pozz narode,opet ja...imam problem sa gore pomenutom karticom,naime u Win 7 je u device manager ne prepoznaje(unknown device)i nece da automatski skine drajvere sa neta.Takodje odbija da radi sa drajverima koje sam skinuo sa Leadtek-ovog sajta(PVR2),on pokrene novi prozor za tv ali ne nalazi nijedan kanal,a posle nekog vremena tipa minut-dva,izbaci mi ono Win upozorenje stop working i ugasi sve!!!!na XP mi je solidno radila ali sad ako ne proradi,leti u sneg kroz prozor!!!
Da li si ukljucio mogucnost da je karta falicna? da li si guuglao i probao da vidis da li je jos neko imao ovakav problem? da li si probao da kontaktiras tehnicku podrsku proizvodjaca.
I jos jedna stvar gde zivis, kad bude letela u sneg da se slucajno nadjem i presem joj put do dole? :)
:: OS je licenciran,original.....nzm zasto bi u njemu bio problem :: :: ::
Ako već ne možete da pomognete čoveku nemojte da mu savetujete da, verovatno ispravan, hardver baca kroz prozor bez da nije u originalnoj ambalaži,bez računa i garancije!
@zemunac93 Probaj, ako si u mogućnosti, da montiraš u drugi PCI slot.
`Are you trying to get the card to work in Media Center, or in the bundled WinFast PVR app? If Media Center, and you`ve installed WinFast PVR, then uninstall that (the WinFast app) - you only need the drivers, not the app, to get the card to function in Media Center. Also, many third-party PVR apps will prevent MC from `seeing` the hardware.
Ordinarily, I`d also suggest that you download the latest drivers, but, you may well have those on your CD - Leadtek seems to have abandoned development on that card (last updates were 9/06 (Vista x86) & 9/07 (Vista x64): drivers page.)`
` Check that the DTV2000H is installed in Device Manager. If not, get the drivers from Windows update. If none are available on Windows update, install the latest Vista drivers from the Leadtek support site http://www.leadtek.com.tw/eng/support/list_driver.asp .
WinFast does not work in Windows 7, but the card will work with Windows Media Center if the drivers are installed.
You need WinFast installed if you want to use the Leadtek remote with Windows Media Center. Right click the WinFast Wizard icon in the notification area and select Settings and then check the MCE Remote box. You should have a MCE overlay for the remote.`
I ovo je tačno, ne postoje zvanično drajveri za tu kartu za W7.
:: `Are you trying to get the card to work in Media Center, or in the bundled WinFast PVR app :: If Media Center, and you`ve installed WinFast PVR, then uninstall that (the WinFast app) - you only need the drivers, not the app, to get the card to function in Media Center. Also, many third-party PVR apps will prevent MC from `seeing` the hardware :: :: Ordinarily, I`d also suggest that you download the latest drivers, but, you may well have those on your CD - Leadtek seems to have abandoned development on that card (last updates were 9/06 (Vista x86) & 9/07 (Vista x64): drivers page.) :: :: :: Check that the DTV2000H is installed in Device Manager. If not, get the drivers from Windows update. If none are available on Windows update, install the latest Vista drivers from the Leadtek support site http://www.leadtek.com.tw/eng/support/list_driver.asp :: :: WinFast does not work in Windows 7, but the card will work with Windows Media Center if the drivers are installed :: :: You need WinFast installed if you want to use the Leadtek remote with Windows Media Center :: Right click the WinFast Wizard icon in the notification area and select Settings and then check the MCE Remote box. You should have a MCE overlay for the remote. :: :: :: :: `There`s someone in my head, but it`s not me! :: ::
`Thanks STYX2009 I deleted all PVR and drivers. Then using your links i dl the drivers and manually installed them. Then installed WinFastPVR2_setup_20324. Now windows media center and PVR2 work great.
Windows 7 x64
P.s. Dont forget the reboots after deleting drivers. And installing :) P.s.s. All functions of PVR2 work fine.`
Re: `Try this driver if you are using Windows 7 x64 build 7201 or`...
03.01.2011. 20:53
status: user broj poruka: 9006
Inače lik pod onim `manually` misli da odeš u device manager i instaliraš preko desni klik - update driver. To je jedini način da instaliraš drajver za leadtek kartu 300% sigurno, onaj njihov installer za dajvere često ume da sjebe stvar.
Les certitudes rendent les hommes aveugles et fous. Elles peuvent dévorer leur coeur et les changer en bête.
:: :: `Thanks STYX2009 I deleted all PVR and drivers. Then using your links i dl the drivers and manually installed them. Then installed WinFastPVR2_setup_20324 :: Now windows media center and PVR2 work great ::
instalirao drajvere u device m. Restartujem kom i opet mi kaze nepoznat hardver,udjem u device m. i opet stoji da nema drajvera,a PVR znam da je program za gledanje tv-a,i njega oce da instalira ali ne trazi kanale,bukvalno kao da kartica nije metnuta uopste....probao i drugi slot....sve....i ne radi.... A sto se tice kutije i ostalog,el mora da leti u kesi iz radnje ili bez?
instalirao drajvere u device m. Restartujem kom i opet mi kaze nepoznat hardver,udjem u device m. i opet stoji da nema drajvera,a PVR znam da je program za gledanje tv-a,i njega oce da instalira ali ne trazi kanale,bukvalno kao da kartica nije metnuta uopste....probao i drugi slot....sve....i ne radi.... A sto se tice kutije i ostalog,el mora da leti u kesi iz radnje ili bez?
