AMD fenomenalni `Never settle` (NIKAD ne reci DOSTA) drajveri 12.11 - VELIKI dobitak!
AMD fenomenalni `Never settle` (NIKAD ne reci DOSTA) drajveri 12.11 - VELIKI dobitak!
23.10.2012. 04:51
status: user broj poruka: 1886
`As you read this conclusion, be certain there’s someone at NVIDIA’s headquarters pressing a red panic button. Where AMD was once trailing, they are now leading in several performance disciplines and are doing so with lower prices as well.`
`The 12.11 drivers represent a new beginning for the HD 7970 GHz Edition and while we haven’t tested the rest of AMD’s lineup, we’re sure the situation above will repeat itself throughout their product stack. This is not a selective performance bump in a few AMD-friendly titles either. Rather, the 12.11s offer an across-the-board performance increase that pushes the HD 7970 GHz Edition right past the GTX 680. From a price / performance standpoint, there are actually VERY FEW reasons to recommend the GTX 680 at this point and at higher detail settings there’s just no competition.`
U prevodu: `Ima VRLO MALO razloga da se sada (bilo kome) preporuči GTX680 - a TEK na visokim detaljima AMD nema konkurenciju.`
`The 12.11 “Never Settle” drivers prove that either AMD is pouring some serious money into driver development or someone on their dev team had a “eureka!” moment. We have a feeling it was a combination of these two but the end result is the same: AMD is back in the driver’s seat.`
::Ima VRLO MALO razloga da se sada (bilo kome) preporuči GTX680 - a TEK na visokim detaljima AMD nema konkurenciju
Haha, da stvarno, šta će nekome GTX680 sem ako neće da ima najnapredniji GPU koji je preči za rad nego AMD i ne treba mu Butthurts edišn da bi obavljao funkciju, kao ni bundle.
Kad je tako divno i bajno u zemlji AMD što onda i prave ovakve bundle-ove? __________________ Scourge of PCBerza
Lepo bi bilo da osim ``across-the-board`` performansi, najzad...
23.10.2012. 12:05
status: user broj poruka: 10999
naprave nesto zglavno sto se odlikuje i ``across-the-different-versions-of window$`` performansama - ne da karta sa sve drajverom radi dobro (koliko-toliko dobro) SAMO pod najnovijim win-om (jer se ``oslanja`` iskljucivo na NAJNOVIJI DX a jede gowna pod starijim - desetkom, devetkom...). AMD ce proizvoditi dobre karte onda kada bude priznao da GPU-ov zadatak nije samo vesto koriscenje DX instrukcija nego i proizvodnja snaznog elektricnog signala kojim valja nahraniti VGA/DVI ulaz monitora...Sve dotle, umesto da prodaje karte, Deka ce uvaljivati kare...
Uostalom, evo sta pise na kraju clanka: prosecni napredak (povecanje efikasnosti drajvera u odnosu na ``avgustovska izdanja``) je kod eNvidije veci za 3%... - - - - - - - - - edit - upravo se vratih sa Guru3D. Evo sta se kaze u zakljucku:
``Do mind that the tweaks apply to GCN architectuire based graphics cards only, meaning Radeon series 7000. We tried and tesed, but a Radeon 6000 series card does not show any performance increases.``
Imajte na umu da se ovi ``pomaci`` odnose SAMO na karte serije 7000. Testirali smo karte iz serije 6000 i NISMO UTVRDILI NIKAKAV pomak!
A o cemu se ZAPRAVO radi ovde? Ha, ha, ha! Deka PRODAJE IGRE (najnovije naslove kao sto su FarCry3 i Sleeping dogs) tako sto ih UKLJUCUJE u cenu - cak i do TRI igre uz kartu! Karta tu dodje kao ``bundled hardware`` (hardverski ``privezak`` uz igre - vi zapravo kupujete IGRE, placate nesto sto mozete i za dzabaka da nadjete), ha, ha, ha! LOL. LOL. Dam,dam, samo da prodam... Donekle, razumem ih - valja namiriti silne dugove prema fabrikama koje im rade chipove - veliki gubici u ovom kvartalu, stravicna otpustanja radne snage nisu dovoljno pokrila rupe u budzetu...
`Battlefield 3 players may also want to check out Anandtech`s look at the driver, which revealed 20-30 percent performance gains. It appears this update finally puts Radeon cards on par with their relative Nvidia counterparts when it comes to BF3. Meanwhile, Hardware Canucks provides a more sweeping look at the performance changes.
In case you`ve been wondering, the `Never Settle` Catalyst driver inherits its name from AMD`s new Never Settle bundle. The holiday bundle includes up to three AAA games instead of most past bundles with just one AAA title. Flexing its partnership muscle, Far Cry 3, Hitman: Absolution and Sleeping Dogs appear in AMD`s Never Settle bundle deal. It would be remiss to leave out the 20 percent discount voucher for Medal of Honor Warfighter, as well.
Anandtech`s Ryan Smith believes AMD`s upcoming holiday strategy is more aggressive than he`s seen in years - he`s likely right about that. Although PC gamers will have to spend a pretty penny in order to take full advantage of the offer, even budget-minded Radeon HD 7700 buyers will be treated to at least a free copy of Far Cry 3.`
`Those who want respect - give respect.` - Anthony J. Soprano
AMD Catalyst version 12.11 “Never Settle” driver is among the most important drivers AMD has ever delivered to gamers as it boosts performance of DirectX 10 and DirectX 11 titles by up to 15% without losing rock-solid stability, :: :: :: :: Te Beta drivere,mislim da li su stabilni i to bas igram bf3 pa da probam to 15% poboljsanje :-)
Nista sad ostaje da cekamo konacno otvaranje karti i od strane zelenog tabora pa da svako zna na cemu je...
Tomato Republic Of Serbia !!!
:: I ovde tvrde da jesu povecanje +15% bez gubitka stabinosti odnosi se na DX10 i DX11 naslove i Radeon HD 7700-, 7800- i 7900-serij :: :: :: AMD Catalyst version 12.11 “Never Settle” driver is among the most important drivers AMD has ever delivered to gamers as it boosts performance of DirectX 10 and DirectX 11 titles by up to 15% without losing rock-solid stability, :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Te Beta drivere,mislim da li su stabilni i to bas igram bf3 pa da probam to 15% poboljsanje :-)
Ja sam instalirao 12.11b3 drajvere, ali imam 6950 i ne igram BF3, tako da ne mogu da potvrdim da li ima poboljšanja. Uglavnom, WRC3 i ME3 rade bez problema, kao što su radili i sa 12.8 drajverom.
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