----------------------- | Common Parameters | -----------------------
There are many different parameters that characterize an LCD. The order of importance varies from person to person and their needs, and ultimately you have to decide for yourself which parameters are most important.
Dot Pitch - the size of the individual pixels. The larger this is, the more blocky images look
Image Brightness, aka Black level - typically they mean the maximum brightness, measured in candellas. You don`t always want more. The problem with LCDs is that the back light stays on all the time, and an LCD filter is used to block the light to make black. These filters are never perfect and so a little light leaks through (called bleed-through). The brighter a display is, the greater the potential for bleed-through. So you need to take that into consideration.
Contrast ratio is the difference between pure white and pure black - This helps define the dynamic range of the monitor, but there are better methods.
Delta E (or delta tracking) - the short of it is that it compares the expected color to the displayed color...you want this as close to 0 as possible across all values
Contrast Stability - how steady is the contrast across multiple brightness values
Spacial uniformity - how uniform is the brightness between pixels. Usually the edges are darker than the center.
Related to the delta e (and i forget the term) is how the recorded versus expected values across all three colors plot. Some colors may be more off than others. If you set each color to the same value from 0 to 255 you should get a black/gray/white color. However, not all colors are the same and so they will have a slight tint to them. You want the graph of the brightness of all the colors to lie directly on top of each other. This goes back to delta e...the bigger the delta e, the bigger the problem of color alignment.
That`s all I can think of off of the top of my head. There are other intersting parameters out there. also note: you can`t get most of the values from the manufacturer, you have to get them from a 3rd party test site (like anandtech or tom`s hardware).
------------ | Overdrive | ------------
There is a technology called overdrive. Basically, the way an LCD works is that you have a white backlight, and then you have color LCD filters on top of it. The filters are engaged by applying an analog voltage to it. The higher the voltage, the bigger the change in the filter. Now one side effect is that the higher the voltage, the faster the filter responds (thus the faster the refresh rate). A technique was developed at viewsonic first and is now available with many manufacturers that essentially "overshoots", i.e. it sets the voltage higher than the desired value and then backs it off as the color approaches the correct value. It works quite well, but if it is not implemented correctly you can get incorrect color values.
Ultimately you need to find an LCD with characteristics that match your personal needs. A graphic artist needs a display that is vastly different than a gamer. In my opinion, Viewsonic makes very good LCDs. I have the VP930b which is overall a very good display. It has very good color representation, although suffers from bleed-through, especially in the four corners resulting in a slight X shape. It only affects very dark colors though, and so it`s livable. I did a significant amount of research for a monitor and settled on this one because it is a good general purpose monitor. It doesn`t have any standout qualities (other than that it is an 8-bit panel), but it also doesn`t have any weak areas.
A friend of mine has the Viewsonic VX922 is a cheaper 6-bit panel and is excellent for gaming, although I wouldn`t recommend it if you do any sort of graphics work as it is a 6-bit panel and doesn`t have very good color representation IMO. I used to have an Apple Cinema display where I work Å xpFđoF? ⬠Leadtek 7300GT 128 ddr3 vs Power Color Radeon x1650pro 256ddr3 â ËoFÂrFD â¬con, Koji Mp3 uzeti recimo 512mb da je najbolji odn
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