Intel i5 2500k, Noctua NH-D14, Asus Maximus IV Gene - Z, MSI Cyclone 6850 Power Edition, 4x2Gb Hyper X 1600mhz Genesis (gray), HDD WD 640 gb, Samsung F3 1tb, Seasonic S12D 850w
:: :: Posebno se instalira. :: :: Što se tiče `instalisanja` to čine drugari iz `lijepe njihove` :: :: Zašto grafitnom olovkom ne mogu ponovo da otključavam množioce procesora ?? :: ::
Pre dve nedelje sam im pisao da ako mogu poprave performanse u starim DX7 igrama. Verovatno je jedan od ogranicavajucih faktora Win7 ali su rekli da pratim naredne revizije i da ce uraditi sve sto mogu, prvo sam razgovarao sa tehnickom podrskom a posle sa developerima, ja sam bio prijatno iznenadjen njihovim postupkom oni se zajsta interesuju i trude se za to im svaka cast. A stari DX7 je pozeljan zbog cs1.6 a u svetu je oko 30 hiljada servera bogami igra se mnogo i naravno cod2 tu je samo oko 2000 servera... Tako da ocekujem neko poboljsanje sada je ovako:
E bas nek ljudi instalisu... Dabogda svi imali KEPLERA I INSTALISALI nove drajvere!
:: :: Posebno se instalira. :: :: Što se tiče `instalisanja` to čine drugari iz `lijepe njihove` :: :: Zašto grafitnom olovkom ne mogu ponovo da otključavam množioce procesora ?? :: ::
Siroti Vodos se slabo doznaje u sitne gramaticke i sintakticke razlike
09.08.2012. 01:42
status: user broj poruka: 11007
medju jezicima dveju grupa jednog te istog naroda.
Pouka: kada je reč o ``tudjim`` glagolima, u nas jezik uvezenim, za srpsku varijantu je karakteristicnije ``...sati`` - karakterisati, generisati, manipulisati, instalisati, promovisati, referisati, informisati... Zatim: ``...ovati`` - konsultovati, rezultovati, diskutovati, debatovati...
U odredjenom broju slucajeva, u opticaju je ZAJEDNICKI izraz: sondirati, nervirati, skenirati, trenirati... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ja se sa podjednakim uzitkom sluzim obema varijantama, pa isto preporučujem (preporučam) i dragim kolegama...
Serije 8xxx, 9xxx i 2xx su takodje kompatibline sa ovim drajverom... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a eve ti i nekih detaljnijih informacija:
The OpenGL 4.3 and OpenGL Shading Language 4.30 Specifications were released on August 6, 2012.
New features of OpenGL 4.3 include:
*compute shaders that harness GPU parallelism for advanced computation such as image, volume, and geometry processing within the context of the graphics pipeline. *shader storage buffer objects that enable vertex, tessellation, geometry, fragment and compute shaders to read and write large amounts of data and pass significant data between shader stages. *texture parameter queries to discover actual supported texture parameter limits on the current platform. *high quality ETC2 / EAC texture compression as a standard feature, eliminating the need for a different set of textures for each platform. *debug capability to receive debugging messages during application development. *texture views for interpreting textures in many different ways without duplicating the texture data itself. *indirect multi-draw that enables the GPU to compute and store parameters for multiple draw commands in a buffer object and re-use those parameters with one draw command, particularly efficient for rendering many objects with low triangle counts. *increased memory security that guarantees that an application cannot read or write outside its own buffers into another application’s data. *a multi-application robustness extension that ensures that an application that causes a GPU reset will not affect any other running applications.
aha, nisam video a sve ostalo jesam, sorry:) verovatno ce sa whql verzijom biti jos nesto vise
:: Fermi or Kepler based GPUs=OpenGL 4.3 and GLSL 4.30 functionality :: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :: :: Serije 8xxx, 9xxx i 2xx su takodje kompatibline sa ovim drajverom.. :: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :: a eve ti i nekih detaljnijih informacija :: :: The OpenGL 4.3 and OpenGL Shading Language 4.30 Specifications were released on August 6, 2012 :: :: New features of OpenGL 4.3 include :: :: *compute shaders that harness GPU parallelism for advanced computation such as image, volume, and geometry processing within the context of the graphics pipeline :: *shader storage buffer objects that enable vertex, tessellation, geometry, fragment and compute shaders to read and write large amounts of data and pass significant data between shader stages :: *texture parameter queries to discover actual supported texture parameter limits on the current platform :: *high quality ETC2 / EAC texture compression as a standard feature, eliminating the need for a different set of textures for each platform :: *debug capability to receive debugging messages during application development :: *texture views for interpreting textures in many different ways without duplicating the texture data itself :: *indirect multi-draw that enables the GPU to compute and store parameters for multiple draw commands in a buffer object and re-use those parameters with one draw command, particularly efficient for rendering many objects with low triangle counts :: *increased memory security that guarantees that an application cannot read or write outside its own buffers into another application’s data :: *a multi-application robustness extension that ensures that an application that causes a GPU reset will not affect any other running applications.
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