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TFT/LCD Monitor do 350€ - šta kupiti?
nash2k TFT/LCD Monitor do 350€ - šta kupiti? 20.11.2006. 16:29 T2644

status: user
broj poruka: 3

Mislim, šta kupiti, šta je najbolje i šta je najbolje u smislu odnosa cena/performanse? Lična iskustva
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ukimafija neki 19" 20.11.2006. 17:21 #9938

status: user
broj poruka: 263
Jedino sto bih ja sad uzeo je Samsung 940BF -gaming monitor 2 milisekunde, ama nema teorije o duhovima i seckanju, inace bih rekao neki isto samsung sa P varijantom ali si se pojedinci zalili na duhove iako im je odziv sjajnih 6ms, kod ovog 940BF moze mozda da ti smeta fiksan stalak ali to je glupost, ja imam 710N 12ms i prezadovoljan sam, posle 2 god, jos uvek je fantastican i ni traga od seckanja a ovaj preporuceni sa 2 ms razbija i to je trenutno najbrzi na svetu- ne mozes da omasis, i da pogledaj i 931BF on je isto to samo generacija posle, cena je priblizna.Kontrast i boje su sjajni i drzi se samsunga.
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MaliAbner 20" wide 20.11.2006. 23:27 #9948

status: user
broj poruka: 7769
Za od prilike te pare mozes da kupis Samsung 205BW ili LG L204WT za nekih 50€ manje. Cini mi se da je ovaj drugi ipak bolja kupovina jer je nekih 5000 dinara jeftiniji od najjeftinije ponude samsunga.

Rezolucija 1680*1050 tj. 1.76mpix., jes da se treba malo navici na wide format ali kasnije sve to bude kako treba.

Evo meni n aekranu dva word dokumenta jedan pored drugoga i oba se daju lepo videti i citati...

Sta da ti kazem prosiri sebi vidike nema ti druge.

Laku noc Srbijo ma gde i ma kolika bila !!!

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gvlada 205BW 20.11.2006. 23:39 #9950

status: user
broj poruka: 61
Isto preporucujem Samsung 205BW, imam ga i fantastican je, sa obizrom da su ukusi razliciti pogledaj i LG L204WT, mada se meni licno 205BW vise dopala. Sto se tice famoznih 2ms to je GTG (siva do sive) gledaj realnu bela do crne varijantu. Buducnost jeste u wide formatu, uskoro 4:3 (5:4) monitori se vise nece ni praviti (tv se vec ne prave), pozz.
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metatron85 samsung! 21.11.2006. 00:52 #9951

status: user
broj poruka: 2
preporucujem takodje samsung 205bw! widescreen sto vise prija ocima, ogromna dijagonala, sve ostalo karakteristike odlicne, definitivno 205bw! pozdrav!

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Masinist 19" 21.11.2006. 01:10 #9953

status: user
broj poruka: 251

LG Flatron L194WT po nekim testovima dobar pa cak i solidan monitor.
Siroki je (wide) a odziv 5 ms.
Cena je FENOMENALNA : 212 evra !!!!
(sa PDV )
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gvlada 16.7 21.11.2006. 02:18 #9955

status: user
broj poruka: 61
19" modeli nemaju pun opseg boja 16.7 mil vec 16.2 mil interlaced realno oko 65k boja, tako da ih ne preporucujem.
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nash2k Widescreen 21.11.2006. 10:09 #9956

status: user
broj poruka: 3
Kakvi su widescreen monitori u igrama? Jesu li podrzane ws rezolucije?
Sto se tice LG-a, sta je sa pricom da im se cesto pojavljuju mrtvi pixeli, koji ne spadaju pod garanciju? Je l` se to promenilo?
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Masinist wide 21.11.2006. 12:32 #9962

status: user
broj poruka: 251

Za gvlada: kakvu si ovo glupost napisao sa 65k boja ???!!!!!!
Vecina novih igara ima wide rezoluciju podrzano a starije imaju patch za to

