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Grafičke i video karte, monitori, ...
ATI 10.7
BEmpire ATI 10.7 26.07.2010. 19:41 T28340

status: user
broj poruka: 439

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aco Re: ATI 10.7 26.07.2010. 19:43 #233191

status: user
broj poruka: 2788
Hvala. Ali driver samo sa officialnog web site.
Pozdrav :)
Pa to bato nije normalno!!!

:: http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=32586
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BEmpire Re.Ovo je officielni 26.07.2010. 19:47 #233192

status: user
broj poruka: 439
samo su direct linkovi za AMD servera,jos samo nije updejtovan sajt sa drajverima....

`Out now on amd`s server, but not in the drivers page.
Direct links this time, no need for the referrer method.`

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Dachman 10.7 26.07.2010. 20:36 #233202

status: user
broj poruka: 630
Hvala na informaciji.

P.S. Sada su i na oficijalnom sajtu.

Ako nešto može poći oʞɐdoɐu, poći će oʞɐdoɐu.

:: icq :: e-mail :: prijavi adminu :: citiraj :: odgovori ::
obradmi Evo 10.7 sa oficijelnog sajta 26.07.2010. 20:37 #233203

status: user
broj poruka: 7726
Win7 32

Win7 64

XP 32

inace ovaj Catalist podrzava i OpenGL ES 2.0, WebGL Driver
plugin-free 3D graphics to the Internet ,nece vam trebati
pluginovi u browseru za 3D rendering preko Web-a

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dautovic ... 26.07.2010. 22:17 #233221

status: user
broj poruka: 2855

Ima li nekih veci poboljsanja itd?

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Dzoni665 Zanimljivo... 26.07.2010. 23:07 #233231

status: user
broj poruka: 704
Interesantno je to sto su se setili da naprave poboljsanja i na 4800 seriji... :-)

Performance increases 2-10% on ATI Radeon HD4800 series single card or crossfire configuration when anti- aliasing and anisotropic filtering is enabled

GA-945PL-S3, c2d e2140 1.6Ghz (OC 2.4Ghz) 3GB Kingston ddr2 800, WD500GB, Toshiba-Samsung DVD, Sapphire ATI 4850 1gb ddr3 256 bit

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obradmi ...... 26.07.2010. 23:44 #233233

status: user
broj poruka: 7726


ATI Eyefinity support

* ATI Catalyst™ driver for Linux 10.7 provides support for ATI Eyefinity technology under all supported Linux distributions

ATI Radeon™ GPU acceleration of VLC 1.1.1 Media Player

* Enables GPU acceleration of h.264 video content when using the VLC 1.1.1 Media Player – enabling a better user experience by consuming less system resources
* Supported on the ATI Radeon™ HD 5000 and ATI Radeon™ HD 4000 Series of GPU products
* Requires VLC version 1.1.1 and later

The most notable change on the software front is support for WebGL, which is the industry standard for implementing 3D graphics in a web browser. With ATI including the OpenGL ES 2.0 driver in the new 10.7 release, developers have an easier means to create 3D internet applications without the need for additional plug-ins. This will allow for the creation of easily rendered 3D content for open-source browsers, such as Google, Firefox, and Opera.
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