Pazi da ti neko ne veruje ... Ti sa 100 nadimaka ... hahaha ... Čitam benchmark i plačem kada vidim da se samo žališ i postavljaš one sličice testova ... odjebao si se sa tim Agility 3 samo tako ... BSOD kao pleve - - kukaš da bi ga vratio ... odjebali te tamošnji cvikeraši i ubedili da kupiš sata III SSD ...
Vertex 2 je za taj tvoj Agility 3 izmislio BRZINU!!!!!
Ajd napravi još neki nalog pa svrni ...
:: kako god zelis,... cena je dobra, ja sam uzeo agility 3 za 1k dinara vise.. :: :: :: ASUS P6X58D PREMIU :: INTEL CORE I7-950 4.4 GHZ, CORSAIR H70-PUSH&PULL BY SCYTH :: 3X2GB MUSHKIN 2000mhz CL :: ASUS GTX570 Direct CU I :: OCZ AGILITY :: NZXT LEXA S NEON MODDE :: MAD CATZ R.A.T. :: CORSAIR HX85 :: VIEWSONIC VX2739W :: ::
Dobar je V-ex 2 al` uzmi Agility 3, trebaće ti za neko buduće vreme...
- e, obavezno uradi ovo:
1) Set your bios to AHCI before installation. Do not use IDE or Legacy mode! 2) Do not use any OS other than Windows 7. During Windows 7 installation, do a `quick` NTFS format, not a `full` format! Never full format your SSD! 3) Once Windows is installed, open Device Manager and find your SSD. You will most likely see `intel` `marvel` or `nvidia` as the driver. Right click and choose update driver software. Choose `Browse my computer...` and `Let me pick from a list...` Click on the standard Microsoft AHCI driver 1.0. 4) After you install other drivers like video drivers, check your windows experience index score. This drive can score a 7.9 if everything is set up properly and you`re using SATA III (6.0 Gbps). This also automatically tweaks windows 7 for your SSD (disabled defrag and such). 5) Now from Control Panel go to Hardware -> Power Options. Click `High Performace`. If you don`t want to use this power plan, visit the OCZ forums to learn how to prevent Windows from `sleeping` your SSD. 6) Finally, you need to adjust your page file. In System Properties, choose the `Advanced` tab. Under `Performance` choose the `Settings...` button. Click the `Advanced` tab again, and under `Virtual Memory` click the `Change...` command button. Uncheck Automatically manage size and select Custom Size. Set the Initial size to 2048 and max size to 2048 and click `Set` command button. Click OK, and restart
Not 4 Every1
:: Dal uzeti? Vidim da se neki ljudi zale na ove nove serije, ali cena je vise nego povoljn :: :: ::
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