Ovi prethodni su se gadjali sa Cyberlink Mediesspreso 6.51 kad se stavljao Open CL t.j APP.
Includes fixes where Dragon Age 2 would hang in DirectX11 on ATI Radeon™ HD 5800 Series products.
*** Includes fixes where MediaEspresso 6.5 and 6.0 may crash while initializing
Includes a fix for game corruption issues in BulletStorm Includes a fix for the AMD Catalyst Control Center install. resolves the issue of not being able to launch CCC after Catalyst has finished installing Includes a fix for the Tessellation slider sometimes setting the incorrect value
Seamless GPU Compute support
The AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (APP) OpenCL runtime is now enabled by default within AMD Catalyst. Applications that leverage OpenCL for GPU based compute tasks will automatically benefit from the significant performance boost that this provides.
Koju verziju skidate? Sa OpenCL (APP) ili bez? **************************************************************************************** The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.
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