da,ali ti si sigurno skinuo sa guru 3d-a te drajvere i to su bili beta.Ovo sam stavio za one koji skidaju sa nvidijinog sajta drajvere cisto da bi bili sigurniji.I ovo su whql drajveri!
Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) is a Microsoft procedure for certifying that the hardware for peripherals and other components is compatible (works as expected) with Microsoft Windows operating systems. WHQL provides test kits to third-party developers so that they can test their product`s compatibility. Products that are submitted to and meet the tests at Microsoft are allowed to display the Microsoft Windows logo on their marketing materials and are included in Microsoft`s Hardware Compatibility List (HCL).
Nightbird ISKUSTVO - Proporcionalno količini uništene opreme. HOBI - Način umaranja tokom slobodnog vremena.
Zadnjih 4-5 driver-a totalni crap. Kartica nece obara u 2D clock-ove, ili pali 3D kad pokrenem LimeWire, Photoshop, ACDSee i jos dosta toga na spisku ..cak i kad se pokrene Everest ..
Bole me uvo za performanse ako ce mi drzi 3D u idle ..
a dobro bre, znam da sam mogao da guglam ali mi nije to toliko hitno, samo pitao cisto onako, da mi neko kaze u 2 reci sta je. Hvala
:: Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) is a Microsoft procedure for certifying that the hardware for peripherals and other components is compatible (works as expected) with Microsoft Windows operating systems. WHQL provides test kits to third-party developers so that they can test their product`s compatibility. Products that are submitted to and meet the tests at Microsoft are allowed to display the Microsoft Windows logo on their marketing materials and are included in Microsoft`s Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) :: :: Nightbird :: ISKUSTVO - Proporcionalno količini uništene opreme :: HOBI - Način umaranja tokom slobodnog vremena. :: ::
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