nakon sto sam prebacio sta sam hteo (nebitne neke filmove i tako to) sam kliknuo ono standard na safely remove hw i to i nije se nista pokazalo niti promenilo pa sam ja izvukao usb i onda nakon 3-4 sekunde kaze kao error neki cannot access nesto bla bla ne secam se tacno... no medjutim nakon toga, kad sam ga odma vratio da proverim dal je ziv ili ne.. odgovor je bio negativan.. nije moj flash pa mi je malo frka.. sta mi je ciniti? jel ga ikako moguce vratiti nazad u zivot ? ne cita ga uopste..ko da je potpun `tav..
Da li si pokusao da restartujes komp pa da onda ubacis u neki drugi USB port? Ili da stavis u tudj komp pa da vidis jel radi?
Osim ovoga, nista mi ne pada na pamet :\
Meni je nekada izbacivao device has malfunctioned dok sam imao externi hard, i restart je sredjivao stvar, mada, posle nekog vremena, device je stvarno bio malfunctioned .)
Right click and choose “Manage” from the contextual menu. This will open a window called “Computer Management.”
select “Disk Management”, which is under “Storage”
On the bottom right side of the window, you’ll see a list of all of the storage devices currently attached to the computer. If your flash drive is listed there, that’s great—you can fix the problem. If not, this solution won’t work.
Right click on the drive listed in that window. This will bring up a contextual menu. Choose “Change Drive Letter and Paths.”
This will bring up yet another window, which will show your “missing” drive. Choose “Change” at the bottom.
Another window will pop up. This one will have a drop down menu on the right hand side. Choose a letter “higher” than the one currently assigned to the drive. If it’s “E”, for example, choose a letter between “F” and “Z.” Its probably best to pick one toward the end of the alphabet.
Once you’ve selected a drive letter, a warning message will come up saying that “Changing The Drive Letter of a Volume Might Cause Programs No Longer To run.”
That’s OK. It’s likely that all you’ve got on the drive is data. Click on Yes.
That will return you to the Computer Management Window.
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