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Grafičke i video karte, monitori, ...
problem 16:9
djokosrb problem 16:9 23.02.2011. 23:17 T33945

status: user
broj poruka: 6876
naime komsija ima laptop ,kod koga je ekran 16:9,e sad imamo problem kad mu instaliram stronghold crusader ono mu dize kao 4:3 i nigde da nadjem da namestim?pa kao moze pomoc?
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raic Nažalost, čabar 23.02.2011. 23:27 #298468

status: user
broj poruka: 9006

Always carry a flask of whiskey in case of snakebite.
Furthermore, always carry a small snake.

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Plamen re 23.02.2011. 23:34 #298470

status: user
broj poruka: 2836
Moze sigurno, ja sam imao isto problem sa Cs-om, warcraftom.

1) Make sure the resolution you want to run is supported by your graphics drivers.
If you can select a resolution in your Operating System, then it is supported. If the resolution doesn`t exist, read our guide on how to configure custom resolutions in windows.

2) Backup your registry, in case something goes wrong.
START > Run > regedit > file > export

3) Change Warcraft 3`s resolution manually.
START > run > regedit

While in the Windows Registry Editor (regedit), locate:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Blizzard Entertainment > Warcraft III > Video

4) Make below change in decimal format:
(Right click > Change > select `decimal` > fill in new value)
resheight = 1600
reswidth = 900

Isto ovo uradi samo nadji Stronghold i umesto 1600x900 stavi rezoluciju tog laptopa (cini mi se da je 1366x786 - tako nesto)

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djokosrb aha ok 23.02.2011. 23:35 #298472

status: user
broj poruka: 6876
sad cemo da vidimo.
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Sub-Z i ja sam pičio 23.02.2011. 23:36 #298474

status: user
broj poruka: 1621
Crusadera na pola ekrana, jbg....Sad ću da probam ovo, hvala
Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus

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caranovic Imas programcic 24.02.2011. 09:30 #298524

status: user
broj poruka: 434
Direct refresh
forced refresh rates also apply to the desktop.
You can disable functionality from the taskbar icon.

Planned for next release :
- change screen resolution from taskbar icon
- start with windows
- add combobox to the Refresh Rate column in the override datagrid instead of manual entry

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Broj postavljenih tema: 60376. Broj poslatih odgovora: 647197.
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