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nVidia SLI cracked - works on all motherboards now?
Panta019 nVidia SLI cracked - works on all motherboards now? 24.09.2009. 23:42 T20387

status: user
broj poruka: 1583
We just got contacted by a friend of the site that inform us that Chinese xDev site managed to reverse engineer the SLI verification procedure and now SLI works everywhere. In case you didn`t knew, nVidia charges motherboard vendors five dollars [US] per motherboard if the motherboard is to support GeForce SLI. In terms of Quadro SLI, the company charges more and it only certifies complete systems, rather than motherboards. We suspect that this is what keeps an iron fist on the Quadro board market, where nVidia captured over 90% of the market.

But the main issue with SLI is the fact that there aren`t many AMD motherboards on the market supporting SLI, and renaming nForce 780a into 980a SLI was well… a closely followed pattern by nVidia in the past 24 months, with more rebrands than new ASICs.

Well, not anymore. According to Chinese xDev website, they found two ways how to activate SLI on ALL multi-GPU supporting motherboards, regardless of the chipset in place [but you have to have a minimum of two closed or open-ended PCIe slots fitting the graphics cards].

They`ve tried and tested SLI on 16 motherboards, from the oldest P965 and P35 to new AMD 790X chipsets and it worked every time. From graphics cards side, the team had pairings of nVidia GeForce 6600LE, 6800Ultra, 7900GS, 8800GTX, 9800GT, 9800GTX, GTX260-192, GTX260-216 and GTX285. The guys checked to see if their method works on 32-bit versions of Windows XP, Vista & 7 and 64-bit versions of Vista and Windows 7. In each and every case, the SLI worked.

Now, there are two ways to achieve this hack. From one side, you can use modified drivers but that method requires a hacking and tweaking each and every time you install a new driver. But there is a second method that allows you to install newer drivers - by replacing HAL [Hardware Abstraction Layer] and cheating the operating system about the motherboard chipset you have.

http://www.brightsideofnews.com/news/2009/9/24/nvidia-sli-cracked - -works-on-all-motherboards-now-.aspx


Braca Kinezi sve zivo krekovase.


Kod Kalču nema laganje.
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blackwolf - - - - - - - 25.09.2009. 00:02 #142772

status: user
broj poruka: 1506
Nema za koju godinu ćemo kupovati grafičke i matične u kineskom butiku za 100din komad biće Ati Padeon i mVidia
Black Wolf

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SkyFire Vec samo ovo video ali.. 25.09.2009. 02:42 #142795

status: user
broj poruka: 18472
Taman kad padne cena i metnem jos jednu GTX295 i to ovu novu sa jednim PCB..Al ce da przi..

Green Green Grass Of Home

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