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ATI Catalyst 10.3b Preview Driver
nskoric ATI Catalyst 10.3b Preview Driver 26.03.2010. 22:47 T25578

status: user
broj poruka: 152

Be the first to download the latest Catalyst driver. New features include:
Latest updates available in the ATI Catalyst 10.3b preview driver

* ATI Catalyst(TM) support for ATI Radeon(TM) HD 5870 Eyefinity 6 Edition
o This release of ATI Catalyst(TM) introduces support for the production version of Windows 7 and Windows Vista for the ATI Radeon(TM) HD 5870 Eyefinity 6 Edition.
o Supports up to 6 displays (driven from a single GPU) operating together as an Eyefinity Display Group in both Windows 7 and Windows Vista
* The desktop mouse cursor issue (becoming enlarged at random when using Windows 7) has been fixed
* Fix for Severe flickering / flashing in Battlefield 2 bad Company

ATI Catalyst™ support for ATI Mobility Radeon™ Premium Graphics solutions

* This release of ATI Catalyst™ introduces support for the production version of Windows® 7 and Windows® Vista for notebooks featuring the ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 2000 Series, ATI Mobility™ Radeon HD 3000 Series, and ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 4000 Series, and ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 5000 Series of products.
* Supported by most major OEM and ODM notebook manufacturers

For Desktop Graphics

* Vista/Windows 7 32 and 64-bit

For Notebook Graphics

* 64-bit Windows 7/Vista
* 32-bit Windows 7/Vista

ATI Catalyst Control Center - ATI Eyefinity technology enhancements

* Display Bezel Compensation
o Easy-to-use wizard shows users how to adjust their display layout to remove the pixels occupied by their display bezels
* Per-Display Color Adjust
o Individual Color, Brightness and Contrast controls
* Multiple ATI Eyefinity Groups
o Create more than one ATI Eyefinity group from multiple displays
* Improved Display Configuration switching
o Support for ATI Eyefinity groups and the ATI Catalyst™ Control Center profile manager
* Easy to toggle between cloned and extended desktop modes

ATI Catalyst™ support for 120Hz Stereoscopic 3D

* AMD has updated it`s Direct3D (Quad buffer support) driver to enable 3rd party middleware vendors such as DDD and iZ3D to output stereo L/R images at 120 Hz (60 Hz per eye)


Put life in your PC
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TheBear Ne razumem sta predstavlja ovaj drajver 26.03.2010. 22:53 #199627

status: user
broj poruka: 6502
zar nije izasao 10.3 finalni...

ATI HD5750 CrossfireX

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nskoric Re: Ne razumem sta predstavlja ovaj drajver 26.03.2010. 23:36 #199637

status: user
broj poruka: 152
jeste taj finalni je stariji od 10.3a a najnoviji je 10.3b
Driver Packaging Version 8.712.3-100324a-097799E-ATI
Catalyst™ Version 10.3
Provider ATI Technologies Inc.
2D Driver Version
2D Driver File Path /REGISTRY/MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Control/Class/{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}/0000
Direct3D Version
OpenGL Version
Catalyst™ Control Center Version 2010.0325.407.5472

Put life in your PC

:: zar nije izasao 10.3 finalni..
:: _____________________________
:: ATI HD5750 CrossfireX
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obradmi ATI izasao i sa OpenGL 4 driverom 26.03.2010. 23:49 #199641

status: user
broj poruka: 7726
Radi se i beta driveru.




Radi se o Catalist 10.3 koji ima OpenGL 4 driver

Note! This driver is provided as is and is not supported by AMD. It has not completed full AMD testing, and is only a preview driver.