Re: Re: `Try this driver if you are using Windows 7 x64 build 7201 or`...
03.01.2011. 21:29
status: user broj poruka: 2855
Istina sjebe stvar jer ne win instalira drajver jedino pesadija - device menager pa da sam nadjes folder u kom je drajver...
Tako sam ja radio za moju Leadtek TV2000 Expert kad sam presao na win7 a oni nisu jos izbacili zvanicne drajvere...
P.S. ako si ozbiljan da prodas kartu mozemo da se dogovorimo na mail oko cene - koji sam lesinar :)
:: Inače lik pod onim `manually` misli da odeš u device manager i instaliraš preko desni klik - update driver. To je jedini način da instaliraš drajver za leadtek kartu 300% sigurno, onaj njihov installer za dajvere često ume da sjebe stvar :: :: Les certitudes rendent les hommes aveugles et fous :: Elles peuvent dévorer leur coeur et les changer en bête. :: :: i5 750 - TRUE Black - P7P55D - 2x2GB Kingston HyperX - 5850 Toxic - Silverstone ST50F-230 - JugoDrvo `8 :: :: :: :: :: `Thanks STYX2009 I deleted all PVR and drivers. Then using your links i dl the drivers and manually installed them. Then installed WinFastPVR2_setup_20324 :: :: Now windows media center and PVR2 work great :: :: ::
`When you have installed the software, did Windows 7 say if the software is compatiable? (Or not?!) This goes the same ....for the hardware.
If it said `NO`, don`t worry, you can still use the existing software/hardware. (YOU HAVE TO USE THE `COMPATIABILITY` Program, of Windows 7, first. And, this is the real `fiddly bit`, you have to work out what SETTING the TV card DOES work on.)
You said `XP`, okay, what version? 32-bit? 64-bit? SP2? SP3? (They`re all listed...in the Compatiability program. Make your selection..on the basis of....what you had this TV card running on before.)
Okay, back to the `City` bit (of the software) when you`re trying to `SCAN` the Channels in? What really is the closest City...to you (your location)?
There is an `arrow` box..just right of the line window under `CITY`. Click that arrow box......a `drop-down window` will appear! (Being Europe, I guess there will be plenty of `CITIES`...in your area! OKAY. Look down that List, until you find the NEAREST....to you! NOT THERE! Still, don`t worry, there`s an option right at the bottom...of this List, it should be this.....(Others).
Okay, click it.
Now, you are set up..ready to scan. But, let`s check `how` you connected to the TV-card..........by outside antenna? Or, by cable?
The 20000 H Plus is virtually the same in construction as a 2000 H, so there should be a cable-connector....for both.
If using an outside antenna, naturally, plug cable into that. Cable set-up, use the other one.
Have you got the Remote unit`s `sensor` cable hooked up? Do that.
If you have the software running, and it looks all funny.... looking like it has not installled properly? It has, by the way.
Restart the software.
If you have `Aero` ENABLED in Windows 7....and, Windows 7 throws up a `warning window`...telling that it (the 2000 H Plus) is NOT compatiable!
You have to work quick ..for this bit.
Thre is a line, stating `Don`t show me message again.` (with a box in front of it.)
TICK that box. (That message will never appear again.)
Now, that you are in the software (and, you`re ready to do the very first SCAN).....check everythin I`ve told you so far...about selecting your Location.
Did Windows 7 revert......back to `Windows 7 Basic`, by the way, when you started up the WinFast software? ( don`t worry about it, that`s how this will work, form now-on...automatically.)
OKAY, now scanning, having just restarted, you`ll probably have found that the Scan pan page has RESET itself, go through that process ...with the `CITY` window. (select `Others`, if you`re not sure, any way.)
CLICk...on SCAN button, and, sit back. (If you choose `Others`, heheheheee, go grab a bite to eat or do something else.......this option does take some time...to do a Scan!) if you have reached this far, this SCAN.....should pick up virtually every signal....in your area! (This does mean Analogue and Digital!)
The radio signals....are more trickier. You have to have that FM antenna set up....to receive clear outside signals. (you will have to refer to the Manual, for more detail..on that.)
To make that (Media Center) Pinnacle hardware/software work properly, you have to get the WinFast working first. It will, then, work as a `leech`.......finding the signals...from the 2000 H Plus, when you finally get around to running it.
And, before I forget, when you try selecting youe LOCAL channels...as your `Favourites`! , and the `Use My Favourites` option (when you RIGHT-CLICK anywhere within the boundaries of the Winfast window)........the ICONS may disappear! (Don`t worry about that, either....just mark your `favourites` and all is well.)
Now, what is the Size.....of your computer`s Monitor? (If it is a `wide-screen`, also select `Video Stretch`.)
Using the Right-Click again...or if you still have this MENU window open.......select the `Force 4.3 RATIO`, to star with see how that fits your monitor. If it appears `ticked` once selected, you`re good to go, (should be in watching TV by now.)
If you have done it right, and, you may have to fiddle around with it...to get it right, what I`v told you is.....how I got mine to work.
It will help you if you can print his out......to able to refer back to as you reset everything. Hope this does help you out.`
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