ASUS Designs Own Monster Dual-GTX 285 4 GB Graphics Card
ASUS Designs Own Monster Dual-GTX 285 4 GB Graphics Card
28.05.2009. 18:12
status: user broj poruka: 1509
ASUS has just designed a new monster graphics card that breaks the mold for reference design GeForce GTX 295, called the ASUS MARS 295 Limited Edition. The card, although retains the name `GeForce GTX 295`, same device ID, and is compatible with existing NVIDIA drivers, has two huge innovations put in by ASUS, which go far beyond being yet another overclocked GeForce GTX 295: the company used two G200-350-B3 graphics processors, the same ones that make the GeForce GTX 285. The GPUs have all the 240 shader processors enabled, and also have the complete 512-bit GDDR3 memory interface enabled. This dual-PCB monstrosity holds 32 memory chips, and 4 GB of total memory (each GPU accesses 2 GB of it). Apart from these, each GPU system uses the same exact clock speeds as the GeForce GTX 285: 648/1476/2400 MHz (core/shader/memory).
Karta je stvarno monstrum ali pitanje je koliko ce da kosta.Asus ima da otkine od cene.Steta sto nije i referentni PCB da mogu da stavim vodeni block sa standardne GTX295
Za taj limited edition ce da oderu neke bogatase Bice karta skromnih 1000 Eur.Kupis strava komp za te pare.Muahahahaha! Nebi dao preko 5 glava za to nema teorije a i to je mnogo u danasnje vreme.Ali ipak kad pogledam koliko je sad GTX295 i koliko sam ga ja platio mozda bi i mogao da progutam 500 EUR mada realno bi bilo nekih 450 Eur ali od toga nema nista.Ova karta je samo marketinski potez i reklama za Asus mada niko neosporava njen kvalitet i brzinu.Sad je trenutno najbrzi monstrum koji postoji.
I Want to believe - The truth is out there
:: Da.Ii ono,jedan medju hiljadu.Posto vidim da je LIMITED EDITION 1/100 :: :: :: :: :: :: Uvek ima likova: ``Oću najbrže i kvit`...ili najskuplje. Laza Lazarević :: :: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :: :: Hoping for the best but expecting the worst. :: :: :: :: :: ::
Re: To je vec za duhovno rehabilitacioni centar Crna Reka
28.05.2009. 21:44
status: user broj poruka: 12057
Pa da, čim kreneš po tu karticu ili spremiš preko 300e za bilo koju, polupaju te od peglanja, tj predomisle te. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
:: Kad Ati pusta sa lanca one njene azdaje :: :: ::
Some details about NVIDIA`s GT300 were leaked yesterday, that chip will reportedly feature a whole new architecture with 512 MIMD cores but it`s expected to arrive several months later than ATI`s RV870.
:: Gt300 ce 7 meseci kasnije :: :: :: Some details about NVIDIA`s GT300 were leaked yesterday, that chip will reportedly feature a whole new architecture with 512 MIMD cores but it`s expected to arrive several months later than ATI`s RV870 :: ::
Mada, moram (dakle: preko volje) da priznam, da sam pre 5-6 godina procitao da je neko napravio Quad GPU verziju ATi-jeve 9800 AGP (sa 1GB video mem.). U to vreme, ovo je bila zver br.1 medju grafama.
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