naime komsija ima laptop ,kod koga je ekran 16:9,e sad imamo problem kad mu instaliram stronghold crusader ono mu dize kao 4:3 i nigde da nadjem da namestim?pa kao moze pomoc?
Moze sigurno, ja sam imao isto problem sa Cs-om, warcraftom.
1) Make sure the resolution you want to run is supported by your graphics drivers. If you can select a resolution in your Operating System, then it is supported. If the resolution doesn`t exist, read our guide on how to configure custom resolutions in windows.
2) Backup your registry, in case something goes wrong. START > Run > regedit > file > export
Direct refresh forced refresh rates also apply to the desktop. You can disable functionality from the taskbar icon.
Planned for next release : - change screen resolution from taskbar icon - start with windows - add combobox to the Refresh Rate column in the override datagrid instead of manual entry
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