U biosu se vidi CD rom ali sa njega nista ne ocitava. Probao sam i sa lunuxom ali ga uopste ne vidi.
Upozorenje daje E:/ refers to a location that is unavailable. It could be a hard drive on this computer, or on a network. Check to make sure that the disk is properly inserted, or that you are connected to the Onternet or you network, and then try again. If it still cannot be located, the information might have been moved to a different location. - OK
Pokusaj da ga izvuces pa ponovo vrati i ocisti mu laser sa stapicima za uho/grlo/nos:)
Malo mi je cudno da ga BIOS vidi, a linux ne, hmmm , m ora da nema neki od kontakta ili je, nazalost crko.
- Majstore, da li će ići ili neće ići? - Hm, mislim da će biti čupavo.
:: U biosu se vidi CD rom ali sa njega nista ne ocitava. Probao sam i sa lunuxom ali ga uopste ne vidi :: :: Upozorenje daje :: E:/ refers to a location that is unavailable. It could be a hard drive on this computer, or on a network. Check to make sure that the disk is properly inserted, or that you are connected to the Onternet or you network, and then try again. If it still cannot be located, the information might have been moved to a different location. - OK :: :: Komp je Aser 5520 AMD 64 Athlon X2, sa 2 GB rama :: :: Dragan0 :: ::
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