je Microsoft API specifikacija za Windows i Xbox 360 platforme koja dozvoljava da video dekodiranje bude hardverski ubrzano preko GPU.Inace pokazuje koje rezolucije je GPU sposoban da dekodira (da li gpu podrzava full HD).Recimo pokazace vam da li GPU ima mpeg2 ubrzanje ili h264 ubrzanje itd...
Moze se downloadovati na sledecem linku.
Features The following things are chiefly possible for DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA).
* Confirmation of Decoder Device and Processor Device that can be used with GPU. * Confirmation of usage condition in other applications from trace log of DXVA2 and DXVA-HD. * Confirmation of supported mode and usage condition in DirectShow/Media Foundation Decoder. * Setting change in some DirectShow/Media Foundatin Decoders. * Confirmation of the effect by changing parameter of Video Processor and changing Deocoder/Processor Device while playing the video.
When you are using NVIDIA GeForce 6000/7000 series on Windows XP, BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) may occur. In this case, please start after specifying `/r` as a command line option.
This program is a front end to convert the video file by using the DirectShow filter of Avivo Video Converter that AMD has released to the public for ATI Radeon X1300 and later.
Ovaj program konvertuje video upotrebljavajuci Direcshow filter Ati Avivo video konvertera koji je AMD realizovao sa objavljivanjem Ati Radeon X1300. Na istom linku imate tealje za DXVA checker
Matori ae nemoj mnogo da filosofiras nego cuti i kupi link za download
29.06.2010. 19:37
status: user broj poruka: 7726
za ovaj drugi post ,ako imas Ati kartu ,program je do bola ,bolji je od Ati xcoder ima regulisanje audio birthrate kad konvertujes video fajlove preko GPU.
sto se tice tortojeda ,meni je njega zao upropasti svaku temu sa svojim nebulozama.
`Samo su dve stvari beskonacne - svemir i ljudska glupost. Doduše, za prvu nisam siguran`
:: za ovaj drugi post ,ako imas Ati kartu ,program je do bola ,bolji je od Ati xcoder ima regulisanje audio birthrate kad konvertujes video fajlove preko GPU :: :: sto se tice tortojeda ,meni je njega zao upropasti svaku temu sa svojim nebulozama.
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