OpenGL 4.0

Released 11 March 2010
Supported Cards: Radeon HD 5000 series. GeForce 400 Series


* OpenGL Shading Language revision 4.00 (GLSL)
* Two new shader stages that enable the GPU to offload geometry tessellation from the CPU.
* Per-sample fragment shaders and programmable fragment shader input positions for increased rendering quality and anti-aliasing flexibility.
* Shader subroutines for significantly increased programming flexibility.
* Separation of texture state and texture data through the addition of a new object type called sampler objects.
* Drawing of data generated by OpenGL or external APIs such as OpenCL, without CPU intervention.
* 64-bit double precision floating point shader operations and inputs/outputs for increased rendering accuracy and quality.
* Performance improvements. such as instanced geometry shaders, instanced arrays and a new timer query.
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nskoric re: 26.03.2010. 23:59 #199643

status: user
broj poruka: 152
Imate na twitteru uvek sveze informacije iz prve ruke:

Put life in your PC

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TheBear Izbacuju driver 27.03.2010. 09:20 #199711

status: user
broj poruka: 6502
svaka 2-3 dana :)

ATI HD5750 CrossfireX

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TheBear 10.3 vs. 10.3b Unigine Heaven 27.03.2010. 10:00 #199715

status: user
broj poruka: 6502


Ovi drajveri su svakako bolji ovo je oko 2% poboljsanja, ja nisam nesto zadovoljan tim 10.3 finalnim, bolje rezultate su mi davali 10.3a Preview, a sada ovi, zadrzacu ove 10.3b !

ATI HD5750 CrossfireX

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Scyter Re: Izbacuju driver 27.03.2010. 17:20 #199858

status: user
broj poruka: 8138
Sto znaci da nesto ne valja sa predhodnim drajverima.

The Way It`s Meant To Be Played

:: svaka 2-3 dana :
:: _____________________________
:: ATI HD5750 CrossfireX
:: http://tinyurl.com/y92ufs
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TheBear Ne znam meni je savki radio 27.03.2010. 17:45 #199863

status: user
broj poruka: 6502
koji god da sam stavio, ali ovi 10.3a i sada 10.3b su mi se najbolje pokazali...

ATI HD5750 CrossfireX

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AcA089 re 27.03.2010. 17:54 #199867

status: user
broj poruka: 267
Koliko znam ati treba sa 10.4 drajverima da popravi performanse u rezimu 2D..
@Medo da li ce opengl da poboljsa performanse teselacije?

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nskoric Re: Re: Izbacuju driver 27.03.2010. 18:20 #199876

status: user
broj poruka: 152
Ma sve je ok i sa onim `vozacima` nego veliki je pritisak na ATI zbog bagova u Battlefieldu
pa moraju nesto da preduzmu
Fix for Severe flickering / flashing in Battlefield 2 bad Company
i jos im je ostalo da srede sporo ucitavanje kad se zavrsi partija.

Put life in your PC

:: Sto znaci da nesto ne valja sa predhodnim drajverima
:: The Way It`s Meant To Be Played
:: :: svaka 2-3 dana :
:: ::
:: ::
:: :: _____________________________
:: :: ATI HD5750 CrossfireX
:: :: http://tinyurl.com/y92ufs
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TheBear Re: re 27.03.2010. 18:24 #199879

status: user
broj poruka: 6502
Nemam pojma....

ATI HD5750 CrossfireX

:: Koliko znam ati treba sa 10.4 drajverima da popravi performanse u rezimu 2D.
:: @Medo da li ce opengl da poboljsa performanse teselacije
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MaliAbner Re: Re: Izbacuju driver 27.03.2010. 18:53 #199885

status: user
broj poruka: 7769
Ma pusti ovi bar ne spaljuju grafiku...

Tomato Republic Of Serbia !!!

:: Sto znaci da nesto ne valja sa predhodnim drajverima
:: The Way It`s Meant To Be Played
:: :: svaka 2-3 dana :
:: ::
:: ::
:: :: _____________________________
:: :: ATI HD5750 CrossfireX
:: :: http://tinyurl.com/y92ufs
:: :: http://tinyurl.com/yka26c
:: :: http://tinyurl.com/yh3x5v
:: ::
:: ::
:: ::
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