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nash2k Widescreen 21.11.2006. 15:41 #9967

status: user
broj poruka: 3
MaliAbner, metatron85, Masinist kažu widescreen. gvlada kaže malo boja. Još kad bi dobili izvor te informacije.. Sta kažeš, gvlado?
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gvlada 262k boja greska ne 65k 23.11.2006. 00:39 #10034

status: user
broj poruka: 61
19" imaju 6-bit panel koji daje samo 262.000 boja i interpolacijom daje prividnih 16.2miliona, dok se kod 205BW koristi pravi 8-bit panel sa svih 16.7miliona boja. To nisu gluposti kako neki koji se ne razumeju tvrde :) Izgooglajte i nadjite ovo na internetu, na zvanicnim sajtovima nekih kompanija ili sajtova koji rade reviews. Naravno da predlazem widescreen, ja imam jedan i mogu reci da je extra i ponovicu widescreen odgovara samo ljudima koji nemaju razvijen periferni vid, pozz.
ps: zakasnih, ali valjda ce bar neko ovo procitati

Lets start with color representation. There are lots of ways to represent colors in a numerical format. The common is to use rgb method. This is defined as a 32-bit number like so: 00RRGGBB where the first 8 bits are 0`s (unused), the next 8 bits are for red, the next 8 bits are for green, and the last 8 bits are for blue. This is called 24-bit color (note: windows calls it 32-bit color because values are stored in 32-bit integers). You set this value in color quality section of the display properties in windows. Note: you can actually use true 32-bit color, although windows and most consumer level graphics cards/monitors don`t support it. YOu need some high end unix stuff from someone like SGI for that.

So, how does this relate to LCD`s? LCD`s also use a numerical format to represent numbers, although their naming convention is different. There are two types of displays available, 6-bit displays and 8-bit displays. This refers to the number of bits per color. In other words, an 8-bit panel corrosponds to 24-bit color directly and 6-bit color refers to something not available in windows (although it`s close to 16-bit color). What this means is that even though you may set the color depth to 24-bit (it reads 32-bit remember), you are not seeing that bit-depth. Now how much of an impact does this have? 8-bit displays can display a total of 16.7 million colors. 6-bit displays can only display 262 thousand colors. That`s almost 100 times more colors on the 8-bit display.

Now of course showing that few colors is completely unacceptable, so LCD manufacturers employ a little trick called dithering. It works by tricking you into seeing a color that isn`t really there (it`s rather clever actually). If it has to display a non native color, it takes two adjacent pixels and sets them to values just to either side of the desired value. The result is that the eye thinks it sees the proper color, even though it really doesn`t. Printed media that uses only 4 colors of ink but places two colors right next to each other works the same way essentially (think magazines and newspapers). However, even using this method it can still only "display" 16.2 million colors. As a side note: you can tell if a panel is an 8-bit or a 6-bit panel by checking if it can display 16.2 million colors or 16.7 million colors. Newegg reports all panels in this manner. Ok...now why is this bad? Depending on how sensitive your eyes are, you can see the dithering taking place. I usually see it as a sort of "banding" usually, and the colors don`t quite look as good. It`s like the old refresh of CRT monitors...some people are perfectly happy with 60hz, and some can`t stand 75hz. In any case, the fact is that the images you are seeing on a 6-bit panel are not completely accurate. In an 8-bit panel, images look very rich in color without having to use any extra features such as increasing the contrast too much or using something like digital vibrance in the nvidia drivers. Color representation is pretty much perfect on an 8-bit panel (except in really dark shades due to bleed-through of the backlight, which all TFT panels have).

So why are 6-bit panels so common? They are a lot cheaper to make, and they have faster response times. This is why we saw a jump in refresh times from the 18ms range to the 8ms range almost overnight when the 6-bit panels were first introduced. And of course consider that companies have been stressing response times for years since they were so much of a problem at first, thaM@ ˆ 21314V`¨1RˆÈ1^¨# Þ<�&È
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