AMD Grabbed GPU Market Share from Nvidia, Intel in Q4
AMD Grabbed GPU Market Share from Nvidia, Intel in Q4
27.02.2012. 14:47
status: user broj poruka: 2855
There are several interesting takeaways from the latest graphics chip shipments and suppliers` market share data from Jon Peddie Research (JPR). The first one is that Intel continues to dominate the field with a demanding 59.1 percent share of the market, down from 60.4 percent sequentially but up from 52.5 percent one year prior. Intel`s dominance is a testament to the concept of integrated graphics, which is an area NVIDIA ditched to focus on discrete graphics.
The second thing that`s interesting is that AMD was the only major GPU player to increase its graphics chip market share sequentially. AMD ended the quarter with a 24.8 percent share, up from 23 percent in Q3. NVIDIA, meanwhile, dropped less than half a percentage point from 16.1 percent in Q3 to 15.7 percent in Q4.
Overall, JPR says Q4 graphics shipments dropped 10.4 percent over last quarter, which is about par for the course based on seasonality demand since the economic crash of 2008 (prior to then, Q4 was a seasonally up quarter, JPR says). For the entire year, however, GPU shipments are up 8.9 percent.
JPR says discrete GPU shipments declined 12 from last quarter and were down nearly 3.5 percent compared to last year. That doesn`t bode well for NVIDIA`s strategy of focusing solely on discrete GPUs, though JPR doesn`t take into account handhelds (mobile phones, for example), x86 Servers, ARM-based tablets, Smartbooks, or ARM-based Servers, some of which are served by NVIDIA`s Tegra line.
AMD-ovi najveći neprijatelji su Pasijans i Angry Birds :)
27.02.2012. 17:45
status: user broj poruka: 1886
... Pružaju priliku ljudima da se zabave na kratko kad se smore od posla, da skrenu misli privremeno na oblik neopterećujuće zabave - a ne zahtevaju velike GPU performanse, veliki prostor na disku - i brzo se gase ako šef uleti u kancelariju :)
`Those who want respect - give respect.` - Anthony J. Soprano
Prica se da ce Radeon da bude i u Sony Playstation 4 ,u tom slucaju AMD ce okupirati sve konzole za igre pored Xbox i Nintendo.Nije dobro slaba Nvidia ,onda ce da bude sa cenama kao sada.
Istina, prica se, ali da li je tako? ko zna.. u tom slucaju zgrabice veliki deo kolaca, mada cisto sumnjam da ce u svim konzolama biti AMD gpu, onda ce u tom slucaju novi Xbox imati nV. Nelogicno je da nV ne radi nista po tom pitanju.
Asus P8P67 PRO, Intel Core i5 2500K, Kingston HyperX 2x4GB, Sapphire HD6870, WD 1TB Caviar Blue, Seasonic M12 II 620w.
Re: NVIDIA gaining ground in discrete graphics card market
27.02.2012. 23:58
status: user broj poruka: 4420
fanboyevski mitovi, epovi i legende... AMD GPu ce sigurnno biti u Xbox 720 (kako vec?) i bice neki iz 6xxx serije (samo se ne zna koji) a za PS4 je za sad samo izvesno da ce biti AMD...
U gluposti sveta blista mudrost Svevišnjeg. Zato mudrac ponizno gleda na glupaka.
:: :: :: :: ali u notebook segmentu su ocajni, doduse kazu da ce kepler imati mnogo vise `design win-ova :: :: :: :: Istina, prica se, ali da li je tako? ko zna.. u tom slucaju zgrabice veliki deo kolaca, mada cisto sumnjam da ce u svim konzolama biti AMD gpu, onda ce u tom slucaju novi Xbox imati nV. Nelogicno je da nV ne radi nista po tom pitanju :: :: Asus P8P67 PRO, Intel Core i5 2500K, Kingston HyperX 2x4GB, Sapphire HD6870, WD 1TB Caviar Blue, Seasonic M12 II 620w ::
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