performance by up to 37% in twenty-one games. Leading the charge in 310.70 is a 37% boost for Far Cry 3, followed by a 26% boost for Call of Duty: Black Ops II, an 18% boost for The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, a 17% boost for Assassin’s Creed III, and a 12% boost for Battlefield 3
:: asus p7p55d-e & intel i5 750 @ 4ghz/`Gainward` gtx470- referentna cista nvidia :-)/2x4gb exeleram black s. 1600 cl9/ssd patrior 60gb + samsung f4 2tb.Samsung F2380. audio- Pioneer A9, dayens Premium monitori, vufer JBL sub 135
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Milos22 re 06.12.2012. 19:57 #459774

status: user
broj poruka: 1720
Evo jos nesto novo od nvidije :)


Ko hoce nek proba:


HAF 912 Plus
I5 3570k
2x4GB DDR3 Kingston Hyperx 1600mhz
Corsair H60
Seasonic 620GM
2TB WD Green
Mushkin Chronos 180GB
GTX 580
Dell U2312hm
Cm storm recon

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Milos22 ... 06.01.2013. 14:19 #466456

status: user
broj poruka: 1720
Izasli novi drajveri 310.90 ko hoce nek proba .)

HAF 912 Plus
I5 3570k
2x4GB DDR3 Kingston Hyperx 1600mhz
Corsair H60
Seasonic 620GM
2TB WD Green
Mushkin Chronos 180GB
GTX 580
Dell U2312hm
Cm storm recon
Cm storm trigger

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solaja777 probah nv exp... 06.01.2013. 15:31 #466464

status: user
broj poruka: 3277
sranjce skroz sam se ske..o , nv beta smlatio rezoluciju i efekte na mmmmin...
Momentalno obrisah nv beta softvercic i vratih se uzivanciji....

pc mi bash nije za pohvalu(g530, gtx460) ali radi za sve novce .)
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