`Situated between the GeForce GTX 460 and GeForce GTX 560 Ti in terms of price and performance (for detailed pricing information, check a local retailer/etailer near you when the card launches on May 17th), the GeForce GTX 560 allows gamers to effectively play the latest and greatest games at 1920x1080 whilst simultaneously enabling the use of GPU-intensive features such as NVIDIA 3D Vision and PhysX. Furthermore, with two GTX 560s, owners can run games at the ultra-wide 5760x1080 resolution in NVIDIA Surround.`
Pa dobro, videćemo kako stvari stoje kad izađe uporedni test 460 - 560 - 560Ti Kanda možemo da očekujemo u najboljem slučaju blago klokovan refresh GTX460.
Al nema veze, kako rekoše ona dva pandura što su jedan drugom pojeli govno - bitno da se para obrće.
Nego medonjo, ako si video poslednji post u mojoj GX3 temi javi se ako si raspoložen za akciju.
Ko se u kolu posere, pre ili kasnije ugazi u sopstveno govno.
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