Ja sam imao Asus-a iz serija 3850,i jedino uz asusov program koji se zove SmartDoctor,uspeo da podesim da se ventilator zavisno od temperature,sam ubrzava.Nisam ti puno pomogao ali toliko od mene.Pozz
Probaj sa ATI Tray Tools ili nekom novijom beta verzijom. Ta temperatura je, otprilike normalna za tu karticu pri tim obrtajima ventilatora. Bez panike. Ona se isključuje tek posle 110C.
Idi na gogle pa ukucaj youtube fan fix for 4850 na youtube ces naci na videu ceo postupak prati pazljivo verovatno si nesto propustio. Javi sta si uradeo Vlada
Mozda ovo pomogne:AMD`s Radeon HD 4000 series graphics cards are impressive on most fronts, but, they`re a touch hotter than most users would like - particularly the single-slot Radeon HD 4850.
The heat-factor isn`t helped by AMD`s lacklustre automatic fan control. Up until now, users have been unable to manually control the speed of their fans.
That, however, is no longer the case as a forum user going by the name of bretware over at Guru3D has provided a useful workaround that`ll let users manually control their card`s fan speed, and consequently lower temperatures.
According to bretware, a user needs to follow these simple steps:
1. In Catalyst Control Centre, make sure clock and memory settings are correct and turn on Overdrive 2. Create a Catalyst Control Centre profile called `fanspeed` 3. Navigate to C:UsersUserNameAppDataLocalATIACE and you`ll find an XML file titled `fanspeed`, open the file in Notepad or your preferred editor. The file should resemble the following: 4. As shown above, change the `FanSpeedAlgorithm` value to Manual and the `FanSpeedPercentTarget` value to 65 (or your preferred fan speed in percentage) 5. Save the file and reload the `fanspeed` profile in Catalyst Control Centre.
If you`re unable to locate the XML file, you may be required to set your operating system to show hidden/system files.
Bretware adds that `you may have to select the profile everytime you start the computer, but it will work until there is a fix or better info so i can figure how to change the auto target temp`.
meni RivaTuner 2.09 radi sa Radeonom 3850. Automatska reguacija radi slabo, ali sam napravio manuelno 2 profila 45% za 2D i 70% za 3D. Ovo drži temp na 60 u 2D i max na 70 u 3D. ATT ne prepoznaje ventilator a verovatno neće prepoznati ni 4850.
Ja imam Sapphirov 4850... Snimi profil pa ga edituj... Menjas samo ono iz Automatic u Manual, i za fanspeed (tipa 30) stavis malo vecu vrednost (ja sam stavio na 40 i spusti temperaturu na 55-60)
Koristim iste verzije Rive i Catalysta i sve radi kako treba. Šta znači `Celo vreme` - kad se startuje RivaTuner ili kad? Meni je to prijavio samo prvi put kad sam instalirao drajver, tad sam stisnuo Ignore ili nešto tako i više ne smara a radi kako treba (ponavnjam samo u fixed opciji ne na automatic).
Cudno da ne mozes da editujes profil kod svih drugih radi mora da negde gresis. Sacekaj novu rivu koja izlazi krajem meseca,slobodno se igraj kartica moze da izdrzi do 110 stepeni Vlada
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